How To Retrieve Version Information From A WCF Web Service

Sep 14, 2010

I want to log the assembly version information into a log file each time my WCF web service is called. I know that in an application the My object has an Application object which has the Info structure, that contains the Version string that I can use. How can I get the version information for the WCF service to a log?

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Jan 20, 2010

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In a project you may set the build information in the file AssemblyInfo.cs under the projects Properties folder. Here is a snippet of the AssemblyInfo.cs file:


But there is no such file for an web application project, so I have to get this information from one of the compiled DLLs that is in the same assembly as my web application then? Or how is this done?

The reason I want this information is because my customer would like to have a webpage within the web application where he could see the current version. This is also nice to have when testing and debugging etc.

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<div id="DestAdd" runat="server"></div>
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