Creating A Rectangle Interactively?

Jun 14, 2010

I would like to present an image to a user and then allow the user to interactively define rectangles within that image.

This is a first for me, so I am at a complete loss for examples and methods in VB ASP.NET.

Does anyone know of any straightforward examples around?

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Web Forms :: Preventing Focus Rectangle On ImageButton?

Oct 7, 2010

I'm using an asp:ImageButton as a custom CheckBox. When the user clicks on it it shows a dotted rectangle briefly. My code-behind immediately switches the focus to the submit button, but how can I keep this rectangle from appearing while the user has the mouse button down?

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Forms Data Controls :: .when Load The Page To See The Results, All I See Is A Blank Gray Rectangle. No Graph Inside?

Apr 7, 2010

i have created a .net chart, but when i load the page to see the results, all i see is a blank gray rectangle. no graph inside. (while if i split view it in VS i see the chart)here is my code,


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Creating A Link In A DB Value?

Mar 1, 2010

I have a gridview with some DB values, i want to turn that values into link, so the user can click them and get redirect to another page.

I got this:


this is to write the values from the DB and i want to add asomething like this:


How can i do that? someone can explain that to me?

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How To Creating A Web Site

Jul 16, 2010

new to creating a web site. I bought "Build your own 2.0 website using c# & Vb." and I'm using Visual Studio 2005.

The book seems good so far but I'm now having a problem. I think I need to use "User Sessions" but I can't get them to work. The code works fine using Applications but when I change to Sessions, when I go into a page the value is always null.

I need "using System.Web.SessionState.HttpSessionState" defined but there doesn't seem to be anything after "System.Web.SessionState".

I've tried using the counters example in the book but with Session I only ever get 1 coming up which is the reset value when the Session["xxx"] is null.

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Creating A Link With Corresponding ID?

Mar 25, 2011

In my project I am using a repeater to display articles from a database. I would like to add a link button that calls an asp page and the ID for example the link for article ID "1" would be articles.aspx?id=1

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Creating XML Using C# And An External DTD?

Aug 3, 2010

This is my first steps with XML and I must send a XML by HttpRequest (Which is not a problem to me now). By I've a question about DTDs. According to the HttpRequest destination APIs, I must validate my XML using an External DTD whos located there (this is for Canada Post shipping : [URL]I know how to write / read XML, but not according to DTD... Is there a difference?Can someone tell me how and the easiest way to do that? I've look a good part of good post from Google and there's never what I'm looking for .ADD #1

Note : I know what a DTD for, and I can create one on my own with a plain text editor and basing the XML on the DTD, but I realy mean, is there a way to take advantage of DTD in C# (Creating an object or someting...)DD #2Add-on : Any of you guys already set up an application to talk to Canada Post API using webresque? Because I'm stunk! I send my request with my data and it never finish so never return response ... here is my code :

public oShippingResponse RetreiveShippingCost(oShippingInformations shipInfos) {
// Send request
WebRequest request = WebRequest.Create("");
XmlDocument xmlDoc = shipInfos.WriteAsXML();


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C# - Creating A Web Wrapper For COM And OCX?

Mar 17, 2010

Today we have a windows application that, using an OCX, creates a web page (visible by a WebBrowser control in a small .NET WinForm application) and communicates through COM to the main application/client. (not relevant but this is Pascal)

I'm currently responsible to re create this application in a web environment so we can have the same functionality shared through Web as the user can see the same in a Web Browser.

The Windows application has almost 4 years on it and I need to re create everything from scratch, and all the bugs/features find in the future in the Windows Application I have to re create them again in the Web...

is there any way I can create a Wrapper, even using 3rd party commercial objects, to:

Communicate with the COM Object Can expose the content of the OCX (this in my most confortable language, ASP.NET C#, but other are welcome) I was thinking out loud, can this be accomplish with a Java Applet? Silverlight 4?

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MVC :: Creating Pdf From .net View?

Sep 23, 2010

i m using mvc2 for my application. i have a view that accepts a model and renders its data in some format. i want this page to be converted into pdf file so it can be sent via attachment or created and downloaded on the fly. i have some success creating pdf with itextsharp library but they say it has very basic support for html and css. if anyone has rendered complex html pages to pdf using itextsharp or any other library plz share ur experience

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C# - Creating A New Log File Each Day?

May 24, 2010

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How can I create a new log file each day? The log file will be have the name in a format like MMDDYYYY.txt

How can I create it just after midnight in case it is running into all hours of the night?

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C# - Creating UI Controls In Mvc?

Jan 23, 2010

i am new to mvc and i am presently facing problem to create my own textbox, button etc and use it to store my data to database.

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Creating A ServerControl In C#?

Nov 14, 2010

I'm working on a ServerControl (SuperFish Menu).Below is my codes.Menu.cs

[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.Demand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[AspNetHostingPermission(SecurityAction.InheritanceDemand, Level = AspNetHostingPermissionLevel.Minimal)]
[ParseChildren(true, "MenuItems")]


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Creating A Whole Site Using 2.0?

Sep 20, 2010

i am new programmer i am using visual studio 2005i am making a project it is a e commerce site 1. what guideline should i follow ? 2. what r de step i must take before creating de site ?

