C# - How To Use Multiple Instances Of A Usercontrol With Jquery On The Same Page
May 19, 2010
I've been working on an usercontrol with a jquery timer in it. At first I had the jquery within the usercontrol. But when I add 2 of those controls to my page the second usercontrol isn't showing it's data very well.Now I've put the jquery into the mainpage and the usercontrol only uses the id's of the jquery.
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeFile="WebUserControl.ascx.cs"
Inherits="WebUserControl" %>
<style type="text/css">
I have a usercontrol that wprks fine as along as one instance is on a pageut as soon as i have two instances of it nothing works. I figured out that it could be the pageload function that adds handler for keydown and other that is the cause.As each instance is reproducing the same javascript in the viewsource.So can you tell me how can i make the usercontrol that it can have multiple nstances that have their own javascript pageload
As you said that for storing use data table and make property in the .ascx.cs file but I have problem that I m not able to get that property in the .aspx page. How to add multiple instances of web usercontrol on page on button click event?
I have two instances of a usercontrol on a page. No matter which usercontrol's (uc_Addr1 or uc_Addr2 ) button I click, it always dispalys the second usercontrol's text.If I click uc_Addr1 button I need uc_Addr1 TextBox's text to be displayed. And same with uc_Addr2.
I have created a Web Control in ASP for use in integrating with Telligent CommunityServer. The control is written in ASP with some 10 lines of C# backend for controlling visibility of the UI elements based on permissions, but I'd say 90% of the functionality is straight-up Javascript. The control works beautifully, until you drop two instances of the Control on the same page--since they reference the exact same Javascript functions, only one control works. How can I take this functionality that I have, this 1200 lines of Javascript, and make it so that each instance of the control can reference its each unique instance of Javascript?
I have built a User Control in VB which displays two gridviews and allows a user to select an item in the first gridview and display multiple rows in the second grid with the key of the selected item from the first. The data to be displayed is passed to the User Control as a datatable object via a public property of the User Control.
The user control works perfectly, but to allow the the subs in the codebehind of the User Control to access the data set when the user control is initialised, I have declared them as "Private Shared".
Having got everything to work, I now want to display multiple instances of the same User Control with different datasets.
However, because my data objects are defined as "Private Shared" each instance of the user control is overwriting the data of the others.
I can fix this problem by removing the "Shared" keyword, and have also tried setting them to "Protected" instead but then my variables expire after being set and contain "Nothing" when I get to the "RowCommand" event in the Code Behind.
I'm sure I must be doing something stupid, because surely the whole idea of User Controls is to make reusable code drven by parameters.
I have a user control, that has an update panel and update progress control in it.
I use this user control in more than 1 location on the same page.... problem is, when ucA posts back, I see the update progress control for both ucA and ucB. I assume this is because it is a user control and the update panel and progress are named the same?
Either way - how do I make it so that the update progress only displays for the proper user control?
I have a page in a structure as follows. But the loading time of the page is takes 20 or more seconds. In usercontrols i'd used Telerik RadControls, for that reason i can't use updatepanel to avoid script problems or etc. I had tried to add usercontrols dynamically but there is about 14 usercontrols and it takes the same time period :(. I had tried using PartialUpdatePanel as in [URL] but it's not compatible with telerik controls. My client wants to have the all 14 usercontrols being in the same page (not divided by tabs or wizards)
Structure :
MasterPage Page 14 Usercontrols that contains RadListViews has couple postback events.
I have two user control in my page uc1 and uc2. I want to make sure that the js function inside these two user control fire when the document is ready.
When I am using '$(document).ready({function(){//something});' in both the user control only the function of the first user control is loading. the function for the second user control was not called.
Can't I use '(document).ready' in two different user control in the same page? If not then how can I make sure that the respective methods are called only when the document is ready?
Is there an easy way to prevent users from opening multiple instances of the same web application? Can I add something to the application start section of the global page which would prevent this?
What I am trying to figure out is how to use a custom delimiter, single character or set of characters, to wrap a block of text inside a larger body of text and then pull that text out via regex. I have successfully done this with a single instance of wrapped text. If I have multiple instances, it blows up. Here is an example.
This would be my text block with the internally wrapped text:
When my current regex runs on this block, the greedy nature gives me a match starting with my first wrapped block delimeter and ending with my second wrapped block end delimeter. So my regex of @"#Delim(.*)#EndDelim" doesn't work in this instance. I am trying to figure out how to exclude the #EndDelim from my grouping. Simply using ([^#EndDelim]*) doesn't work as it tells regex to ignore the individual characters inside the brackets and not the actual word so this breaks if I have any of those characters inside my wrapped block of text.
I am probably making this harder than it needs to be. Does anyone know of a good solution or how to ignore entire words in regex?
I have 1 ModalPopupExtender inside a UserControl. Everything works great until I start adding the same usercontrol to the page. I am getting this error message in the javascript console::
Message: Sys.InvalidOperationException: Two components with the same id 'MPE1' can't be added to the application. I understand the error, it obvious that the framework wants unique IDs. What I can't figure out is how to give them unique name.
