C# - Create Directory Of Custom Webusercontrols?

Jan 27, 2011

I am very exited to find out how to do this.I have created 10 custom webusercontrols which is meant to be used on several custom sites on my website etc. and I want to find out how I can make a directory which will work the same as the asp.net.At the moment I have to register the webusercontrol at the top of the page like this:

<%@ Register TagPrefix="prefix" TagName="UserControl" Src="Source" %>

How do I create a directory that contains all of my webusercontrols, so I only have to register the assembly and can use the prefix and then the intellisense will appear?

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C# - WebUserControls Get Type Infomation About Other WebUserControls Within The Project?

Feb 8, 2011

I'm basically trying to get webcontrols to talk to one another.I have one WUC that wants to get information from another.In ControlB's GetDataFromControlA method

public List<ControlBData> GetDataFromControlA()
ControlA c = Page.FindControl( IdOfControlA) as ControlA;
if( c != null)
return c.Data;

At code time ControlB knows nothing of ControlA...so ControlB cant access its members, and the above wont compile.

I'm thinking I have to use methods in the page to get the controls talking to one another...

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Why Necessary To Create Virtual Directory In IIS When Website Content Is Placed In IIS Root Directory

Feb 13, 2010

As virutal directory points to physical path of the application, so if the IIS root directory is C:inetpubwwwroot and the application is stored at D:websites, than we need to create a virtual directory but if the application content is placed at C:inetpubwwwroot, then why still need to create virtual directory.

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Web Forms :: Many WebUserControls In Page?

Sep 23, 2010

I have a e-commerce cart with many itens. Each item has a product, quantity and some other fields. Each item was developed as a WebUserControl.My e-cart will have many of this WebUserControls that are loaded dinamically as users add them, edit and remove itens of the cart.If I add this WebUserControls in a Panel, I'll have to load it every time I postBack the page. If I put it in a Repeater, the WebUserControls will keep on the screen but all the controls inside of it will be cleared.So here comes my question:How to do it without having to reload my WebUserControls everytime I PostBack the page??? It takes too long for the user

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Jan 27, 2011

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When ever I click a button it setups a inline button click event in the ascx file


Why does my VS2008 suddenly start to use inline click event instead of using the codebehind ascx.cs file that I want?

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To Create A Custom Control That Adds Other Controls Visible To The Page Hosting My Custom ?

Oct 22, 2010

I want to create a custom control where I define several specifically named DIV sections. The code-behind logic of the custom control will perform operations on these named DIV sections. The page where the custom control is hosted needs to be able to add named controls to the DIV sections and perform operations on these named controls added to the DIV sections.

Let me explain a little further. In the custom control, I want to have code behind logic that fires the following Page Event and uses a condition to make one or another specifically named DIV section visible or not:

< _
ToolboxData("<{0}:BaseDetails runat=""server""></{0}:BaseDetails>") _
> _
Public Class BaseDetails


how can I create a custom control which is able to generate the named DIV sections "DetailsNameDiv1" and "DetailsNameDiv2" where my custom control can check a condition and make one or the other visible. Also, I need to be able to add controls to these named DIV sections when I host the custom control and the control that I add to the named DIV section needs to let me set values of these controls from the code behind logic of the page (or usercontrol) where the custom control is being hosted (in my example, I am adding TextBox controls that I want to set the Text property from a SQL Data Reader).

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Custom Control From Currently Have Within A Modal Popup?

Feb 24, 2011

I have currently on multiple pages a modal popup that displays the information below, we are getting to the point where we need to call this popup from multiple locations, currently i have duplicate setups on each page that i want to use it on, but its becoming a mess to manage when a change is needed.. so im looking to see if what i have within the modal popup can be turned into a control that i can call anywhere thru out the site and have just 1 setup to maintain going forward..If its possible to create a control that can then be placed within the modal popup and server the same purpose that would be great any links here is what i have within the modal popup that i have on atleast 3 pages currently..


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C# - How To Create A Custom Web Part From A Custom List In Sharepoint 2007

Dec 19, 2010

I want to create a custom web part in SharePoint 2007 that allows me to take items from an existing custom list (i.e. Title, Hyperlink, Description and photo) and then render it in a format of my choice. How can I do this using C# asp.net and a web part?

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Custom Server Controls :: Create A Web Custom Control?

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WebMatrix :: Custom Default Directory For New Websites?

Jul 15, 2010

How does one create new sites in your own custom directory? Can it be added as a feature?

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Active Directory/LDAP :: How To Read Custom Attributes In A.D.

Jan 25, 2011

I would like to read the extended attributes (in. an A.D. entry /Exchange advanced/Exchange custom attributes)

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Active Directory Custom User Profiles / Attributes?

Mar 8, 2010

I am currently using the ActiveDirectoryMembershipProvider just for authentication on an internal business app built in asp.net. This works like a charm.

I am now looking to add some functionality to handle custom profile information for a user, ideally also stored in Active Directory.

For a simple example let's just say the custom attribute is FavoriteColor. Then the goal would be for my app to be able to read in this custom attribute for the authenticated user.

I have looked into ADAM a bit. That looks like it would be great for a Role Provider, but I haven't really found anything that indicates it would work well for a Profile Provider or if it would even let me store custom attributes like FavoriteColor. Maybe someone knows better?

