MVC 2 VirtualPathProvider GetFile Every Time For Every Request?

Sep 19, 2010

I am fresh in ASP.NET MVC framework. This is may be a silly question for you. Sorry about that.I have implemented a VirtualPathProvider. The VirtualPathProvider reads the view from File system.However my problem is the method GetFile(string virtualPath) is not executed every time for every request. I think it is related to the caching, isn't it? What I want is getting file every time for every request. Because for some cases, the page in the file system will be modified and users want the system shows the changes immediately.

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How To Bypass Request Size и Request Processing Time Restrictions

Mar 1, 2011

I want to component to upload large filesP.How can I bypass request size и request processing time restrictions?

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Visual Studio 2010 - Site Upgraded VS08 - VS10, And Now Compile-time Errors Do Not Show Until I Request The Page At Run-time?

Mar 11, 2011

I have an ASP.NET website that worked fine using and debugging in VS2008. I went through the upgrade process opening the solution in VS2010. I can run the site, but as I make changes in the app_code folder classes, they don't seem to commpile and warn me of compile-time errors. As soon as I get to a point that calls the class, the errors show up. Sounds JIT I guess, but this isn't how it was working in 08. Is there an option that was changed in the upgrade process? This is a large project, I really don't want to break something and not find out until some obscure page is opened.

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Custom VirtualPathProvider Not Being Used In IIS6?

Aug 30, 2010

I added the following lines to Application_Start method in global.asax:

var provider = new TestVirtualPathProvider();

Yet the 'TestVirtualPathProvider' is never used when deploying this application in IIS6 (it does in the ASP.NET Development Server).

Edit: the default path provider has always done its job correctly and served (non-embedded) views correctly. The problem is simply that I want to use my own path provider to provide embedded views. So, initially, I already had the following wildcard mapping configured:

Any possible reasons why this does not work in IIS6? Are there any other factors (handlers for example) wich might influence the used VirtualPathProvider?

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MVC :: Razor View Engine - 'content' From DB Using VirtualPathProvider?

Dec 14, 2010

I'm working trying to realize a requirement where the pages should be 'configurable' at runtime (per client), stored in a database - a requirement that I have no say in Anyway, the current plan is to use the Razor view engine and 'load' the 'pages' dynamically. I have a basic sample working using a VirtualPathProvider and VirtualFile that serves up Raz'pages' on the fly.The question I have if there is a better approach when I have the Razor 'pages' stored in a dB (or any other repository)?

There seems to be some constraints and concerns when I check other postings. For example:'If a Web site is precompiled for deployment, content provided by a VirtualPathProvider instance is not compiled, and noVirtualPathProvider instances are used by the precompiled site.'
(from )

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How To Select Master Pages That Are Provided By A VirtualPathProvider

Oct 15, 2010

We got a lot of intranet websites that share the same design. Therefore we've put the master pages, stylesheet, images and javascripts in a shared assembly.

The content is loaded by using:

HostingEnvironment.RegisterVirtualPathProvider(new VirtualFilesProvider());
ViewEngines.Engines.Add(new WebFormViewEngineWithOurVirtualPathProvider());

The problem is that Visual Studio cannot find the images or masterpage and therefore gives us a lot of warnings + that we cannot select the masterpage when creating new view pages.

Note: Everything works fine when running the websites.

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Custom VirtualPathProvider - Unable To Serve URLs Ending With A Directory

Jan 20, 2010

As part of a CMS, I have created a custom VirtualPathProvider which is designed to serve a single file in place of an actual file structure. I have it set up such that if a file actually exists on the server, that file will be served. If the file does not exist, the virtual content stored for that address will be served instead. This is similar to the concept of serving a website from files stored in a database, though in this case the content is stored in XML files on the server.

This setup works perfectly when a request is made to a specific page. For example, if I ask for "", the content that is stored for "foobar.aspx" will be served. Further, if I ask for "", the appropriate content will also be served.

The problem is this: If I ask for something like "", things begin to fall apart. If the directory exists on disk (and doesn't have a configured default page in IIS, such as index.aspx), I will get a "Directory Listing Denied" error. If the directory does not exist, I'll simply get a 404 - Resource Not Found.

