Data Controls :: Display PDF In IFRAME When Button Is Clicked In GridView
Jul 17, 2015
i have a link button which contains url as command argument in gridview and a iframe which will load pdf file from in link button click, can i show pdf file in to iframe?
I have a Gridview., usually, when the delete command button is clicked then the row will be deleted., But what should I do if I want a alert message like "Are you sure......." to be displayed.....
I want to know which button a user clicked. I want to get the invoice number which is the text for the button control. But how do I know which row the user clicked?
I have multiple gridview in my page and every grid has a column "Select" which contains checkbox through which I am selecting a particular row.Now what I want to do that when I click Checkbox (Check or Uncheck) of any gridview it give me Id of Gridview through which it is associated.All I want to do this using javascript.
i made a checkbox templatefield in gridview that let me select the rows wanted ...and i have a button to do something for all rows selected problem is after click button i want unchech all checkbox in gridview ...i wrote this code but not working:
I have a gridview in my aspx form. I have used template column & in that created a table. In the table of the Item template , I am displaying some fields. My requirement is that when I click on any row, the correspoding data should be placed in proper text boxes. Each row in itemtemplate has a unique id called UserId.
Am working on google maps. I am retrieving data from database and binding to gridview now when i click on select in gridview i need to show particular id marker along with infowindow using the coordinates(lat and lng)
Table contains: ID,Firstname, LastName, Lat, Lng, DOB,DOD
If all rows has lat and lng then below code is working fine. But my grid has no coordinates for some rows like for 20 rows there are only 2 rows has coordinates(lat and lng) in this case this code is not working. And i have paging if i go to next page for this its taking again previous 1st rowindex and showing infowindow on the map.
$("[Id*=GridView1] td").live("click", function () { google.maps.event.trigger(google_markers[$(this).parent()[0].rowIndex - 1], 'click'); }); $("[Id*=GridView1] td").live("click", function () { });
i have a gridview with itemtemplate, edittemplate and footer template placed in update panel..i have placed Add button to insert new record in the footer template.i want partial page postback when Add button is insside gridview is clicked.
When I click on download link button which has the path of the file stored on the gridview how to pass only the filename to the query string... like for example URL....presentation. pdf is the file name and it will be displayed with the path stored on the gridview.. How to extract the filename and make it download on a new window by passing the filename on the query string..
I am having one friend request form.In that,I have used grid view control to show all registered members,So one who want to send request he/she can send request.My form design code is:
I have a grid with an link button template field i also added a drop down list template field, i would like to hide the link button text (select) and display my drop down list for only the current row, when the link button is selected and capture the selected row (int row = gvstaging.SelectedRow.RowIndex;)
When the dropdown list SelectedIndexChange event fires i would like to access the value of the selected item(
DropDownList ddl = (DropDownList) sender;string s = ddl.SelectedValue;) and pass the selectedrowIndex and value to another function
I know how to get selected row index , selected value from the ddl but dont know how to hide one and display the other only for a row and pass both values to the next step
I have a gridview. The fields are displayed in table in itemtemplate. Each row has a unique id called UserId.There is a linkbutton for Editing in each row.
When the Edit linkbutton is clicked, I need to get the details in that row to another page. Is this done using querystring.
I have a grid view that populates and displays data at btn click event from the following sql statement in one of the SP:
reg_code, pc_serial, act_code FROM user_reg WHERE reg_code=@reg_code
I want to pass parameters to the other Stored procedure when the edit button is clicked in order to update the 2 columns in the specific row at the time. I now how to pass parameters in a regular btn click event or function, but in the case of edit btn in grid view I don't know how to capture data from specific row and then pass it to the SP. Here is Stored Procedure to update the columns (every user always has the same reg code, but may have more than one serial number and activation code, I want to let the user update serial number and then based on the serial number generate new activation code in the SP.):
I wat to know 2 different things, using above Gridview Layout:1) when I click on only Gridview "Hyperlink", it should open a modal Popup with 1 Gridview inside modal Popup. And close modal Popup when clicking on cancel button.2) How to navigate to other ".aspx page", when clicking on Gridview "Hyperlink" OR "ImageButton" inside above Grid.
I have a GridView with two templatefields, one with a DropDownList and the other with a TextBox, both loose their values once I hit the "update" button. Is it any way I can make the controls keep the values?
i have a gridview binded with data when i hover mouse to row i want to display a image button to display date ,and when i click the button i want to display calender control for choose date, and next step after i choose date it will be must insert into database. and mean while a hidden label control will display and date shuld be display in it
Partial Class DeronPage Inherits System.Web.UI.Page Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click SqlDataSource1.SelectCommand = "SELECT Email From login" GridView1.DataBind() End Sub End Class
I am having a data table.I need to display a particular column from the data table to the label.I need the following
- During the page load, i need to display the first row of that column to the label. - If there is not more than a record, next btn should not get displayed. - when it is last record, next btn should not gets displayed and similarly if it is a first record, previous btn should not gets displayed.