I'm also pretty new to Active Directory so maybe there is even an option to store custom user attributes (like FavoriteColor) within it? In general I am just looking for ideas about the best way to implement this?

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C# - Custom RoleProvider Not Working When Deployed To Web Apps Bin Directory?

Apr 4, 2011

I have created custom membership and role providers for a SharePoint web application.

If I deploy the DLL for these classes into the GAC, the membership/role provision works just fine. If I deploy these DLLs to the web application's bin folder in IIS, the web app bails with a server error immediately when browsing to the site.

Parser Error Message: Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.

If I view source on the error page I get a bit more info:


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Custom VirtualPathProvider - Unable To Serve URLs Ending With A Directory

Jan 20, 2010

As part of a CMS, I have created a custom VirtualPathProvider which is designed to serve a single file in place of an actual file structure. I have it set up such that if a file actually exists on the server, that file will be served. If the file does not exist, the virtual content stored for that address will be served instead. This is similar to the concept of serving a website from files stored in a database, though in this case the content is stored in XML files on the server.

This setup works perfectly when a request is made to a specific page. For example, if I ask for "www.mysite.com/foobar.aspx", the content that is stored for "foobar.aspx" will be served. Further, if I ask for "www.mysite.com/subdir/foobar.aspx", the appropriate content will also be served.

The problem is this: If I ask for something like "www.mysite.com/foobar", things begin to fall apart. If the directory exists on disk (and doesn't have a configured default page in IIS, such as index.aspx), I will get a "Directory Listing Denied" error. If the directory does not exist, I'll simply get a 404 - Resource Not Found.

I've tried several things, and so far nothing I've done has made a bit of difference. It seems as though IIS is simply noting the nonexistence of a directory (or default file in an existing directory) and serving up its own error code, without ever asking my application what to do with the request. If it ever did get to the application, I would be able to solve the problem, but as it stands, I'm quite lost. Does anyone know if there is some setting in IIS that is causing this?

I've looked for every resource I can find on the subject, and am coming up empty. I know this should be possible, because I have read tutorials on serving content from both databases and ZIP files.

p.s., I am running IIS6 and .NET 3.5

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How To Create A New Virtual Directory On The IIS Pointing To Say C

Apr 29, 2010

Assuming here that I have full control over the server.I'm looking for a sample code that would help me understand how to create a new virtual directory on the IIS pointing to say C:

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Configuration :: How To Create Virtual Directory In IIS

Jun 3, 2010

I'm new to IIS, I just want to create a virtual directory in IIS. I'm using WINDOWS7.When I Browse my Default file it throws the folling Error,Error SummaryHTTP Error 500.19 - Internal Server ErrorThe requested page cannot be accessed because the related configuration data for the page is invalid.

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How To Create A Virtual Directory Under A Website

Feb 8, 2011

I was running it directly from Visual studio which resulted in this error :) I can clearly see the images when I run it directly from IIS!

I've created a website under IIS and have successfuly pointed it to my project. The path to my project under IIS is:


I, then created a virtual directory under website cartoon named cartoon_images but it creates it under localhost:36011/cartoon_images/ instead of localhost:36011/cartoon/cartoon_images/

As you can see, virtual directory is under the website "cartoon" but I can't access it as cartoon/cartoon_images/

I'll need to give links to this virtual folder but I can't do it in this case if I'm not mistaken.

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Create And Edit Virtual Directory Through C#?

Sep 19, 2010

I am working in a .net C# .In my application I have to create in theIIS>local computer>Web Sites>Default Web Site - virtual directory and also I want to be able tochange properties of this vitrual directory (All process of creation virtual directory in the IIS I want to do programmaticaly).

I had make a program in C# for create a Virtual Directory.But i didn't able to edit its property..

After this i have to implement all this program in .Net Remoting 0r WCF.

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Web Forms :: Create A Directory With Unique Id?

Feb 1, 2010

how to create a directory with a unique id and store the files to that directory in asp.net web application with C#

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C# - How To Create A Directory Structure From Database For Treeview

Feb 18, 2011

I am saving relative path of files in my DB as string. I want to create a treeview from this input. There can be multiple folders for a file path.

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Trying To Create A Proper Directory Structure For A New Website?

Jul 9, 2010

Can you point me to a url for the proper directory structure to create for a new website?I can create a website project and add class library projects to the solution to create a fully functional website.My grey area is that I need to zip up the web site solution and hand it over to the client.I'd like to make sure that I hand over a solution with the most proper directory structure.I'll run you through a scenario:

1. Select File > New > Web Site > ASP.NET Web Site from the main menu
2. Save with a path of C:ProjectsTestWebSite
3. Right-click the solution in VS and select Add > New Project > Class Library
4. The new class library is added with an automatic path of C:ProjectsTestWebSite (2)MyClassLib1

It seems like there should be a way to create a better structure for this but I'm just not following the correct process. Can you point me to a url with instructions for managing a proper structure for this?

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Security :: Can't Create Directory On Remote Server

Feb 2, 2010

I can't seem to create a directory on a remote server even though I have given permissions for the asp.net application for all users. I gave full control to the Asp.net user, local computer user, administrators, Network Service, etc and I don't know what else to try. My code is below:


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Active Directory/LDAP :: How To Create An User In AD

Dec 21, 2010

How to create a user in AD

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