How To Programmatically Retrieve Information From LDAP

Feb 11, 2010

I am running an ASP.Net page on IIS7, and developing in VS 2008. Currently, I have user authentication being done through an LDAP connection. Once the user logs in, on one page they have a form with some basic information about them (such as their name, email address, country, and the like) and I wish to pre populate some of these fields from information already stored in the LDAP. In particular their given name and email addresses. The question is, using C#, how do I actually retrieve this information?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Populate Web Form With User Information?

Mar 22, 2011

I am new to web forms, but how can I populate a web form (form fields i.e. name, job title, tel no etc) with that users information automatically taken from their active directory profile? It wouldd be an Intranet application so all users would be on the domain. How is this done in In Coldfusion I would set the following variable

<cfset user = listLast(cgi.REMOTE_USER,"") > which would grab the user id from AD

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<cfquery name="querygetemp" datasource="DATASOURCE">

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<cfset varsection = querygetemp.section>
<cfset varjob_title = querygetemp.job_title> etc.

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Active Directory/LDAP :: Retrieve All Users And Their OrganizationalUnit?

Jan 18, 2011

I'm new to directoryServices and im trying to capture all users in the active directory and their organizational units but i'm having abit of trouble here, i've been reading through the forums and searching online but can't seem to find information that is viable to me.

Here is brief overview of what im trying to do. Im trying to create a datatable where i can insert all the usernames and their ou by capturing the values from the AD but i keep getting alot of duplicated usernames BUT in different organizationalUnits. I've checked the AD, and they do not belong so the following are my codes, but i can't seem to figure out what is wrong.

private static DataTable retrieveUsers(string domain, DataTable dt)
DirectoryEntry dEntry = new DirectoryEntry("LDAP://" + domain);
DirectorySearcher dSearch = new DirectorySearcher(dEntry);
SearchResultCollection sResultcol;


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Security :: Add CSP Information To X509 Certificate Programmatically

Mar 3, 2010

I'm working on a project for a large company that wants to create a crypto toolbox for cross-platform signing and encrypting and am constantly running into problems concerning the cryptographic abilities in the .Net framework. The blazing inferno that I need to put out this time is that SignedCms and EnvelopedCms don't seem to work with a Cryptographic Service Provider that doesn't store the private-key on the Windows machine. I'm working with a network HSM and certicates that have only a public key, that is, no private-key and no information in the store as to where that private-key resides or how you can access it (a RSA public/private key pair is created on the machine, using the HSM supplier's CSP, and a certificate signing request is generated and used to create a public-key certificate signed by the CA). Theoretically the private key gets picked up from the HSM (referenced actually) using the CspParameters given when instantiating the class, which specifies the CSP provided by the HSM supplier. Unfortunately, up to now this only works with CAPI, where can associate the cryptographic service provider with the signing certificate (usign CertSetCertificateContextProperty with CERT_KEY_PROV_HANDLE_PROP_ID). (We're using CAPI for PKCS#7 signing because the .Net framework only supports signatures up to SHA1 and we have a minimum of SHA256). Surprisingly enough CmsSigner accepts a CSP in it's constructor but it cannot get the key, it throws an exception during instantiation from method CreateDummyCertificate for some reason (with the message "Process completed." no less!??). I use the following CspParameters:


CmsSigner cmsSigner = new CmsSigner(cspParams);

This process works great with certificates and key pairs created by MakeCert. With MakeCert you can associate the CSP information with the Certificate upon creation (-sk, -sp, -sy). The private key still resides in the HSM but specifying the provider during the creation of the certificate seems to have persisted the CSP information somewhere, somehow. Exactly how that's done I don't know, but if could do that, my problem would be solved.

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Oct 22, 2010

I would like to know which CODE, Classes could be useful for creating a WEB APPLICATION that could:

01 - Connect to an HTML file on the web.

02 - Parse its content (text content).

03 - Find out specific content in a page (for example looking for specific keywords).

Also how to implement:

04 - How to submit information programmatically in HTML page (feeling forms).

I am interested in understanding Classes and general practice and CODE for accomplish this task.

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IIS Log Analysis - How To Retrieve Referer Information

Mar 15, 2010

As per this MSDN article:

W3C Extended Log File Format (IIS 6.0)

It says cs(Referrer) contains the REFERER information that can be read from the IIS log files.

I am trying to display the log information using an ASP.NET Repeater control:

<asp:Repeater ID="rptlIISLogEntries" runat="server">


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Web Forms :: Retrieve Information From Tag In Code Behind

Nov 23, 2010

I have a <div> tag in html page in as shown below:
<div id="DestAdd" runat="server"></div>
The above tag store information like "Jurong West".
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document.getElementById("DestAdd").innerHTML = DestRoadName;
I would like to retrieve the information "Jurong West" stored in the <div> tag in code-behind:
string retdata = DestAdd.?

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Retrieve Email Id Information From Openid Response?

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NameValueCollection query = HttpContext.Current.Request.QueryString;

I am sending request for emailid as

"&" +

but receiving emailid in in some case and in others.

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Sep 15, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Retrieve Tree Information

Feb 5, 2010

I'm doing an MLM website and I have a table that holds parent-child relationships as well as the position (L or R) in the binary tree and the Level. Top node is level 0, his two child records are level 1 and so on. I'm lost as to how to find the next available node that doesn't have 2 child records associated to it. This is for tree placement when I register a new distributor in the tree. I need to find out the first record that doesn't have 2 child records to assign the newly created distributor that sponsor id. I also have to assign the new distributor a position (Left or Right) in the tree. If there are no children in the tree then I assign them L if there is a child already then I assign them R. Is this better to do with SQL queries or bring in the data and parse through the tree to get the answers?

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I'm using Content Management System, DotNetNuke for my dynamic website. DNN itself they have one database, I named it dnnDB. Inside the dnnDB they have the users table which have the list of users. I need to be able to pull this set of information or synchronize to my own database, myDatabase for development purposes. I do not want to incorporate my database into dnnDB, afraid that I may corrupt the system.

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Visual Studio :: Unable To Retrieve Folder Information From Server

Oct 7, 2010

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Error: Unable to retrieve folder information from the server. (550).

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How To Retrieve Configuration Settings From The Web.config File Programmatically

Jun 17, 2010

I have this portion of my web.config file;


I need to be able to retrieve the value of "from" in my application. How do I read this value into my code?

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AJAX :: Slideshow Extender Retrieve Current Display Picture Information?

Feb 17, 2010

My slideshow extender work perfectly fine, but I want to retrieve the current display picture's information on the server side.

So I added a normal asp button on the same page as the slideshow extender. When button clicked, it fire off a server side function. In the function I grabbed the SlideShow's name label, description label or the Image, but none of them contain any current information of the picture displayed at slideshow extender.

Is there another way to obtain the slideshow extender current state? Or am are those name, description label text value should be updated?

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Web Forms :: How To Programmatically Retrieve The Proxy Server To Submit A Web Request

Jan 12, 2010

I am trying to make a web request programmatically. When i submit the request through the browser it seems to work fine but when i programmatically submit the request it comes back with this error message "Unable to connect to the remote server"

Below is the code i am using to executing the command,



I assume the reason why i am getting the error message is because the proxy server has not been set programmatically. Can somebody tell me how i can get the proxy server and set it programmatically?

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