"Add As Link" For JavaScript Files Returning 404 In Debug?

Nov 12, 2010

Using a Visual Studio 2010 ASP.net web application, I have several projects that share some JavaScript/css files. The most logical way for them to share these files is to place the files in a single folder and each project has them included with the "Add as Link" option. However, if I add the files this way when I'm debugging using either the Visual Studio Development server or debugging using a local IIS web server all requests for these files return 404 Not Found errors. If I publish the site then the files are copied but that obviously doesn't with debugging.

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Similar Messages:

Visual Studio :: Unable To Debug The Javascript Files

Jun 1, 2010

I am using VS 2008 for development of a web application and IE 7.

The website as usually has some java script and some server side code files (different layers).

For some reason when I start the application in the debug mode (by hitting F5), the break points in the JS are not hit. I get the usual error as no symbols are loaded. But the break points in the CS files in the layers are hit.

If I use (CTLR + F5) and then attach the IE process to debug, then I am able to hit the break points in the JS file. But in this scenario I cant debug the CS files (I presume this is the expected bahaviour).

EDIT: In the IE (properties dialog), 'disable debugging' are unchecked.

why in the F5 mode I am not able to hit the debug points. The same used to work in the different machine not sure what is wrong in this one.

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Debug When Using Full HTML Link Path In Links?

Jun 23, 2010

I read that for many reasons its better you use full link paths between pages in my site.

The question is how can i debug and work on my local testing environment when all of the links are with full path?

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AJAX :: Unable To Debug / Debug EditPanel.debug.js File Of HTML Editor?

Apr 13, 2010

I want to debug EditPanel.debug.js file of HTML Editor, but it never shows in VS 08 and Im sure it executes to that line.What I did to enable debuggingUnchecked both 2 checkboxes for disabling the debugging

Set ScriptMode="Debug"

Change following line

[ClientScriptResource("AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel", "AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel.js")]
[ClientScriptResource("AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel", "AjaxControlToolkit.HTMLEditor.EditPanel.debug.js")]

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Script Files Returning 404 Error?

Mar 11, 2010

I'm using ASP.Net and whenever I create a script file or try to include a script file like jQuery they aren't working. I am doing just a regular localhost server and none of the scripts are working. Upon further examination using firebug I look at whats being referenced in those scripts and it shows html code for a 404 error. I know the scripts and files are there and I can navigate directly to them in the browser but for some reason I can't reference them in my page.

Here is a screenshot:

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SQL Server :: Returning Backup Files To Applications?

Oct 16, 2010

I want to send a backup command to sql server and return backup file to my c# application.

sql server is another machine and I have not access to its hard disk.

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Visual Studio :: Web.debug.config Files Are Gone?

Oct 6, 2010

When I want to build my website it complains the web.debug.config file cannot be copied.I can't find this file, how can I restore it?I do have a web.config file!

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MVC :: Javascript Not Returning Value To Controller

Jul 26, 2010

My js code is not returning my groupId back to the controller. Her is my js function:


I have checked for that the groupid comes in.

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C# - Why It's Not Possible To Debug IscriptControl Javascript Code

Dec 7, 2010

I use visual studio 2008. When I set breakpoints on code they don't break. So only thing I can do is to debug "manually" using firefox with firebug.Is there a way to debug with Visual studio?

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Visual Studio :: How To Debug Javascript

Jun 1, 2010

I am using VS2010 and am working on an ASP.NET web application for .net 4.0.

I have created a file called StringUtilities.js and placed it in a subfolder of my application called Scripts.

The entire content of the file is listed here:


In one of my .aspx pages I have the following code:


On a button's "OnClientClick" (for example) I call the method encodeText() and everything works fine.

Today I added the method updateImage() which calls StringUtilities.js - updateAttribute() method, also added today.

If I open that unit in VS2010 and place a break point in the source code for the new method it turns white and says:

"The breakpoint will not currently be hit. No symbols have been loaded for this document.".

