Add Custom Button To Jquery Dropdown Checklist?

Apr 1, 2011

I want to put a ASP.NET button when the dropdownlist checklist opens. I am using the jQuery-UI dropdownlist checklist. There is an example of what I want below.

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Forms Data Controls :: Custom Gridview / Insert The Custom Dropdown Button Using Server Control For Each Column?

Aug 18, 2010

i've created a webform with one gridview having connected with the database using datasource. i.e password database with three colomn .

now want to insert the custom dropdown button using server control for each column.

when i select the dropdown list the list should display the value as required.

e.g if i click the uname dropdownlist then it should show the list of names.

if i click on pwd dropdownlist then it should show the list of numbers.

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can i get code on this type of question...?

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JQuery Set Dropdown Values On Button Click?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a dropdown list and a button. When you click the button it will set all the dropdowns to a value using JQuery. The drop down is inside a div with a unique id. Is there any way I can get JQuery to set a drop down list value that is in a div without giving it a div class or id? I've attached the html, its just three drop downs each one inside a div class.

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Forms Data Controls :: Retrieving Checklist Items From The Database?

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I have stored checkbox items in the database where Yes = "1" and No = "0".

If I want to retrieve them again (from database) as checkbox items on a page, how do I go about this?

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Web Forms :: Populating A Dynamically Generated Checklist Control In Code-behind Not Working?

Feb 5, 2011

(The following is a complete re-edit of the original post which was rambling, confusing etc...)

I have a form with a dynamically generated checklist:

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="cblGames" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqlGames" DataTextField="Game" DataValueField="Id" </asp:CheckBoxList>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlGames" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Games %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [Id], [Game], [ShowWaitingList] FROM [Aanbod] WHERE ([ShowWaitingList] = @ShowWaitingList)">
<SelectParameters><asp:Parameter DefaultValue="true" Name="ShowWaitingList" Type="Boolean" /></SelectParameters>

The following code-behind is supposed to check those boxes that correspond to values stored in a database. It fails and I don't know why.


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MVC Custom Dropdown From Model With Custom HtmlHelper?

Mar 31, 2011

i am just having a play with HtmlHelpers in MVC, very useful stuff and now i am trying to create one for dropdowns based on passing in a model ( any ) what the property is for the value and same for text.

so i have something like this:


thats it

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JQuery :: Accessing The Gridview Text After Altering It With Jquery And Dropdown Selection?

Jan 31, 2011

i m having a bit of trouble here with .. i am changing the text from a dropdown inside the gridview to a cell inside that perticular row.... the code for the jquery i hav used to alter the text is :


the corresponding gridview is :


now after the text is changed into the corresponding cell ... i m trying to access it as per normal server side code as :


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JQuery :: Checkbox And Dropdown Validation Using Jquery?

Oct 6, 2010

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Custom Server Controls :: Custom Radio Button Loses State After Postback?

Mar 24, 2010

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How can it be modified?


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Custom Server Controls :: Button Triggering An Event In A Custom Webcontrol?

Nov 16, 2010

I built a webcontrol showing a complex user interface with a lot of javascript. Basically my webcontrol is similar to : [URL]

Now that most the user interface is working properly, I'm stuck with the following issue: I want to add a button (html button tag) which has to trigger an event. I have been able to declare the event, the event args, the delegate,etc. The page using my control may assign a handler and that handler is called correctly when I explicitely call OnServerControlClick (The name I gave to the event). I cannot make the link between the button in the user interface and the event in the webcontrol source code. When the button is clicked, I get an error message saying a dangerous Request.Form value has been detected.

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JQuery :: JQuery And Custom Attributes/ Find All Input Elements That Will Require Validation?

Jul 14, 2010

to directly get all elements in a form who contains a non html attribute ?

<input .... customAttribute="validateMe">

So I could find all input elements that will require validation.And use this in a loop to add validation to the input's found :

$('input').attr("customAttribute").val() == "validateMe"

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Mar 15, 2011

I am using jQuery for custom sorting my <ul><li> list.But I have a problem. I can sort and move those <li>-s but problem is I don't know how to update database with new order integers.Example of html ul li:


This is an example of my li element.. I have id=43, thats Id of picture in database.I use this javascript for trying to somehow make array and read that id into array:


Problem is I don't know exactly what am I doing wrong, because my event doesn't fire, when I press "update button.. Update button fires "update" function on click:


I hope someone will try to explain.Do codebehind and html needs to be in the same document? Can I use ascx and use "update" button there, to fire aspx methode?

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JQuery :: .Net Custom User Control Buttons (events) Not Firing In Jquery Modal Popup?

Oct 28, 2010

I have a custom control, that has takes some information from user and submit to the database. it is working fine in normal aspx pages. but when i display that custom user control in jQuery modal popup. The events does not fire or lets say the data is not submitted to the database.

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How To Add Custom Values In Dropdown Using

Dec 9, 2010

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Custom Server Controls :: Trying To Create A Button Dynamically With Event By Original Button?

Jan 25, 2011

I'm new to .NET. I'm trying to create a button dynamically with event by original button. The original button's click event response creates a button. The new button has a click event attached with a test message.What I have to do is onclick change background color of dynamically created button and grab id value to delete when button delete is clicked. Unfortunately, when I click the dynamically attached button, nothing happens.