I'm having problems with retrieving multiple instances of a session variable from an InProc session state. In the following code I persist a simple BusinessObject into a session variable on the Page_Load event. On the click of a button I try to retrieve the object back into 2 new declared instances of the same BusinessObject. All works great until I change one of the properties in the first instance, it changes the second instance as well. Is this normal behaviour? I would have thought as these were new instances they wouldn't demonstrate static behaviour?
Protected Sub Page_Load(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Me.Load If Not Page.IsPostBack Then ' create a new instance of a business object and set a containg variable Dim BO As New BusinessObject BO.SomeVariable = "test" ' persist to inproc session Session("BO") = BO End If End Sub
Protected Sub btnRetrieveSessionVariable_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) Handles btnRetrieveSessionVariable.Click ' retrieve the session variable to a new instance of BusinessObject Dim BO1 As New BusinessObject If Not Session("BO") Is Nothing Then BO1 = Session("BO") ' retrieve the session variable to a new instance of BusinessObject...............................
I have a user control that I place on a page severl times. When I make a selection on a ddl in one one control the SelectedIndexChanged event fires for all the control on the page for that ddl. So I get duplication of an insert that I do. Is there a ay to make sure these events are isolated so this doesn't happen.
I have an ASP.NET page inside of an ASP.NET Master page, and inside the page I have two instances of the same web user control. I have given them different IDs, but when I click a button on the first user control it causes the second user control to do the expected activity and the first one does nothing. Is there something I need to do to make sure that the controls don't get confused?
is there any way to stop share the static variable at multiple users....I need to create a new insatnce of static variables or not accessing the same static variables across multiple who are using the same site.....while googling i found like hisSystem.Threading.Interlocked.Increment(ref MyClass.InstanceCounter); by using can I do....or is there any other way to stop accessing the static variables accross multiple instances of my site......and in my scenario i cannot use rely on session variable also
I have a ScriptControl that uses an image as an embedded resource and GetWebResourceUrl to generate the WebResource.axd URL. I am currently using GetScriptDescriptors() to send the URL to the JavaScript object.The ScriptControl can be in a Repeater, so you may have 20+ instances. They all use the same images (not customizable through property), so I would like to set the URL once in a variable and share it. I know I could register a script block with a global variable, but would like to avoid that if possible. Is there a way to set a variable within the scope of the control type (global -> control type -> control instance)?
I have the current block of code inside an OnPreRender method of a validator that is inheriting from BaseValidator. If I have one instance of the validator this works fine, but if there are multiple instances the javascript flakes out. As it stands the acutal evaluation function has to be rendered on a per instance basis. I know it's kind of a drop in the bucket, but I'd like to register the block below just once instead of giving each instance a unique key to register with.
If more than one person is using the web application, and the web application requires to read a specific file (and in my case, I use StreamReader), I've noticed that the any other instance of the web application would have an exception error when trying to read a file. How do you handle this? And how about when it comes to writing to the same file (if possible)?
i m using master and content page and i have created Usercontrol for Left menu of jquery but my menu working fine in html markup but not in content page
I'm having trouble loading (several) multiple instances of crystal's ReportDocuments in memory. Using the following code:
Dim sRPT As New ReportDocument sRPT.Load("PATHTOMY.RPT") Dim sRPTs As New List(Of ReportDocument) For i = 0 To 100 Dim sClone As ReportDocument = sRPT.Clone sClone.Refresh() sRPTs.Add(sClone) Console.WriteLine("RPT Clonado " & i.ToString()) Next
when I reach the 74th instance, the Refresh() call throws a "Report Load failed" exception. Furthermore, the same exception happens even directly calling the .Load(path) method, and affects all ReportDocumetns within the application, regardless the RPT file I'm loading/refreshing.
I'm currently using Crystal XI R2, but testing this code with the v12 assemblies (CR 2008) ended with the same problem. Has anyone ever stumbled with something like this? The reason for all this instances is a report caching for multiple rpt files, per user, and will most likely stay as it is if there is a not-so-nasty workaround for this problema.
I am using classified starter kit for various purposes like for business listing,classified listing and event listing.These are 3 independent application with their membership information stored in their independent database.I have used this 3 listings in a portal .I need a single sign on now.
I tried to do with machinekey & cookie .This way user able to login but as there is no record in that database for that user.So even if he post anything in that application it stores memberid field as zero. So in this case what should be done. i am stuck here since few weeks.
This project I'm working on have this custom clientside JavaScript validation framework created for (which I cannot change) that show error messages/summary based on your data annotations and a "Validate" method in your ViewModel.
Like I said I'm not allowed to change this, so wont be able to go with suggestions doing that.
What the person that created this did not foresee, is that one might need put several partials of the same type and having the same view model (each in a form) on a view.
So I went ahead and did things the normal way (using Html.whateverFor<model => model.whatever) and wala!....the custom validation thing throws error messages for the specific form fields, next to each form in the view. I was suggested to create a "prefix" for each instance of the view model, and do something like this: