Configuration :: Replacing Dlls With Newer Version?
Jun 22, 2010
I have 3 dll's compiled and put inside the bin dir of a website. They were referenced some time ago on a different computer with their respective source code.
I don't have the original source code for this version (all 3 dlls are like one app. They use each other functions) but I do have a newer version.
What I wanted to do was to completely remove any reference for the old version and just add a reference to the new version dlls. I tried:
Rightclick on dll---> delete , tried: look inside project file,sln, anywhere - web.config etc. to find the reference ..... Nothing. The old dlls come back after I recompile.
One of the new dlls has a different name than the same one in the older version. When I replace the older versions with the new ones and add the third dll with the different name and delete the older one and recompile. The older one just comes back from nowhere, and I get an error that I have some functions running both on the older dll and the newer one and it won't compile.
How do I completly remove the older version so I can start over with the new one?
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Error 1
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13 7
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[System.MissingMethodException]: {System.MissingMethodException}
HelpLink: Nothing
InnerException: Nothing
Message: "Method not found:
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I would like to write a script,
1. which checkout the latest files from SVN
2. Then compile the solution files.
3. If some compilation errors, need to send a mail.
I'm not looking for any deployment as of now.
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