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Creating Barcode's In .net?

May 25, 2010

I am getting an site developed and need a program which will generate barcode's. So far all I have found is . open source alternative? or a cheaper alternative.

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C# - Creating RTF And Printing As PDF?

Feb 22, 2011

Create a Rich Text Format file Add company image to the top of page and write the data to the RTFPrint the RTF file as PDF through CutePDF or other printer that are able to convert my RTF to a PDF and thereby save locally on the users PC - The pdf should be saved at a location without prompting the user After this is done, the RTF file should be deleted and return a message, that confirms the action is successfully done.

Other stuff:

The website where these actions take place, are not meant to host the outcome(the PDFs) but these are supposed to be saved on the users PC. (is this possible without prompting the user to save it? i imagine the website would write directly to the users PC instead of doing the work on the website and save it and then transfer the file to the PC)

OBS: i do not wish to use any 3th party program/DLL other then the converter like cutePDF :)

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ADO.NET :: Get The SQL For Creating The Database With EF 4.0?

Nov 8, 2010

Is it possible to get the sql script for creating the database, when using Entity Framework 4.0 code first, without using the designer? When i use the designer it creates an .....edmx.sql file with the script. But i don't want to use the designer.

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Creating A Repeater Using BLL?

Dec 12, 2010

I'm trying to create a repeater control bound with data of my database. This should be use with a BLL. But I don't know what I have to do.

The code I used in the page.aspx.vb is:

Public Function showRepeater()
' 1 - BLL
Dim BLLVragenRepeater As New VraagBLL
' 2 - Getting all topics


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Creating / Using / Sharing Assembly?

Nov 1, 2010

Any Simple and Short Example Assembly (Creating ,using ,Sharing ) assembly

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Creating A Webservice Client?

Aug 2, 2010

I am a beginner at webservices.

I created a webservice solution using VS2010. I can browse to http://localhost:1259/ResultsWebServices/FG_Results.asmx and click on my webservice which is Get_FG_Results, enter my case num and get the XML back. Works fine as expected. FG

For trial purpose, I added another project in the same solution which is supposed to be this webservice client. I added a web refrence to Get_FG_Results. On the default page I added a GridView to display the resuls fetched by the webservice.

I have a method BindDataToGrid being called at the page load. How do I call my webservice from this method to populate the GridView?

What else do I need to do so that this webservice is available to other applications?

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Creating Web Service Failure?

Feb 17, 2010

In Visual Studio 2005.I have created a Blank solutions(XYZ) and then add a ASP.Net Web Service Project(TESTP) under it.And then create a .asmx file(WEBFI.asmx) and then write a method and add [WEB Method] on top of the method.Now compile it.And then publish it.But in publishing folder I didn’t found any WSDL file which I should call in different machine (which is in LAN ).

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MVC :: Creating Wcf Service To An Application?

Sep 13, 2010

I wounder if there are some differencences when creating a wcf serivce to a MVC webbapplication.

how to create such a serivce for a MVC application. and returns a json object.

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Creating Dropdownlist From ViewData

Jul 22, 2010

Does anyone have any idea why the code below doesn't give me any value but instead gives me "System.Web.Mvc.SelectListItem"? If I don't do a foreach but instead substitute the ViewData with this

<%= Html.DropDownList("PersonOnCallCheckBoxList") %>, I get the correct value.
foreach (var person in ViewData["Person"] as IEnumerable)
<input type="checkbox" value="<%= person %>" /><%= person %><br />

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ADO.NET :: EF - Creating Table View

Sep 21, 2010

I am writing a table view for my ef model - I am not using the designer - I keep having issues with it. So I'm doing it the old fashion way of writing the code - All my tables and stored procs are working but now I added these two views and all is broken!In my SSDL I have

Alias="Self" [code]....

I am getting the errors following - - Error 3 Error 2007: The Table 'ProgrammingCategory' specified as part of this MSL does not exist in MetadataWorkspace.

Error 4 Error 2063: At least one property must be mapped in the set mapping for 'ProgrammingCategories'.

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Creating A Msgbox Dynamically?

Mar 28, 2011

I have this statement which is used to create my msgbox dynamically but it is not working unfortunately. see statement below this

confirm('Are you sure you want to make this change?');"

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ADO.NET :: EF: Creating Database And Model?

Mar 25, 2011

This is a simplified example of what I need. Imagine a person table with several different club tables. Every person can belong to any number of clubs, but must belong to at least one club. The association would be a 1 to zero or one between the person table and each of the club tables.I've created the databases, then the entity model. The associations are all 1 to many, which isn't what I want.

Is there a way to modify the database so that the model is created correctly? I'm still building the project, making lots of changes, and I've had problems with updating the model, so I keep recreating it. Setting up the database correctly would be preferable.I'm trying to follow the quickstart here: [URL]but I'm using the SQL Management Studio designer, and I can't find how to fix the associations I add.

I've been reading about using or not using foreign keys in the model, but it's only confused me more. Can someone help me understand this? I'm starting to write code with what I have, and I'm running into problems. I'm about to start using joins, which means I'm trying to use a hammer instead of a saw because I don't know how to use my saw. I'd rather understand my tools and use them the right way!

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