Custom VirtualPathProvider - Unable To Serve URLs Ending With A Directory

Jan 20, 2010

As part of a CMS, I have created a custom VirtualPathProvider which is designed to serve a single file in place of an actual file structure. I have it set up such that if a file actually exists on the server, that file will be served. If the file does not exist, the virtual content stored for that address will be served instead. This is similar to the concept of serving a website from files stored in a database, though in this case the content is stored in XML files on the server.

This setup works perfectly when a request is made to a specific page. For example, if I ask for "", the content that is stored for "foobar.aspx" will be served. Further, if I ask for "", the appropriate content will also be served.

The problem is this: If I ask for something like "", things begin to fall apart. If the directory exists on disk (and doesn't have a configured default page in IIS, such as index.aspx), I will get a "Directory Listing Denied" error. If the directory does not exist, I'll simply get a 404 - Resource Not Found.

I've tried several things, and so far nothing I've done has made a bit of difference. It seems as though IIS is simply noting the nonexistence of a directory (or default file in an existing directory) and serving up its own error code, without ever asking my application what to do with the request. If it ever did get to the application, I would be able to solve the problem, but as it stands, I'm quite lost. Does anyone know if there is some setting in IIS that is causing this?

I've looked for every resource I can find on the subject, and am coming up empty. I know this should be possible, because I have read tutorials on serving content from both databases and ZIP files.

p.s., I am running IIS6 and .NET 3.5

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Custom VirtualPathProvider Not Being Used In IIS6?

Aug 30, 2010

I added the following lines to Application_Start method in global.asax:

var provider = new TestVirtualPathProvider();

Yet the 'TestVirtualPathProvider' is never used when deploying this application in IIS6 (it does in the ASP.NET Development Server).

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Any possible reasons why this does not work in IIS6? Are there any other factors (handlers for example) wich might influence the used VirtualPathProvider?

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public ActionResult Handle404()
Response.StatusCode = 404;
return View("NotFound");

Problem: IIS serves back its own content (some predefined message) when I set Response.StatusCode to 404 before returning the content.

On the VS development web server, this works as intended - the status code of the HTTP response is 404 while my content (the NotFound view) is served.

I believe that when the IIS processing pipeline sees that the application returns 404, it simply replaces the whole response with its own.

What setting in IIS affects this behavior?

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Could not load file or assembly 'MoonFlareStudiosLibrary.UrlRedirection' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

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When I say "run it through a virtual application" I mean I use IIS7 to create a virtual application in my wwwroot folder so I can just type "localhost/<app name>" to run it.

hy it work when debugging but not through the virtual application?

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/DisplayContent.aspx?id=789798 -> /2010-5-10/Title-Of-The-Post

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private string ResolveRelativePaths(string relativeUrl, string originatingUrl)
if (relativeUrl.StartsWith("http") || relativeUrl.StartsWith("www"))
return relativeUrl;
if (relativeUrl.StartsWith("/"))
//get main url

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There seems to be some constraints and concerns when I check other postings. For example:'If a Web site is precompiled for deployment, content provided by a VirtualPathProvider instance is not compiled, and noVirtualPathProvider instances are used by the precompiled site.'
(from )

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HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider(new VirtualFilesProvider());
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new WebFormViewEngineWithOurVirtualPathProvider());

The problem is that Visual Studio cannot find the images or masterpage and therefore gives us a lot of warnings + that we cannot select the masterpage when creating new view pages.

Note: Everything works fine when running the websites.

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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;


wen i m running this code its giving me "access id denied" exception..

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Unable To Login To Active Directory - Connection Not Available

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Unable to create the vitual directory. To aceess local Web sites, you must install the following IIS components:

IIS6 Metabase and IIS 6 Configuration Compatibility ASP.NET

In Addition, you must run Visual Studio in the context of an administrator account.

PS: I was running VS 2010 as an administrator when I got this error

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[URL] the steps mentioned in the link.

I am not seeing Build / Publish Web Site option.

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The line of code that generates the error is:


If I change the code to use a virtual directory I get the same basic error on the Overview.Save call:


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Active Directory/LDAP :: Unable To Establish A Secure Connection With Server?

Sep 6, 2010

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Trust level set to Full. Using Login control to authenticate.


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Active Directory/LDAP :: Unable To Create A Group Using Directive Services

Sep 9, 2010

this is what i used:


It throws me out saying genral access denied... finding the exact solution on how i could create a configuration page such that a certain set of groups could be assigned to my application.

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Unable To Cross Network Permissions For An Image Through Iis7 In Virtual Directory?

May 6, 2010

I have load balanced web servers My application has a function that allows the user to upload their company logo to display in the application header obviously, when they upload the logo image file, it needs to be in a central location or otherwise, the file will not be accessible to the other server on the load balancer. in order to be able to upload the image through the application other one of either servers and then display it on both servers I need a virtual directory on both servers that point to a third "file server" (this is the "AcctData" directory shown below with a sub folder "images")

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C# - Create Directory Of Custom Webusercontrols?

Jan 27, 2011

I am very exited to find out how to do this.I have created 10 custom webusercontrols which is meant to be used on several custom sites on my website etc. and I want to find out how I can make a directory which will work the same as the the moment I have to register the webusercontrol at the top of the page like this:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="prefix" TagName="UserControl" Src="Source" %>

How do I create a directory that contains all of my webusercontrols, so I only have to register the assembly and can use the prefix and then the intellisense will appear?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: .Net MVC 2 'Unable To Establish Secure Connection With The Server' Error?

Jul 23, 2010

We're having an error similar to the one detailed here. We get the error noted above when trying to do AD authentication from our .net (3.5) mvc 2 app. This is our first .net mvc app ...

- We are re-using a forms auth library written for a .Net 2 app

- that library/app/config used a service account with min. privileges for binding to AD

- This error occurs in VS 2008, have not tried deploying the app to a server yet (a little early for that)

- like the other user at the previously referenced thread, I can get the 'unable to establish ...' error to go away and display the log on page by putting *MY* credentials in instead of the service account (but not successfully authenticate)

- moving the service account into the same AD OU as my account does not seem to change it ... only using my account credentials does.

- trust level is set to full

Is this some odd permissions trick that is new with .Net 3.5 (even though the ADmembershipProvider is still a 2.0 libary)? This should have nothing to do with MVC itself.

Config looks like this (very standard, like every one else's)


The line/portion highlighted in the debug/stacktrace is:

type="System.Web.Security.ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider, System.Web, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a"

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Fix Broken Element That Miss Ending Tag Or /> With C#?

Oct 1, 2010

Is there a simple way to fix elements in a html document that miss the ending tag, or /> ending? I'm using ASP.NET with c# (loads html with the help of Html Agility Pack).

An example:

<img src="">

should transform into

<img src="" />


<img src=""></img>

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