Data Controls :: CheckBox Inside GridView Getting Unchecked When Button Is Clicked?

May 7, 2015

i made a checkbox templatefield in gridview that let me select the rows wanted ...and i have a button to do something for all rows selected problem is after click button i want unchech all checkbox in gridview ...i wrote this code but not working: 

protected void btnPaye_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
//TextBox1.Text = "";
foreach (GridViewRow gvr in gdfacture.Rows) {
if (gvr.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
CheckBox cb = (CheckBox)(gvr.FindControl("chkSelect"));


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Similar Messages:

Data Controls :: Check Uncheck All CheckBox In Child (Nested) GridView When Parent GridView CheckBox Is Checked Unchecked?

May 7, 2015

when i checked the checkbox in parent gridview, all checkbox in child gridview will be checked.

how can i select the checkbox of child gridview checkbox in the when i select the checkbox from the parent gridview?

code behind
protected void OnCheckedChanged(object sender, EventArgs e)


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Data Controls :: Get ID When CheckBox Or Button Is Clicked In GridView Row Using JavaScript

May 7, 2015

I have multiple gridview in my page and every grid has a column "Select" which contains checkbox through which I am selecting a particular row.Now what I want to do that when I click Checkbox (Check or Uncheck) of any gridview it give me Id of Gridview through which it is associated.All I want to do this using javascript.

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Forms Data Controls :: Page Set Up - When A User Clicks On A Row In The Gridview A Hidden Checkbox Is Unchecked

Jun 8, 2010

i am trying to do is set my page up so that when a user clicks on a row in the gridview a hidden checkbox is unchecked... i am new to but never thought something as simple like this could be so difficult to work out... i've been on it for around 5 weeks now, i started this on my first day of the website, and have actually designed and written the entire site while still trying to work this out... i first did this on the selectedindexchanged event:

Dim cbox As CheckBox = CType(GridView1.Rows(GridView1.SelectedIndex).FindControl("CheckBox1"), CheckBox)

If cbox IsNot Nothing Then

If cbox.Checked = True Then[code]....

problem is the above code throws up errors...! once i take out the where clause it unchecks every checkbox and writes it back... is there a way i can say just uncheck the selectedrow checkbox and update that one row???

i'll admit there are better ways of doing this, and i'm sure the above code is a little messy,

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Data Controls :: Need Partial Page Postback When Add Button Is Inside Gridview Is Clicked

Jun 2, 2012

i have a gridview with itemtemplate, edittemplate and footer template placed in update panel..i have placed Add button to insert new record in the footer template.i want  partial page postback when  Add button is insside gridview is clicked.

<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel1" runat="server">
<asp:GridView ID="grdMatReq" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" 
        ShowFooter="True" Font-Size="Small"
        AllowPaging ="True" onrowediting="EditMatReq" 


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Data Controls :: Download File In New Window When Button Inside GridView Is Clicked

May 7, 2015

When I click on download link button which has the path of the file stored on the gridview how to pass only the filename to the query string... like for example URL....presentation. pdf is the file name and it will be displayed with the path stored on the gridview.. How to extract the filename and make it download on a new window by passing the filename on the query string..

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Data Controls :: Enable Disable TextBox Controls In GridView Row When CheckBox Checked Unchecked

May 21, 2013

i have a gridview with templatefield  in templatefield there is a checkbox and in there are textboxes. 

i want when i check the checkbox then only that row can active and the textboxes are enabled true when deselect the checkbox then that row should enable false.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calculation On RadioList Inside GridView - How To Retrieve The List Button Clicked Value

Jan 19, 2010

Here is my page:


It basically is 4 questions with each answer assigned a value.

What I would like to do is when the button is clicked the selected values are retrieved and calculated to give a total.

That total is then compared against some common totals and the next value is shown.

So is the total is 8= Very Good, 6= Very Bad, 4= Terrible etc.

The two labels Result and Truth would sho the numerical result and the truth according to the scale.

I am at a loss on how to retrieve the list button clicked value, how to add them up and referance that to the Truth result.

its complicated (to me its "bang head against wall" difficult.

View 17 Replies

Data Controls :: Show Modal Popup And Redirect To Another Page When Button Is Clicked Inside GridView

Apr 22, 2014

There is a Gridview in my web page with a Hyperlink & ImageButton inside it.HTML code:

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" Width="100%" PageSize="5" AllowPaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="GridView1_PageIndexChanging" BorderColor="#e5e4e2" BorderStyle="solid" BorderWidth="2px">
<RowStyle CssClass="Grid" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText="Id" DataField="id"/>


I wat to know 2 different things, using above Gridview Layout:1) when I click on only Gridview "Hyperlink", it should open a modal Popup with 1 Gridview inside modal Popup. And close modal Popup when clicking on cancel button.2) How to navigate to other ".aspx page", when clicking on Gridview "Hyperlink" OR "ImageButton" inside above Grid.

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Forms Data Controls :: Textbox Text Inside ItemTemplate In GridView Clears After The Update Button Is Clicked

Nov 10, 2010

I have a GridView with two templatefields, one with a DropDownList and the other with a TextBox, both loose their values once I hit the "update" button. Is it any way I can make the controls keep the values?