What gets even stranger (this is so hard to exaplain)....

Before today I did not have the method updateAttribute() in that .js file. So even though my source editor is showing all of my new source code changes, if I trace the previous method that did exists - htmlEncode(), the trace lines in the editor are highlighting where the lines "used" to be. which is near the top of that file as if my new code was not there.

It just sounds like there must be a different way of tracing javascript and the way I am doing it must not be it. I would have assumed it worked the same way I would trace my c# code.

View 8 Replies

Debug Embedded JavaScript From Visual Studio?

Feb 25, 2011

I'm not sure if this is the correct forum for this but I was just wondering, I'm very new to Javascript programming and was wondering if their is a way to debug embedded JavaScript from Visual Studio, current and old versions?

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Visual Studio :: 2010 Cannot Debug Javascript?

Feb 24, 2011

This is weird: When I try to debug ASP.NET web application, Visual Studio 2010 gives me this message "Script debugging of your application is disabled in Internet Explorer", but in my IE 7 (Internet Options --> Advanced), both "Disable Script Debugging" checkboxes are not checked.

what happens to my Visual Studio 2010?

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How To Debug Javascript Registered With RegisterClientScriptBlock Method

Aug 29, 2010

I have many existing scripts that I need to debug, all embededed from code behind.

I would prefer to use Visual Studio 2008 client side debbging features, but breakpoints can only be set inside the aspx file withing a script block.

The problem is I can't put a breakpoint on the scripts because they are all registered from the code behind file(not the aspx file). The scripts are added to the page using ClientScriptManager.RegisterClientScriptBlock Method (Type, String, String, Boolean)

Here is an example(it's not broke, just an example of how it's added to the page).

if (!cs.IsClientScriptBlockRegistered(cstype, csname2))
StringBuilder cstext2 = new StringBuilder();
cstext2.Append("<script type="text/javascript"> function DoClick() {");
cstext2.Append("Form1.Message.value='Text from client script.'} </");
cs.RegisterClientScriptBlock(cstype, csname2, cstext2.ToString(), false);

Is it possible to debug it without having to pull out each script in a test page?

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AJAX :: Returning DataSet / Datatable From Webmethod To Javascript

Sep 16, 2010

I have a simple web method written in the code-behind (not a separate asmx) of a test aspx page.

All it does is return a DataTable(or DataSet) both are failing, gives a blank 500 error saying "There was an error processing the request"

If I switch the return variable type to String, it works fine

I think my issue has to do with the version of the System.Web.Extensions, is that the assembly that actually contains the JSON communication implementation?

I've read all kinds of tutorials about how it should be possible to return the DataTable to javascript and then read the properties with javascript syntax.

For some reason it isn't working for me.

My web extensions is imported through my web.config with the following version

Version=1.0.61025.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31BF3856AD364E35"/>

View 5 Replies

Javascript - Dropdown List Returning Selected Value Empty?

Aug 11, 2010

I use to populate Dropdown using javascript:

function populateDDL(ddl_id) {
var option_str = "";
var x;
for(x in datalist){
option_str += " <asp:ListItem Value='" + datalist[x] + "' Text='" + datalist[x] + "'></asp:ListItem>"
var country_div = document.getElementById(ddl_id);
country_div.innerHTML = option_str;

This is sure the datalist is not empty and also Dropdown list populated perfectly..but dnt know why after clicking on my page add button I am not getting the selected value.

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Javascript - AJAX Enabled Controls Are Working - Debug When Necessary?

Mar 2, 2011

I use AJAX controls a lot - AJAX update panels, AJAX-enabled grids, etc. (mostly from Infragistics), and most of the time, things work great. But sometimes they don't, and I have no idea where to start with debugging etc. The AJAX part of it is a black box (seemingly), and I really don't like that. I want to know enough about AJAX and javascript such that I have confidence to work with these controls instead of just praying that they work. I want to be able to debug them, and also have confidence that I am using them properly (because I don't feel I can possibly use them really properly and appropriately if I don't know what they are doing). What do I need to know to get this comfort? Where can I learn about this? How should I go about tackling learning about this?

