VS 2010 Changing From DataAdapters/DataSets To DataSources

Nov 13, 2010

How do you control database server access when you use datasources in VB 2010?How do you access multiple tables from a store procedure using datasources?

Explanation:My experience is with VB.NET for the most part. I've written a lot of apps drawing data through dataadapters into datasets and processing them to provide reports in aspx.

I'm starting to work in VB 2010 and those elements are no longer available. What appears to be the weapon of choice is the datasource.What I'm not seeing: 2 important things that I can't work without:

1. Control over when the database server is hit with a connection request; daMyQuery.Fill (MyDataSet) was an explicit command that I could use to collect my data on demand. From that point on, I could use the dataset as I wished to populate whatever controls or structures I wished - the database server was no longer needed and wasn't hit by my apps until another pageload.

2. Multiple Tables in a query result; This must be there, I just can't find the method by which to reference different tables in my SQL output. Previous, I would have a dataadapter which would use a stored procedure to deliver a dataset of multiple - sometimes many - tables for use in the application. I can't find the equivalent on a datasource.

So my two big-ticket needs - requests for assistance, really - are listed above: How do you get at multiple tables returned from a stored procedure;and;How do you keep datasources for hitting the dbserver whenever you use it if there is no equivalent to a 'fill' method?

I guess another - how would you walk through the rows of a dataset?

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DataSets are sub-par amateur solutions to code your Data layer...Stop Using Them and learn to CODE! :)

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SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.ServiceTBLTableAdapter sta = new SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.ServiceTBLTableAdapter();
SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.RoutesTBLTableAdapter rta = new SEPTA_DSTableAdapters.RoutesTBLTableAdapter();
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)


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