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Data Controls :: Update Value Of CheckBox Inside GridView To Database On Button Click

Jan 27, 2014

Below is my database structure

1manojdevelopingcheck box
2munatesting check box
3kanakadatabase check box
Here I want to assign the above database work to my team members. When I check the above check box and press assign button ,it shows in another page means the gridview selected row shows in another grid in another page .
And once i check any check box and assign , automatically the checked row vanished from my grid view.

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Data Controls :: CheckBox Inside GridView Has Value False Even If Checked On Button Click

Dec 8, 2012

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" >
<asp:CheckBox ID="myCheckBox1" runat="server"/>

[Code] .....

always returns a false value even though if it is checked

Dim myCheckBox As CheckBox = CType(row.FindControl("myCheckBox1"), CheckBox)
If myCheckBox.Checked = True Then
End if

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Data Controls :: CheckBox Inside GridView Always Checked False When Accessed On Button Click

Mar 10, 2014

There is a Gridview in my web page with select button as below:

<div class="test01" style="height:200px;overflow-y:scroll;overflow-x:hidden" align="center">
<asp:GridView Width="100%" ID="GAsset" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="AssetId">
<asp:BoundField DataField="AssetId" HeaderText="AssetId"/>
<asp:BoundField DataField="AssetName" HeaderText="Asset Name"/>

[Code] ....

When I am selecting any row of Gridview using checkbox and clicking on "Select" button, It is showing ch.checked= false

code is below:

protected void btnSelect_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) {
foreach (GridViewRow row in GAsset.Rows) {
CheckBox ch = (CheckBox)row.FindControl("chkSelect");
if (ch.Checked && ch != null) {
string key = Convert.ToString(GAsset.DataKeys[row.RowIndex].Value);


I also tried debugging my code using break points but it is showing ch.Checked = false everytime, dont know why.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox Not Firing When Unchecked?

Jan 12, 2011

i have repater and inside repeater i have checkbox

this is the code




my proplem when i check checkbox this event checkBox_CheckedChanged its fired but when i uncheck checkbox its not fired.

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Forms Data Controls :: Checkbox Clicked In A Gridview?

Nov 11, 2010

Iam using gridview in my application. Iam having a check box and a radio button list in a single column. And they are repeated for every Row. When i check the check box the corresponding Radio button list should be made visible(initially it is made invisible). How to achieve this.

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Data Controls :: Redirect To Another Page On Some Condition When Button Inside DataList Is Clicked

May 7, 2015

i have a question about HyperLink or LinkButton in Datalist in I have HyperLink or LinkButton in Datalist. How when clicking on a linkbutton, if satisfies a certain condition, it will move to a different page, and would not stay current page.

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Forms Data Controls :: Command Parameter Is Null When Button Is Clicked Inside Datagrid?

Dec 2, 2010

I have placed a button inside datagrid.I have use MVVM model to do all manuplation in the grid.

when i click the button i am getting null parameter .

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Forms Data Controls :: Enable Checkbox When Another Checkbox Clicked In Repeater?

Dec 2, 2010

i have repeater


and have code behind


when i click chk_packages checkbox myCheckedChanged fired and i want single checkbox to get enable

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Data Controls :: Highlight ImageButton Inside GridView Or DataList When Clicked?

May 7, 2015

I am using datalist control in it I am using imgabutton control.When user click on any image that image should get highlighted. When user click on other image new image should highlighted and previous should become normal.I want to store index of selected image in a variable this index should change if user clickon other image.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Display A Checked Checkbox When Field Value=1 And Unchecked When Field Value=0

Apr 22, 2010

I am using a GridView Control to display multiple fileds with 0's and 1's.

I am using template fields where CheckBoxes are used.

Where exactly and how do I apply the Logic to get a checked CheckBox when field Value=1 and unchecked CheckBox when field Value=2 .Also some times to be able to write a YES where fieldValue=1 or NO where filedValue=0

Do I apply this logic using asp or C#? How?

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Data Controls :: Open Panel As Modal Popup When HyperLink Inside GridView Is Clicked

Apr 25, 2014

Is it possible to open a "panel" when Clicking on Gridview HyperLink?

In my Web Page there is a Gridview with ItemTemplate field, with HyperLink inside it. On click of HyperLink I want to open a panel below Gridview.

How to achieve it.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Get Row Index Of Gridview When A Button Is Clicked

Feb 22, 2010

I am using a gridview in my page and wants to get row index of gridview when a button is clicked.

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Data Controls :: Find Button Control That Was Clicked In GridView Row

Oct 12, 2012

I have the following simple GridView control on my web page:

<asp:GridView ID="gvInvoices" runat="server"
PageSize="12"> <Columns>
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Invoice">

[Code] ....

I want to know which button a user clicked. I want to get the invoice number which is the text for the button control. But how do I know which row the user clicked?

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Data Controls :: Display PDF In IFRAME When Button Is Clicked In GridView

Jul 17, 2015

i have a link button which contains url as command argument in gridview and a iframe which will load pdf file from in link button click, can i show pdf file in to iframe?

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Data Controls :: Display Alert Message Box When Gridview Button Is Clicked?

May 30, 2012

if i click a image button to display the alert message box

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