Configuration :: How To Convert Websites Created In VS 2005 & 2008 To VS 2010 Sites

Sep 2, 2010

I have numerous web sites created over the years. Some were created using FrontPage with aspx pages added that were created in VS 2003 or VS 2005. Others were web sites that were actually created with VS 2005 or 2008. All these older sites reside in the C:Inetpubwwwroot folder of my present development computer, with only the .sln and the .suo files residing in the project folder. All of the sites have counterparts on the Internet.I am about to build a new computer and would prefer to only install VS 2010 on it. When Previously building new computers, I installed VS 2005 and VS 2008 so that I could administer

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Configuration :: Cant Run Websites After Installed The VS 2010?

Jan 19, 2011

After i Installed the VS 2010. I ran into problems running the 2.0 websites.

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Conversion Report - SMSSend.csproj:
Error converting project file. MSB0001: Internal MSBuild Error: Missing resource 'MissingAttribute'

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Oct 1, 2010

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May 20, 2010

I want to convert date from May 20 2010 2:54PM to 2010/5/17

Has anyone does this before.

I want this functionality both in C# and JavaScript.

In javascript I was trying the following

var dte = new Date();
dte = Date.Parse('May 20 2010 2:54PM')

however this was giving me NaN.

let me know if you want to see my code in C#, it isn't working and I think it is broken so am not posting here.

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Configuration :: Setting SMTP For 2 Seperate Web Sites

May 16, 2010

I am adding a 2nd web site to our pubic server and am noticing the SMTP delivery trying to use the default SMTP Virtual Server which is set up for the 1st web.

I created a 2nd virtual server with new smart host and credentials for the new site but need to modify the config file.

I tried using the host name = smtp virtual server 2 name.

Both webs use relay to a host for delivery

Here is my config file

<mailSettings deliveryMethod="Network">
<smtp from="">
<network host="" />

I figured it out. Sometimes you just have to ask someone the question. I changed the network to IP address instead of name of server.

ie <network host="" />

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Oct 5, 2010

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Configuration :: Combine Two Websites Into One?

Jul 27, 2010

i am new in i dont know to how to combine two web site into one like domain and subdomain concept. i know the procedure to host one web application in local iis. how to combine two application and how to host in local iis i.e) single url as domain(one web application) and subdomain(another web application).

The url should be like these:



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