I've tried several things, and so far nothing I've done has made a bit of difference. It seems as though IIS is simply noting the nonexistence of a directory (or default file in an existing directory) and serving up its own error code, without ever asking my application what to do with the request. If it ever did get to the application, I would be able to solve the problem, but as it stands, I'm quite lost. Does anyone know if there is some setting in IIS that is causing this?

I've looked for every resource I can find on the subject, and am coming up empty. I know this should be possible, because I have read tutorials on serving content from both databases and ZIP files.

p.s., I am running IIS6 and .NET 3.5

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Get Time Of Last Request?

Jul 20, 2010

How can I get time of last request Sent in Actually I want to set automatic Idle timeout. So I planned to compare this time with current.

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Databases :: How To Process Multiple Request At The Same Time

Feb 27, 2011

I have a doubt. For examples, Multiple users trying to update the same record usign application.

Can any one explain me indatil the situation how db process the request.?

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Web Forms :: Request Time Out While File Uploading?

Sep 1, 2010

im trying to upload a 8mb of pdf file but im getting Request Timeout error, below code i have mentioned in the web.config file. In my web page i have used AJAX Scriptmanager, Updatepanel.

<httpRuntime maxRequestLength="25600"/> below is the error message

Server Error in '/' Application.

Request timed out. Description: An unhandled exception occurred during the execution of the current web request. review the stack trace for more information about the error and where it originated in the code.

Exception Details: System.Web.HttpException: Request timed out.

Source Error:


Stack Trace:


[HttpException (0x80004005): Request timed out.]

Version Information: Microsoft .NET Framework Version:2.0.50727.3603; ASP.NET Version:2.0.50727.3614

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How To Retrieve Response Time To Each Request Made In Page

Feb 16, 2010

How can I retrieve the list of all the request I made it to server with respect to time required to process time for it.In my page I am using some web services. I want to retrieve list of all the web services I am using and time required to process this request.

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How To Request The Extended Permission At The Time Of Authentication Only In Facebook App Development

Nov 8, 2010

I am developing a facebook application in using the facebook developkit downloaded from [URL] website.

I am practicing a sample application in SDK 3.02samplesIFrame.

They have give an attribute called RequiredAttribute = true in IFrameMaster.Master.cs, which will access the basic information.

But I want to request for extended permission in the same screen itself.

For that i have used this.RequiredPermissions = new List() { Facebook.Schema.Enums.ExtendedPermissions.publish_stream, Facebook.Schema.Enums.ExtendedPermissions.offline_access };

But there is no use.

Is there any way to do it.

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State Management :: How To Set Cookie Expiry Time Towards 20mins From The Last Request

Dec 25, 2010

how to set the cookie expiry time towards 20mins from the last request.

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Web Forms :: Performance - Page Is Being Loaded For The First Time Vs SubSequent Request?

Sep 17, 2010

I have some serious performance Issues with Windows controls loading first time on IE Browser then subsequent request's. When ever i open Browser first time , mywebsite takes 7 seconds to load, but on subsequent request without closing browser it loads with-in 2 seconds.I Knew IIS on first time it re-compiles the process and for subsequent request's it wont perform and it cahches .I'm looking for better options to improve performance, when ever first time reqest's comes to web server.

On IIS 7 Server,I was using both Dynamic and Static compression enabled.Also,On application pool ,I set "ShutDown Time(Limit)" and "Startup Time(Limit") to 90 (seconds).Here is web.config i disable below to improve performance issues.

<trace enabled="false" pageOutput="false" />
<compilation debug="false"/>

Here is the Server Configuration

Windows 2008 Server
IIS 7 64 bit
Upto Date patches.
.Net Framework 2.0,3.0,3.5

Need inputs to improve performance when user call website for first time.

