DataSource Controls :: How To Merge Two DataSets Into A Single DataGrid

Mar 27, 2010

I've tried:


I've also tried:


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Similar Messages:

Forms Data Controls :: How To Merge Two Datasets Into One Grid

Mar 19, 2010

I have two datasets called ds and ds1 that I want to merge into a grid. I get data from the first dataset to display in the grid but the second dataset where I want to display a count I don't get any data from it. I am trying a ds.Merge(ds1). here is the code i have for the sub. What am I doing incorrectly?


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Forms Data Controls :: Merge Column Cell In Datagrid?

Dec 11, 2010

I have a datagrid, I want to merging cell. I want my datagrid look like this

Material Name
Material A
Material B

I want to merge the cell programmitically when ItemDataBound.

1,2,3,...,31 are material date request. If I request Material B with quantity 4500 from 2nd until 4th the cell will be merge.

I already read about Merge Cell in Gridview in this forum, but this solution is different with datagrid.

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Data Controls :: Merge Multiple GridView Rows And Display As Comma Separated (delimited) In One Single Row

Dec 23, 2015

Is there any chance to add more than one grid row in single grid row like this.

<h1> Question</h1>
<table width="100%">
<tr style="background-color:Gray; color:White;">
<td> Name
</td> <td> Product

[Code] .....

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MVC 2 - Merge All Outputs To A Single Assembly?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a Web Deployment Project in my solution. The solution consists of the MVC2 App and another Class Library.

In the Web Deployment Project properties I have the Merge all outputs to a single assembly option ticked and I have given it a name.

When I look in the bin folder I have all my reference DLL's from my MVC app, a DLL with the name of my MVC project and then a DLL by then name I gave it when choosing the Merge all outputs to a single assembly option.

I imagined this option would create 1 DLL not all DLL's plus another one.

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DataSource Controls :: Using LINQ To Pull Out A Single Value From A Single Result Row Of A Join Query?

May 25, 2010

For context: First of all, I am new to LINQ, as I have been using SubSonic for quite some time now.

I have two tables, Users, and Affiliates. They both have a very typical schema. The FK that joins them is the UserId field, which is in the Affiliates table. I want to create a LINQ query that pulls the Username from the Users table using the AffiliateId value. The AffiliateId is a primary key of the Affiliates table.

I have tried to accomplish this using many variations of the following code:


In the above query, I expect to get a single row result set. However, I instead receive the entire table of results.

How can I make this work? I have yet to see an example or article out there to do what I am trying to do.

View 9 Replies

DataSource Controls :: How To Merge Two Datatable

Feb 12, 2010

I did a merge on 2 datatable. The result is as per After Merged below, but I expected to the result to be the Expected result.

Before merge


After Merge


Expected result


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DataSource Controls :: How To Merge Two Database In One Master DB

May 15, 2010

Can I know How to Merge two Database in One Master Database.

My DB1 database has same Design as DB2 database and also same table name with same structur.

Actuallly we are using different data store for different unit.

Now Planning to merge existing database and make it one.

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DataSource Controls :: New To Merge, Finding The Right Syntax?

Jul 7, 2010


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DataSource Controls :: How To Merge Two Table Based On SQL Query

Jun 7, 2010

This is my table stucture...

This is first table...

ItemNo refno Process Name Qty
001 1 A John 50
001 2 A Jon 150
002 3 B
Kalis 100
003 4 A
Bob 300
Second Table
ItemNo Newrefno Process Name Qty
001 001 ZZ peter 50
001 001/a ZkZ Joe 70
002 002 Ab Ray 100
Result Set
001 A John 200 001/a ZZ ZkZ peter joe 50 70
002 B
Kalis 100 002 Ab Null Ray Null 100 Null
003 A
Bob 300 null null null null null null null

Here first row of the result set explanation:

up to this 001 A John 200 based on first table sum...

and 001/a zz ZkZ peter joe 50 70

here 001/a newrefno of 001 so i need to show all the ItemNo 001 record in one row like the above resultset.

View 4 Replies

Controls - Store A Single Item That Has The Template Content Behavior Of The DataList And DataGrid?

Aug 16, 2010

Context: In an ASP.NET application, I need the behavior of the ItemTemplate / EditItemTemplate that the DataList control provides. However, I only need one item in my control, which makes the DataList seems like overkill.

Question: Is there a control in ASP.NET made to store a single item that has the template content behavior of the DataList and DataGrid? Should I use a DataList for only one item?

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DataSource Controls :: Merge Two Sets Of Data From A SqlDataAdapter And An OleDataAdapter And Then Populate A Gridview On A Button Click?

Jun 4, 2010

trying to merge two sets of data from a SqlDataAdapter and an OleDataAdapter and then populate a gridview on a button click. If I run just the SqldataAdapter on its own the grid populates as expected. This also applies to the OleDataAdapter. The problem arises when I try to merge the two. I get an empty table, hence dt3 is not populating. The code i'm using is below.Does anyone know why this doesn't work?


