Architecture :: Multiple Usercontrol In A Page?

Jan 24, 2011

I have a page in a structure as follows. But the loading time of the page is takes 20 or more seconds. In usercontrols i'd used Telerik RadControls, for that reason i can't use updatepanel to avoid script problems or etc. I had tried to add usercontrols dynamically but there is about 14 usercontrols and it takes the same time period :(. I had tried using PartialUpdatePanel as in [URL] but it's not compatible with telerik controls. My client wants to have the all 14 usercontrols being in the same page (not divided by tabs or wizards)

Structure :

14 Usercontrols that contains RadListViews has couple postback events.

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<style type="text/css">

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Architecture :: Use Separate Pages Or Make One With Multiple Views?

Nov 15, 2010

I'm working on a webforms aspx app (not MVC) and I'm not sure if I should just create separate pages or somehow make multiple views on the same aspx page for the following scenario: Basically, I need to give the user the option to view a set of data a few different ways (essentially different group by's from a data perspective)... the data is always the same, its just a matter of how to arrange on the page...

each way I need to present the data will essentially consist of 2 repeaters, one nested inside the other. The outer repeater will display a nice header section with the nested repeater showing the list of items under that heading. view by book title (title is outer repeater, with the book list being the nested repeater, yes, multiple books with same title for this example - the app has nothing to do with books, this is just to illustrate)

Book Title: A Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Dan Johnson - Smith Publishing - kjdkjfd99898989
Susan Day - Smith Publishing - aa777fd99ff
Greg Greger - Corp XYZ - amkj897hgrt554

Book Title: Another Good Story
Author - Publisher - ISBN
Frank Franky - Corp XYZ - kj3kjfd9d9980
Jason Cambel - Smith Publishing - 7g7fddddttt
Jill Breker - Smith Publishing - d9ddt523321

Or, view books by publisher (here the publisher would be the outer repeater and the list, with different fields compared to first view, is the nested repeater.

Publisher: Smith Publishing
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Dan Johnson - kjdkjfd99898989
A Good Story - Susan Day - aa777fd99ff
Another Good Story - Jason Cambel - 7g7fddddttt
Another Good Story - Jill Breker - d9ddt523321

Publisher: Corp XYZ
Title - Author - ISBN
A Good Story - Greg Greger - amkj897hgrt554
Another Good Story - Frank Franky - kj3kjfd9d9980

so what do I do here? Just making separate pages is simple and would work, but is there something else I should be considering? There will be 3 different views, so 3 pages total if I went that route. Something is making me think I should be doing this all within one aspx page? maybe just toggling the visible property of the repeater controls? but then I was thinking each of these repeater controls is databound, and I assume even if they are not visible they still incurred database hits to get the data, right? and that could be bad?

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Architecture :: Very Frequent Reads To Database Multiple Clients?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a website hosted with sql 2008 database on Godaddy. Here's my problem descriptionbefore I actually begin implementing.Entries are made in a table named "XYZ" by a third party program. Now, there are multipleclients (could be ajax web based or desktop clients which I have not decided yet) who
read data from this "XYZ" table every 10-15 seconds. The connection string used by these clients would be same. If I have 10000-20000 clients making connections and querying same table, would that cause any breakdown? Since my connection string is same, connection pooling isautomatically in place.

What else do you think I need to take care of? Or is there any better way to implement this setup?Also, should I go for ajax client implementation or client implemtation ?Your inputs would be highly helpful to me. I am looking for a medium to long term solution to thissetup.

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Architecture :: Configuration Variables To Support Multiple DLL And Web Solutions?

Jun 24, 2010

I'm designing a framework solution DLL with reusable code that I like to use for many different projects,

I want this DLL to be able to load unknown configuration variables dynamically based on the solution its running from.

I like to load my config variables like this: MyConfig.MyVariableX

Hopefully I can also to validate my variables when the web application loads (by type) and make sure it's not missing(otherwise Throw New ApplicationException("Missing..."))

It would also be nice if I can have intellisense on these variables

I want solution A (web application) to have the configuration variables and solution B (DLL) to load the variables from the configuration file in solution A

I'm thinking maybe I should create a database table to hold the variables with types and stuff...

What would be the best way to do it ?

How can I read unknown list of variables names and values from a config file and populate my class with it on runtime ?

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Architecture :: Allowing Access To Multiple Customers For One User With Url Rewriting

Jan 27, 2010

I am currently developing a solution in which the user logs in once and can work on multiple customers at the same time on my site.I've looked at all possible solutions involving sessionid having stored the customerid, to launching a new browser session so i could have multiple sessions for one users etc. I also looked at using cookieless sessions.But the all fail because it's not a simple solution and in my opinion a simple solution is most of the time a good and predictable solution.

Therefore i came up with the idea to use url rewriting(i've seen this used in other applications). When the user opens a customer, i would like to start his url as follows "~/Customers/xxxxxxx/*.aspx" where xxxxxx represents the customerid. and *.aspx represents a complete subset of pages of my site. This would allow me to use a simple technique to use multiple user sessions within a single session.

Now coming to my problem, I have never done some url rewriting, therefore my questions:

- Is this possible.

- Can i protect all the pages that need a customerid as input(come to think of it, if no customerid in the querystring, redirect to a selection screen would be sufficient).

- How do i adopt all urls used in a sitemap etc in a structured way.

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User Controls :: Call Function In Master Page From UserControl In Content Page

Jan 25, 2014

On MasterPage i have function below, how call this function on test.ascx  form on button click.

public void HideBtnLogin() { string session = Session["userCode"] as string; if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(session)) {
lbtnSignInTop.Visible = true; lbtnSignUp.Visible = true;
else { lbtnSignInTop.Visible = false; lbtnSignUp.Visible = false; } }

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User Controls :: How To Call Event Of Button Inside UserControl In Master Page From Content Page

Apr 25, 2014

I have a ShoppingCart UserControl on MasterPage. I have a following functionality: User adds item to the cart. after clicking the button "Complete Sale" in UserControl the page is redirected to "CustomerInfo.aspx" and after filling the Customer information and clicking on submit which is on CustomerInfo.aspx page i want to call the "Complete Sale" click event of UserControl from "Customerinfo.aspx" page.

protectedvoid btnSubmit_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
bool val = false; int retVal = 0;
CustomerBiz objCust = newCustomerBiz();
objCust.FirstName = txtFirstName.Text.Trim();


Here the Button text changes in UserControl. But i am not able to call the Click event of this button from CustomerInfo.aspx (ContentPage)?

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User Controls :: Find And Access Master Page Control From UserControl Inside Content Page

Jan 24, 2014

On masterPage i have button btnTest, how hide button from masterPage on userControl.ascx


   btnTest.visible = false;

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Calling Page Methods Of UserControl / Page Using MSAJax?

Apr 9, 2010

Is it possible to call usercontrol methods/events using MSAJAX. I wanted to update my usercontrol by calling one of its events when a property from its parent page changes.

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