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Configuration :: Request Time Out Error And Maximum Length Exceeded Error

Aug 12, 2010

I am trying to Upload data from Excel file. Transfer data from Excel file to XML file and passed it to Store procedure. And insert the record into database.I also set the timeout for command to zero. when i upload 1 to 500 rows its working fine and when I upload the 10000 rows than its takes time but upload all the users successfully at localhost. But when I upload the code to remote srever,than its only upload upto 300 or 400 rows.After uploading these users it will gives the error of Request Time Out . Even more if I tried to upload 50000 rows its give me the error of 'Maximum Length Exceeded'. Can anyone tell me what the maximum size of Excel sheet to upload the users. How I can get rid of the Request Time Out Issue. How I can Increase the server response time.

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Global Time Settings / Displaying The Canadian Time Instead Of India Time?

Oct 1, 2010

My web application has hosted on the canada server but my all clients are indians.So, as I am using System.datetime.Now to store all the dates in application.Obviously, it is displaying the canadian time instead of india time.How can i do it?Is there not any gloabl settings that we can do in our web.config file so that it indicates to the server at run time which time zone to execute..?Or any other suitable alternate?

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HttpHandlers / Modules :: HttpModule That Alters Request.QueryString And Request.Form?

Jan 27, 2011

We're trying to implement functionality that intercepts, inspects, and alters if needed data in the Request.QueryString and Request.Form collections.

Since Request.QueryString and Request.Form are readonly, is it possible to use a HttpModule to do this without Reflection or Response.Redirect?

We're thinking that we can construct a new HttpRequest, and replace the original one. Would there be any implications in doing this?

I know mocking this object is impossible without using HttpRequestWrapper, but wasn't sure whether ASP.NET sets other things beyond the constructor.

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WCF / ASMX :: Request Failed With HTTP Status 400: Bad Request Accessing Web Service

May 15, 2010

I have a webservice which works 100% fine on my developer machine. Where Web Service is installed on LOCALHOST on my developer machine,Then i went to my servers, I installed webservice on one server and map it with the server where the website is hosted, Then i tried accessing this service using BROWSER from my web server, it worked fine, That means the mapping was done perfect.Then i run my program on web server (website). It worked fine on page1, then on page2, but when i did the same and call same function on page3, It popped me any error of

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Accessing IIS's Request Handling Pipeline To Inject A Request And Get The HTML Response?

Dec 9, 2010

Is it at all possible to inject a request into IIS for a page, have IIS and ASP.Net handle it as normal, but get the response as html handed back to me programmatically?

Yes, I know that I could connect to port 80 using WebRequest and WebResponse, but that becomes difficult if you are accessing the IIS server from the same physical machine (loopback security controls et al).

Basically, I want to inject the request (eg for [URL]) between the points at which IIS would normally talk to the browser, and the point at which it would route it to the correct ASP.Net application, and get a response back from IIS between the points at which ASP.Net/IIS applies the httpfilters and hands the html back to the browser.

I'm predominantly working with IIS7 so if there is a solution that works just for IIS7 then thats not an issue.

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MVC :: Request.Params Request.Form Not Working In Internet Explorer 8?

Jun 29, 2010

This is a input

<input type="image" src="<%=Url.Content("~/images/shopping-cart.jpg")%>" alt="shopping cart" id="btnshoppingCart" name="btnshoppingCart" value="shoppingCart" />

when i browse the page with firefox and click on the input Request.Params["btnshoppingCart"] != null or Request.Form["btnshoppingCart"] != null is statisfied.

When i browse the same page with internet explorer 8 and click on the same input Request.Params["btnshoppingCart"] != null or Request.Form["btnshoppingCart"] != null is not satisfied. When i used the watch i saw that there is no key by the name of "btnshoppingCart" in either Request.Form or Request.Params if input is clicked from internet explorer. However when it is clicked from firefox there is value "shoppingCart" inside Request.Form and Request.Params against "btnshoppingCart" key. One more strange thing that i observed was that are two keys "btnshoppingCart.x" and "btnshoppingCart.y" inside both Request.Form and Request.Params whenver clicking is done from both internet explorer and firefox. This is happening against all inputs of type image irrespective if the input is present inside a html form or not. Forms are created like this

<% using (Html.BeginForm("Action", "Controller", FormMethod.Post)){%>

The version of internet explorer is 8.0 and firefox is 3.6.6

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Determine If A HTTP Request Is A Soap Request On HttpApplication.AuthenticateRequest

