AJAX :: Get URL From Server And Fire Event?
Aug 31, 2010
i want to open new window ,but i dont want to provide url link in script because i want to hide this link from user.so is there any method to get URL from server and fire event to open new window after cliking button which has some server logic on that basis serever return URL.
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May 12, 2010
I have developed a web application which contains aspdotnet treeview control. In this treeview control has binded with some database value.. that controls has one parent node and more than one child nodes for each parent node.
my problem is here, when the user clicks the parent node, I need to fire a javascript onclick function before the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged) called..
If I provide javascript to the parnet node when it is binding, then I could not fire the server side event(SelectedNodeChanged).
How to provide onclick javascript event for parent node in treeview control even the parent node has SelectedNodeChanged event.
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protected string CreateModuleMenu()
var modules = ModuleManager.GetModulesByDeveloperId(Developer.DeveloperID);
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Sep 12, 2012
I have a scenario where i have 4 asp buttons , on click of each button there are 4 labels inside 4 seperate divs where each displays seperate data.
Now if i click second button i need to display second label text inside 2nd div and hide all other divs.How can i achieve this ?
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displayAlternate('second'); return false; --> if i do this server side event is not fired ...
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How can I achieve functionality where all divs expect 2nd is hidden and i get server side event also..
Below is code.
<html xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml">
<head runat="server">
<form id="form1" runat="server">
<script type="text/javascript">
function displayAlternate(id) {
[Code] .....
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Mar 17, 2010
How can I fire a ModalPopupExtender on the SelectIndexChanged event of a dropdownlist?
I only want it to fire when a particular value is chosen in the list.
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Jan 12, 2011
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What could i possibly do wrong, to achieve this?
Here's my code, just in case:
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1st DropDownList
TargetControlID="drdBranch" ServiceMethod="GetBranchList"
Category="Branch" PromptText="Select
Branch" PromptValue=""
LoadingText="Loading Branch...">
2nd DropDownList
TargetControlID="drdRM" ServiceMethod="GetRMList"
ParentControlID="drdBranch" Category="RM"
PromptText="Select RM"
LoadingText="Loading RM..."> </Ajax:CascadingDropDown>
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However, if another usercontrol on the same aspx page causes a partial postback, the SliderExtender causes the TextChanged event to be raised - for no aparent reason. This is causing problems.
Is it possible to prevent postback unless the slider has actually been moved?!
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<input type="hidden" runat="server" id="hidden" name="hiddenColConfigure"/>
Code behind:
hidden.Attributes.Add("oninit", "initHiddenConfigure("this");
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Aug 17, 2010
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Nov 22, 2010
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Feb 2, 2010
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I also have a button event for my "OK" button and that works great, but my cancel event doesnt seem to fire or work. Maybe the ClearSelection() is not what i need..
I want to clear the radiobutton if they cancel out of the ModalPopUp so they can make a new selection, since its a required field.
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Mar 11, 2010
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Sep 23, 2010
The AsyncFileUpload control turns green, indicating that the attachment was successfully uploaded, but the designated method for handling the server side UploadedComplete event is never executed.
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Nov 15, 2010
I am creating nested accordion using the object model and have created buttons in the inner accordion's accordion pane. The buttons look great but issue is that the buttons does not fire thier click event. They just do the postback of the page and ignore the event.
I want to show a pop-upextender on the pre_init event but all my panes are added dynamically so it does not give any rows.
My code
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Aug 31, 2010
I have a button like this:
<asp:Button ID="btnSave" runat="server" ClientIDMode="Static" Text="Save" OnClientClick="return ConfirmSave();" OnClick="btnSave_Click" />
If I write my client function like the following, it works as expected:
function ConfirmSave()
return confirm('Confirm?');
But I should check, inside the function, for the confirm result, like this:
function ConfirmSave()
if (Page_ClientValidate('validationGroup'))
var conf = confirm("Confirm?");
if (conf)
$('#btnSave').attr('disabled', 'disabled');
return conf;
return false;
Doing this, the page postback but the server click event doesn't fire.
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Feb 18, 2011
I have a DropDownList that fires off some server-side databinding in its OnSelectedIndexChanged event.
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlGroup" runat="server"
AutoPostBack="True" OnSelectedIndexChanged="SelectGroup" />
Elsewhere in the page, some JavaScript opens a popup. When the popup is filled out and submitted, I want to use JavaScript to fire that OnSelectedIndexChanged event in the opener page. I found some other code that does something similar:
if (window.opener != null ) {
var cf = window.opener.document.forms['aspnetForm'];
if (!cf) {
cf = window.opener.document.aspnetForm;
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Nov 24, 2010
i have a grideview which their is a LinkButton control i want to wite some code in that event i i do that. I am providing the code for better understanding
Code Behind
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