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Use The ScriptManager To Manage Release And Debug Versions Of My JavaScript?

Oct 26, 2010

I have an application that uses various script files. These files are not used for any AJAX purposes. However, I am using MS AJAX Libraries. My goal is to use the ScriptManager to manage release and debug versions of my JavaScript. Is this the right approach? Is there a better way to handle this task?

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Returning Data Back From Dynamically Created Fields (javascript)

Apr 5, 2010

Once again i am faced with an issue. I must allow a user to add as many pieces of data as they wish. I have therefore employed some javascript from an tutorial


I would now like to return the data from the dynamic fields through the c#(.cs page)

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Javascript - Response Object Not Returning Excel Stream In Update Panel?

Oct 11, 2010

I am generating an Excel file upon a click of a button in an update panel. It is throwing a parsing error.

If I keep the button outside the update panel it is working fine. Why isn't it working in the update Panel?

Response.ContentType = "application/vnd.ms-excel"
String.Format("attachment;filename={0}", filename))
Private Function WriteToStream() As MemoryStream
'Write the stream data of workbook to the root directory
Dim file As MemoryStream = New MemoryStream
Return file
End Function

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Link Button And JavaScript / Change A Standard HTML Input Button To A Link Button

Mar 1, 2011

I need to change a standard HTML Input button to a Link button but am running into problems because the existing

code calls a javascript function. The function basically does the same as the browser back button. When I add the code and

set the property runat="server" I get a "CS1026: ) expected".

Quite new to ASP,net (VS2010) so could be going about this the wrong way.



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Web Forms :: How To Use A Treeview To Link To Files In Subfolders

Feb 19, 2010

I have a folder "hr" on my "WebApps" site. In that folder, are a severl subfolders: MS, NC, VA and so forth. Each subfolder contains a series of .pdf documents. Rather than create an .aspx page in each subfolder with a corresponding static link in a default-type page in the parent folder, I thought it would look better to set up a treeview which lists each subfolder name and, when clicked on, displays links to the files inside each subfolder. So far so good. Where it's breaking down is the actual link to each document.

Is there a way to set the hyperlink up programmatically?

This is my treeview code (nothing fancy):



I'm just not sure where to go from here.


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Web Forms :: Link To Files Outside Website Structure?

Jan 10, 2010

on my current contract, they're telling me that they want to store and upload files outside the website structure - same drive, but a different path (like C:Files)

They also want a page inside the website to list them - that part I can do - I use System.IO to list all the files in that folder, and put an HTML hyperlink to each one of them.

However, when you click on the files, they don't open.

The boss tells me this can be done by somehow making this outside folder a share and using impersonation - but I don't get it.

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Web Forms :: How To Send .exe Files On Link Button Click

Oct 1, 2010

i am having one .exe file and after clicking linkbutton it should redirect to that .exe file and it should start downloading.

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Web Forms :: Link Two Aspx Files For A Popup Window?

Feb 25, 2010

I have a question. How can I link two different aspx. Webforms? I have one that is the Scheduler.aspx, and one that is NewEvent.aspx. And On the scheduler.aspx, I have the scheduler. And on the NewEvent.aspx. I have some textboxs, labels etc to insert a new time slot. But I need to be able to click on the free time slot on the scheduler and then have the NewEvent pop up in a window.

I've been able to do this if I put all of my code on one aspx file. And create a label and then click on the label to get the popup to appear.

But I can't figure out how to do it based off of a free slot on the scheduler.

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C# - Is Returning List<T> From Method Differ In Performance From Returning Collection<T>?

Jul 18, 2010

We have a web project that contain its business methods in a class library project called "Bll.dll"
some methods of Bll.dll return List<> ... from a source - that i don't remember now - told that returning Collection<> is better than returning List<> Is it a valid ? Note that i don't make any process on values returned from BLL methods .. just view it in a web page

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