Jan 21, 2010

I there a way to know if a request is a soap request on AuthenticateRequest event for HttpApplication? Checking ServerVariables["HTTP_SOAPACTION"] seems to not be working all the time.

public void Init(HttpApplication context) {
context.AuthenticateRequest += new EventHandler(AuthenticateRequest);
protected void AuthenticateRequest(object sender, EventArgs e) {
app = sender as HttpApplication;
if (app.Request.ServerVariables["HTTP_SOAPACTION"] != null) {
// a few requests do not enter here, but my webservice class still executing
// ...
I have disabled HTTP POST and HTTP GET for webservices in my web.config file.
<remove name="HttpGet" />
<remove name="HttpPost" />
<add name="AnyHttpSoap" />
Looking at ContentType for soap+xml only partially solves my problem. For example,
Cache-Control: no-cache
Connection: Keep-Alive
Content-Length: 1131
Content-Type: text/xml
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Accept-Language: ro
Host: localhost
mymethod: urn:[URL]

Some clients instead of having the standard header SOAPAction: [URL], have someting like in example above. "mymethod" represents the method in my web service class with [WebMethod] attribute on it and [URL] is the namespace of the webservice. Still the service works perfectly normal. The consumers use different frameworks (NuSOAP from PHP, .NET, Java, etc).

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First Request Fails With HTTP 400 (Bad Request) After Reading HttpRequest.InputStream

Oct 24, 2010

I develop an asmx web service (i.e. ASP.NET 2.0). There's a piece of code that may read the contents of the HTTP request (via HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream) while processing it. I realise that InputStream may only be read once for a request, and I make sure I never try to read it more than once.

The problem seems to be that if InputStream happens to be read during the early stages of the application's lifecycle (e.g. after pskill w3wp, during Application_Start), the HTTP request fails with a HTTP 400 - Bad Request error, with no explanation given, no exception thrown and no entry in the httperr log. If it is read later (e.g. within the web method itself), requests run fine whether InputStream is read or not. Application_Start runs fine if InputStream isn't read.

Is this some sort of ASP.NET bug? IIS bug? Or am I doing something wrong by daring to read InputStream? And if so, is there another way to get a look at the "raw" contents of the request without disturbing the inner workings of IIS/ASP.NET? In short, adding this code within Application_Start is enough to reproduce this error: using (StreamReader reader = new StreamReader(HttpContext.Current.Request.InputStream))reader.ReadToEnd();

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PHP Curl Request To IIS Results In Request Format Is Invalid?

Apr 4, 2011

I am trying to use curl to access 3rd party webservice, I used the following code which works well if I try it on my own linux server, the data is being sent ok, but the IIS on the 3rd party server returns an error.

$longdata is a long string of data, maybe over 1000 characters long the 3rd party has many working clients with various implementations so the problem is on my side. what do I need to add to the request in order to get this through ?

$c = curl_init();
// curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER, array('Expect:'));
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_URL, '');
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POST, 1);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_HEADER, 1);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1);
$post = array('param1' => 'XXXX', "param2" => "Y", "Param3" => $long_data);
curl_setopt($c, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $post);
$response = curl_exec($c);
echo $response;


HTTP/1.1 100 Continue
HTTP/1.1 500 Internal Server Error
Date: Tue, 05 Apr 2011 14:11:51 GMT
Server: Microsoft-IIS/6.0
X-Powered-By: ASP.NET
X-AspNet-Version: 2.0.50727
Cache-Control: private
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=utf-8
Content-Length: 100
Request format is invalid: multipart/form-data; boundary=----------------------------5d738237d9e0.

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To Get The Time Difference Between The Replied Time With Arrived Time Of The Mail?

Aug 2, 2010

i have to listen my mail server for every 30 min. i have a distribution list and i want to count number of email comes for that distribution list and no of replies goes from the outlook for every 30 minutes. also i need to get the time difference between the replied time with arrived time of the mail. so show me some sample code

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ADO.NET :: How To Format A TIME COLUMN In SQL 08 To Regular Time And Not Military Time

Mar 5, 2011

Anyone know how to format a TIME COLUMN in SQL 08 to regular time and not military time?

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