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Custom Server Controls :: How To Set And Get Property For The Dropdown

Jul 21, 2010

In my user control i have the label1,textbox1 and dropdown1, i can able to set the values and get for both label and text box. but how can i set the value for the drop down.

from the aspx.cs or aspx.vb

i will set the object of the control (Ex: usercontrol1234)

usercontrol1234.propText="This is text box"
usercontrol1234.propLbl="This is Label "

Then how can i set for the drop down? i can bind the dropdown data either by dataset or datareader.But cannot able to figure out how to set the property?


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C# - Adding Custom Options In Bound Dropdown?

Apr 5, 2010

I have a bound dropdown list populated with a table of names through a select, and databinding. it shoots selectedindexchanged that (through a postback) updates a certain gridview.What happens is, since it runs from changing the index, the one that always comes selected (alexander) can only me chosen if you choose another one, then choose alexander. poor alexander.What I want is to put a blanc option at the beginning (default) and (if possible) a option as second.I can't add this option manually, since the binding wipes whatever was in the dropdown list and puts the content of the datasource.

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Web Forms :: Dropdown List & Textbox Custom Validation

Mar 19, 2011

We have a page with quite a few textboxes and a dropdown list at the end. The dropdown list at the end is a "Result" and dependant on the result certain textboxes need to be filled in and this needs to be checked when they submit the page. I was thinking of using a custom validator

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JQuery :: JQuery Hide Div, Server-side Button Onclick Not Firing In IE?

Feb 9, 2011

I have 2 update panels where the server-side button (in a jQuery accordion) in the first update panel should update the second update panel.When the button is clicked, jQuery hides the accordion and displays a results div. This all works fine client side to be fair to IE. The server-side onclick event does not fire though in IE. In Firefox it does! The first update panel is displayed below, here the "btnGenerateReport" event should fire server side.


To add confusion ... if I comment out '$accordion.toggle($effect);' lines then the second update panel does get updated.I'm not sure what other information I can give here. I'm stumped as to why this works with Firefox and not IE.

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JQuery :: Use Jquery To Create A Play/pause Button To Auto Page Through The Listview Control?

Dec 10, 2010

I'm finding it next to impossible setting up a slideshow given the constraints I have. I could do it easily using a listview control except listview controls don't automatically page themselves! Is it possible to use jquery to create a play/pause button to auto page through the listview control, making it a slide show?

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JQuery :: Link Button OnClick Event Does Not Fire On First Click After Jquery Drag And Drop?

Dec 24, 2010

I have a link button in a repeater control. the li element is drag and droppable using jquery. when the page loads the the link button works perfectly, the jquery that is attached and the server side code both execute. when I perform a drag and drop then click on the link button it doesnt not fire. when i click it a second time it does fire. If i perform 2 or drag and drops in a row the link button doesnt fire a as many drag adn drops as i before it will fire. for example if if perform 3 drag and drops then it will take about 3 click before the events are fired.


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ADO.NET :: Selecting Custom Columns To Bind Dropdown From A Generic List?

Feb 18, 2011

I have been facing this problem for a while now, what I exactly want to do is ->

I have a 3- Tier Application. For a table (say Employee) I have following classes in my BLL and DAL

1. Employee.cs (Contains database fields as properties)

2. EmployeeKeys.cs

3. EmployeeFactory.cs (Main BLL which make call to DAL method)

4. EmployeeDAL.cs (The DAL)

Suppose I have 6 columns in Employee table.

I know that the DAL returns List<Employee> to the BLL and then the BLL in turn gives me the Employee fields.

I have no problem accesing it.

But suppose I have a dropdownlist control and wish to bind EmplyeeName and EmployeeId with the Dropdown.

Is there any way that I can implement that my DAL returns a Generic list containing only the two fields required to bind the Dropdown.

In short i want my list to return only 2 columns, not all the 6 like the List<Employee>

How do i implement this???

Do I need to create a custom List<CustomEmployeeData>, if so how can i implement it in the 3 tier application.

Basically i m looking to increase the efficiency by getting less data from database. Am i on the right track????

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JQuery :: How To Trigger A JQuery Function With The Gridview Select Button

Jan 17, 2011

How can I trigger a jQuery function with the Gridview Select button?

I want that the select button trigger the jquery function that has the row details (it's already working with a asp:buttonfield ), and select the row so i can get the values and send it trough e-mail with another button. I don't know if this is possible.

Can I trigger the jQuery function from code behind with the select button Sub? How?

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JQuery :: JQuery Validate Plugin To Add Rules To Validate ASCX Custom User Control?

Mar 6, 2011

I would like to know how to use jQuery's Validate plugin to add rules to validate controls in ASCX custom user control?

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Jquery - Autocomplete Dropdown Using Mvc?

Jan 17, 2011

I have a dropdown in my CreateDocumentTemplate ciew <%=Html.DropDownList("Part", (SelectList)ViewData["Part"])%> which is populated from database. I want to this dropdown to be autocomplete. How can I acoomplish this?

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