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Database In Datagrid By Clicking Single Update Button

Feb 21, 2011

i got a problem to update my database which i bounded to datagrid. The problem is, i want to update my database only by clicking one update button at the bottom.. when the user click it, all the fields will be updated to database.

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Merge Two Datasource To Gridview?

Jan 24, 2011

what is the best way of doing?, i have one table that returns one set of data and another table that returns another set of data, so in my gridview i want to display

id,name = dataset1
registration_id, registration_name = dataset2

gridview looks like this:

id | name | reg_id | reg_name |

View 2 Replies

SQL Server :: Load Datagrid With Single Call To Database?

Dec 6, 2010

I have a grid having 60000 records (implemented paging) . I want to update these records , user can view these records in a single page alsowhile updating these records I am making 60000 times database calls in a for each loop like

for each( datagridrows rows in gridviews.rows)

// getting the datakeys ...
// calling a sp to update specific records....


This approch works fine but creates performance issue .

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SQL Reporting :: Link Multiple DataSets Then Put Data Fields From Multiple DataSets Into One Data Region?

Sep 23, 2010

How to link multiple DataSets (why SSRS call it a DataSet even there is only one bunch of data fields in it) using keys, then put data fields from multiple DataSets into one Data Region? The reason I have to do this is: There will be 6 major DataSets to be used together few times in same report, it is not make sense to build a huge Matrix for all of them together. (in some data region I use data from dataset A and B, some times I use data from dataset A and C, D ...)

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Web Forms :: Write Single Line At A Time From Datagrid To Text File?

Jul 12, 2010

I have read plenty of tutorials on taking a datagrid to a text file, but I haven't seen anything about taking a single cell from a datagrid, formatting it, and writing it to a text file. Is this possible, am I going about it wrong?

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DataSource Controls :: Using Linqdatasource And Datagrid?

Mar 12, 2010

i am an beginner, i am a windows application programmer and currently i am working on big project " Human Resources" and i need to allow the users to apply for jobs using a web windows application, i can use the bindingsource to bind textboxes and comboboxes to the fields of an object from L2S.and to bind the datagrid also to the detailed data and the page will be for inserting issue only,i.e i don't need to bring the data of applicants and certificates from the database, i just need some lookup data like maritalstatusCombo and availableJobsList things to allow the user to choose can i do this using linqdatasource.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Read A Single Row

Feb 5, 2011

I wanted to know is it possible to pass "SqlDataSource" data to a variable? if not how can i use datareader to do this?

i couldn't figure out how to pass SqlDataSource to a varialbe so i tried use datareader and i'm stuck in middle of it, also my query only returns one row and one column so i rather not to use array if possible. here is my code:


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DataSource Controls :: Get Sum In Single Query?

Jan 4, 2010

I have 2 tables table1 and table2 as given below.

Table1 - user master table. table2 - transaction table. Now I want to write a single query which will give results like table 3. how to write single query.



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DataSource Controls :: Setup A DataRelation Using A DataGrid?

Apr 2, 2010

tblUsers (Primary db using conn1)
tblResponses (Secondary db using conn2)


This constraint cannot be enabled as not all values have corresponding parent values.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Know If A Single Row Query Fails

Jan 15, 2010

I am using a 'SingleOrDefault' LINQ query with a Lambda expression such as:

Email email = db.Emails.SingleOrDefault(p => p.Email1 == Textbox1.Text);

If the textbox entry does not match anything stored in the table, how would I know and how could I deal with this situation in the code?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Return A Single Row Where There Is A One To Many Relationship

Jun 23, 2010

I have 2 tables. Table_A has one to many relationship with Table_B.

For example. Table_A has an ApplicantKey and in Table_B I am storing (Resume_name and CoverLetter_name for the Applicant). Joined by ApplicantKey

Now when I join them and execute the query obviously it returns me two rows. But what I want is that it should return only one row with Columns like Resume_name, CoverLetter_Name

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DataSource Controls :: How To Lock Single Row For Update

Jul 2, 2010

i develop a c# windows application. My database is sql server 2008 exp. i want lock single row for user select it for update. for example;

userA - Connection a (connection id 52);

user select a single row (select * from t1 with(rowlock?, updlock?,or what) where id=1) and bind data to form fields (texbox, checkbox,combobox etc.). (there is no problem)

userB - Connection b (connection id 54);

userB can select all other rows from t1 (where id=2 or 3 or anything) but not id=1. when userB select * from t1 where id=1 system generate an exception with (you cannot select this row because it is updated. Updated users connection id is 52.)

when userA (connectionid52) close form or commit changes then userB can select id=1.

i am read few documents (transacions, rowlock,updlock, concurrency violation optimistic,pessimistic) but i couldn't understand.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Get Single Record From SqlDataSource

May 25, 2010

I need to get one record from rows. For example:


id, name, age, nick, gender , etc...

1, John, 18, gobb, M, ....
2, Andrew, 22 , AND, M, .....
3, Simon, 35, Lucky, M, ......

How to Get name (For example Simon) from DB and enter it into label? Or perhaps this is impossible?

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