Architecture :: Very Frequent Reads To Database Multiple Clients?
Dec 5, 2010
I have a website hosted with sql 2008 database on Godaddy. Here's my problem descriptionbefore I actually begin implementing.Entries are made in a table named "XYZ" by a third party program. Now, there are multipleclients (could be ajax web based or desktop clients which I have not decided yet) who
read data from this "XYZ" table every 10-15 seconds. The connection string used by these clients would be same. If I have 10000-20000 clients making connections and querying same table, would that cause any breakdown? Since my connection string is same, connection pooling isautomatically in place.
What else do you think I need to take care of? Or is there any better way to implement this setup?Also, should I go for ajax client implementation or client implemtation ?Your inputs would be highly helpful to me. I am looking for a medium to long term solution to thissetup.
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For example:
Client1 connects to my website.The back-end C# code updates a static field to indicate Client1's presence.
Client2 connects to my website.Will the back-end C# code for the second request see the information stored in the static field from the first request? Is there anything I need to do to guarantee that these seperate instances of my ASP application are sharing static data?
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Nov 4, 2010
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Dec 21, 2010
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I have an web app sitting on IIS at HQ. When a particular event occurs, I need to then show a message on a dynamically selected subset of PC's throughout the company. The message must be shown due to the time restraints of this process (4 hours reaction time) and we legally can't afford to not show the message.
So I need to do the following:
Show a message to the users. I have a winforms app that puts up a dialog that the only way to get rid of it is to click a big "Acknowledge" button. To ensure that the message was shown. Some kind of report back that yes, it was shown and subsequently acknowledged. A way to react if the form is not shown.
I've considered the following:
PsExec - Iterating over every node asynchronously in my web app to fire off a remote executable sitting on each PC. .NET Remoting - I'm not familiar with this at all, and it lead me to look at WCF instead. Would it work for what I'm trying to do? WCF Callbacks - These seem to require a constant connection and I'm not sure what that means for our infrastucture. I imagined a client service that would kick off an app or show the form somehow. Our scheduling software (Tidal Enterprise Scheduler) - remotely executing an executable. This would introduce more points of failure.
In SO's opinion, what would be the best way to attack this problem?
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Feb 15, 2011
First of all, I am creating a something like a client/server solution using a standard ASP.NET website - I do know this method is not adviced, and most people would love to scream "COMET!" or "HTML5 Sockets!" - but please don't ;-) !
What I am doing...
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I have several clients whom need to be in contact at the same time. This is done by a global object in the Application scope.
My problem
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Right now I do the following:
(This is a kind of observer pattern)
What now happends is a race condition. The one who loads the page_load event will get both of these events, and the one who is not running them, will experience no changes in the UI.
So what is it I really want?
What I really need is some genuine and nice way to create an observer pattern through the application state. I need to send an event out to every "listener" which is in this case is a client, and then do some update.
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Sep 21, 2010
How can i send email to multiple clients located in different domains such hotmail,yahoo,and gmail
is it required to provide Smpt server name, if we have multipe domain id, what should we do?
I am using fowling code but getting exception failed.
MailMessage mailMsg = new MailMessage();
mailMsg .From = "";
mailMsg .To = "";
mailMsg .Cc = """;
mailMsg .Bcc = "";
mailMsg .Subject = "SubjectOfTheMailString";
mailMsg .Body = "BodyOfTheMailString";
SmtpMail.Send(mailMsg );
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Apr 13, 2010
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Sep 13, 2012
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ddlMemberGender.SelectedValue = Session("MemberGender")
there are two choices (obviously) : Man and Woman
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Response.Redirect("/post.aspx?Gender=" + ddlSearchMemberGender.SelectedValue) will still read the selected value that was set previously instead of the value it was changed to.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have been creating my BLL and DAL with in the same project as my UI. These have been logical tiers in their own folder with in the same project, that's with in the same solution. I want to try to create a solution that is more like a truly multi tiered app.
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Is this a good way to do this? It seems like a logical approach. It also seems like the next step in me moving towards an architecture that's truly tiered. Should I do this differently?
Should the projects for the BLL and the DAL use the same namespace? I think I read that some people use a namespace for each of these that indicates what they are, such as BLL and DAL.
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May 5, 2010
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Jan 24, 2011
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Structure :
14 Usercontrols that contains RadListViews has couple postback events.
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Feb 2, 2010
I'm trying to define a computed column that will contain an auto-incremented number. In other words, I want it to work exactly like identity, but since I can have only one identity column per table, I wanted to make a computed column that reads its latest value and increment it by 1.
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Sep 17, 2010
I am supposed to develop an enterprise-class ASP.NET Web Application that connects to multiple databases. For example when the web form loads, I should populate different ASP.NET controls (GridView, DataPager, TextBox, DropdownList etc) from multiple databases (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, SAP Server etc) and also, edit the data in the controls and save the data to the respective databases on button submit.
Should I use Web Service or WCF for data integration, if so is there a limit on the size of the data?
What should be the architecture considering the application should be scalable and easy to maintain?
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Mar 27, 2010
I recently received a project that contains multiple web applications with no MVC structure. For starters I've created a library (DLL) that will contain the main Business Logic. The problem is with Caching - If I use the current web context cache object than I might end up with duplicate caching (as the web context will be different for every application).
I'm currently thinking about implementing a simple caching mechanism with a singleton pattern that will allow the different web sites (aka different application domains) to share their "caching wisdom". I'd like to know what is the best way to solve this problem.
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Nov 19, 2010
What is the reason that mulitple inheritance is not allowed in .net.
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