Best Practice For Using JavaScript On Partials And Views In MVC?
Feb 25, 2010
I started removing part of a view into a partial so that it could be reused on another view. However, I got stuck because there are some JavaScript functions on the original view that call some of the functions that belong to the partial. It seems wrong to call functions that are defined on the partial from the containing view (and vice-versa). What is the best practice for this situation?
If I have a partial that is used in multiple views that submits to its own dedicated action, then how do I know which view it has come from so I can go back to that view?
My system is an website which uses sql server 2008 (mostly stored procedures, but for asychnronous calls I directly insert the sql commands). I have a web service which polls multiple databases, I use external libraries(Including office interop), and allow for uploading and downloading files - without restriction.
My asp pages use javascript and jquery for most of their functionality.
What is the best place for javascript that is specific to a partial view? For example, if I have a partial view (loaded via ajax call) with some divs and I want to turn those divs into an accordian, would it be better put the $("#section").accordion() in script tags inside of the partial view, or in a .js file in the function that retrieves that partial view and inserts it into the DOM?
Obviously, common methods I will be keeping in a .js file, however I am more talking about javascript very specific to the partial view itself. Most things I find on the net seem to say to put all javascript into a separate .js but nothing addresses the idea of partial views.
is there some way to share a partial razor view between areas? For example a login partial, it is found if i use @Html.Partial("_LoginPartial") but the URLs Html.ActionLink generates are local to the calling area (even though the partial itself is not part of the area).
_LoginPartial.cshtml is in /Views/Shared/_LoginPartial.cshtml Calling view is inside /Areas/Somearea/Views
Links generated are like: [URL] But should always be: [URL]
It's convinient to me to divide menus for pieces. But number of partials keep growing and it is getting harder to find concrete partial in Shared folder. Can I store partials in view folder which uses this partial? Html.RenderPartial() doesn't have such parameter as Controller Name so I think that it's impossible. But if there are any solutions to solve this inconvinience?
I am currently trying to display multiple items on a single page. I am not sure as to how to tackle this. What I have is a database table that has all the page data in. I have this run as a PagesController and this works fine. However what I would like to do is, if say the Products page is selected via the menu, I want to pull back not only the Products page html but also get all the products, and even be able to pull them through via category. I was trying to use a partial view, but I can't get it to work. The same would be for other pages, having partial views to display the other content, ie if Gallery is selected, the page html for Gallery shows and it then can push to a partial view that pulls all the gallery images from the gallery db table and so on.
Maybe I am tackling this the wrong way. I have the pages stored in the db to allow for a CMS system I have setup. Maybe I need to use models for all the other items(Products, Gallery, Videos and such) and use the partial for the page html?
fixed on my own. couldn't figure out how to pull stuff in from multiple tables into one view.
What is the recommended "cleanest" way to manage a partial that appears on many views and also requires a viewmodel (assume it needs to get some data from a DB).
My team is creating several solutions to develop separate branches of the same site. We have some CSS, partials, and master view files that we would like to somehow share between solutions. I have tried linking files but that has to be done for each and every file (cannot link directories, it seems). Does anyone have a tried and true system for doing this sort of thing for larger sites (other than putting everything in one massive solution)?
I am learning MultiView control.Here are question:I added 5 views in the MultiView but all views are tight together. I can not drag and drop another control such as text boxes or labels into view area.
I have an MVC view that contains a number of partial views. These partial views are populated using partial requests so the controller for the view itself doesn't pass any data to them. Is it possible to reload the data in one of those partial views if an action was triggered in another? For example, one partial view has a jqGrid and I want to refresh the data in another partial view when a user selects a new row in this grid. Is there a code example for this scenario (in C#) that I can look at to see what am I doing wrong? I am using ajax calls to trigger a new request but non of the partial views are refreshed so I am not sure if the issue is with the routing, the controller,
I have a table that stores songs and plays counter. Here's the code:
//Increse plays counter string ip = Request.UserHostAddress; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ip)) { if (Cache["plays:" + trackID + ":" + ip] == null) { tracks.IncreasePlaysCounter(trackID); Cache["plays:" + trackID + ":" + ip] = true; } }
I wonder what would be a better practice, store many cache items(like this) or store one item like a ArrayList that would contain the users who already heard that song. Is there any difference?
Is the classic way of using include files still the best practice in ASP.NET. IS there a better way in ASP.NET to simulate include files? IF not can someone please provide an example of the .NET way?
I am a beginner of C# programming. I have read a few books about But I cannot find some exercises in the books. Someone told me to build up a blog to practice my coding.
But it is a huge task for a beginner. I just want some tasks to have a step by step learning process.
I just noticed that I can save a lot of spacing by not using "as" when declaring variables, in some cases (not sure if this is something new in VS2010). For example:
Dim Name as string = "Bob"
works the same as:
Dim Name = "Bob"
I prefer the latter as some of my type declarations can be very long due to the library I am working with, and omitting the types simplifies the lines and makes them more readable. I am wondering a few things:
1. Do the two methods function at all differently?
I want to reduce postback in one of my application page and use ajax instead. I used the WebMethod to do so.. I have a static WebMethod that needs to access the session variables and modify. and on the client side, i am calling this method using jQuery. I tried accessing the session as follows:
[WebMethod] public static void TestWebMethod() {
The values are displayed correctly and seems to work.. but i would like to know if this practice is allowed as the method is a static methods and would like to know how it will behave if multiple people access the application.I would also like to know how developers do these kind of tasks in ASP if this is not the right method.
I'm curious as to whether there is a well known way to add a column to a SQL table as a global change in MVC 3.
"Global change" referring to adding a column from database to UI... can someone please outline the fundamental steps. (i.e., 1. add column in SQL table. 2. update .edmx (replace relative tables) 3. ...)
I just want to know the declaration of variables in a separate class file or declaring in the same aspx.cs file. the best practice of declaring the variables.
Is using an include file bad coding practice in I am aware of master pages, etc. but it seems like in this case an old fashioned include file works best.I have a home page and I have an "all other" page. The all other page is my master page. I place the header include on the master page and at the top of the home page.
I'm currently using the fantastic DorkNozzle 'framework' for building a very basic blog in .NET.My first "self-taught" script is as follows, and is for solely retrieving SQL results.
I wrote a schedule app -- in 3.5 -- used where I work to do all the scheduling, and it actually turned out quiet nice. The issue is, you can only schedule one employee at the time.Each job is one row in a database and equals one employee.We have a lot of jobs that involve multiple employees, so it would be much easier to create one entry that schedules 3 employees for the same job.I've looked at a lot of multi-select dropdowns and combo boxes. Here is what I would like some advice on.
If multi-select selects employee numbers 2202, 2403, and is the best way to get that into the database?I'm thinking 2202, 2403, and 3610 get put into an array, and use a loop to add each entry into the database. The database stays the same, and when this gets posted, there are three new entries in the database, one for each of the employees.Am I thinking right or can maybe someone that has done this offer some insight to something that would work better?
I am long familiar with using the GridView in forms to display the contents of DataSet on a web page. What is the best practice for displaying the contents of the DataSet in MVC? I can add the DataSet to my DataVew dictionary in my controller, but I'm unsure of how to display it in the View page.