Data Controls :: Display Merged Table On Same DataList That Is Displaying Another Merged Tables

Apr 27, 2016

I want to display another merged table on the same datalist showing another merged table so that any of the displayed merged table that recieves data first will show on top of the datalist.This is the first merged table showing on datalist

ALTER PROC [dbo].[GetMessage]
@UserName VARCHAR(200)


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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Extra Merged Row Or Header?

May 7, 2010

i want to add an extra header to my grid.. i want to do the following..


knowing that the data source of this grid is dataset

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Forms Data Controls :: Change The Header Text Of A Merged Gridview Column?

Jan 9, 2010

I have a merged column of firstname and lastname by "Select firstname + lastname from table" but when it appears in the gridview the header text of the column is "Expr1000". How can I change the header text of that merged column?, and I want to change its text into "NAME".

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DataSource Controls :: Order By In Merged Datatable

Feb 4, 2010

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C# - Print Letter And Forms With Mail Merged Data?

Feb 25, 2011

I currently have a customer that needs to print forms, letters, etc.. for their clients. I wrote an application that my customer uses to run their business plus a console app that does the printing of these forms and letters. However, even though the print program works fine, I am not happy with it. I have these rtf templates that have tags such as <> that I replace with the correct client information by bringing in the template and doing a replace.

I have recently written a program that does a mail merge using Word Interop and it works well but I want to make sure this is the right way to go. I orignally put it in a windows app but just recently experimented putting it in an page but when I deployed it to the web server, I got some errors. I am not really in favor of doing this in an page but on the flip side, I am not really excited about deploying a windows app to the staff workstations.

If you had a small business customer with about 6 staff members who need to print forms, letters, etc... and merging the letters with their client data, what would you do. I have an IIS server, SQL server in house and full access to the domain.

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Crystal Reports :: The Detail Item And Header Is Merged ?

Mar 17, 2011

This is my image: - Plz checkout

From the above image, i have one group header, Detail A and Detail B in my report.The detail Item and Header is merged and showing one detail A and Detail B item.But, I need the report to look like this ....

Detail A i have placed

Pieces --- Header

I-VI 3/5
5 --- Details Items

--- Details Items

VII-VIII 1/4 0.6-0.8
--- Details Items

Detail B i have placed

CustomerName DateOfIssue Article

John 3/7/2011

John 3/7/2011

John 3/7/2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing A Property With Datalist / Binding The Data On The Display All The Parent Table Fields Can Be Rendered?

Jun 7, 2010

Am using datalist to create a kinsd of message board, in the back end am having two tables one for the parent comment , and other for the child comments

The data source is extracted by LINQ to SQL with the load option , so I get everthing when I debug on the code behind , and I can see all the fields each parent comment and the child comments.

the problem is with binding the data on the disply for example all the parent table fildes can be rendred without any problems:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "comment1Parent") %>; "showing me the orginal post"

Problem here:

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "Childcomment") %> is not rendred and I got this error msg:

DataBinding: 'DataAccessLayer.Comment' does not contain a property with the name 'childComment'.
In the debug I navigate to the childComment and this is its HTML visualisar:

new System.Linq.SystemCore_EnumerableDebugView<DataAccessLayer.Comment>(((ASP.usercontrols_comments_ascx)this).Comments)).Items[0]._comments_Replies.entities.items[0].childComment

I tried

<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "_comments_Replies.childcomment")

Same as above error came to me.

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Data Controls :: How To Merge More Than Two Tables In One Datalist

Aug 18, 2015

I have two tables which i was able to merge in one datalist, but now am trying to merge more than two tables in one datalist and i couldn't figure out how to do that.

Here is the storedprocedure:

ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[merge]
@UserID int


3rd and 4th table to merge can be any example.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Data From Database In Not Predefined Tables?

Jan 10, 2011

here I can find some info on how to display data from my MSSQL database in something like old style tables (table,<tr>,<td>) becouse I used to done it like this in classic asp but i had a formula for calculating where to put tr or td and it becomed very confused, not to mention displaying gruped records like 10 on each page...I tried gridview in VisualStudio but I can not find any info how to use sql in it so I think it can not help me becouse it is to much predefined and I do not know where I can change code for it like what data source to use, sql and other important thing

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Data From Three Tables In A Listview?

Mar 24, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Image In Datalist?

Apr 29, 2010

I am trying to display images in a datalist.

I derive the list of images as follows have a drodown list which contains the possible filders. The user selects the folder and clicks a button to display the images. On the button click I get the contents of the folder using getfileinfo|(0 and add the details to a datatable. I create a field in the table that contains the path and the imagename (fieldname imagePath)

To display the image



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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Data From Three Tables

Mar 20, 2010

one: table of employees (empID,empName,Isemployeed)second; table of dates: Date Third: table of status of each emp at a particular date(empID,date,status)

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Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Not Displaying Image From Database

Oct 6, 2010

My database table contains the image file path which will be stored from a file upload control.The image path in the table will be like "C:ProjectsprojectnameprojectfolderFiles1_129308367798080000_images1.jpg"

I am trying to display that image through a datalist control as follows

<asp:DataList ID="cobrandlogolist" runat="server">
<asp:Image id="CobrandLogo" ImageUrl='<%# DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "CobrandLogo") %>' Height="100px" Width="100px"

and i am retrieving the image names from the db and assigning as datasource of this datalist in the load event as follows

DataTable dt = new DataTable();
DataRow dr = dt.NewRow();
dt.Columns.Add(new DataColumn("CobrandLogo", typeof(String)));
dr["CobrandLogo"] = m_Organization.CobrandLogo;
cobrandlogolist.DataSource = dt;

But it is not displaying the image in the form.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Multiple Images In Datalist

Jan 26, 2010

I know how to store and retrieve images into the sql database. My question in how do I iterate over the retrieved images to convert to a byte[] array and bind to the image control in the datalist?

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Jun 16, 2015

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Relationships And Displaying Data From Tables In ASP

Jan 8, 2010

Does anyone no of any good resources regarding many-to-many relationships? More specifically on displaying data from many-to-many tables in ASP. Struggling to find anything but I may just be over complicating things!

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MVC :: Displaying Data From Two Tables That Have A Relationship?

Dec 28, 2010

I want to display details STRONGLY TYPE In a view this would be done as normal through the list, hiting the details link. however a table of notes is connected to the main table of info. i want to us the id of the main table item to list all the notes that have been entered about the record in the main table. how do i do this

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Forms Data Controls :: Navigation Menu Display Using More Than One Tables

Jan 8, 2011

My issue is,i have two tables

Table Maincategory:
Category name,

Table Subcategory:

My issue is, i need to display my Table(A) categoryname in my vertical menu such as


if i click ashok, with respect to its id,(say id is (1),it should pick the subcategoryname (2nd table's) name corresponding id(1) from 2nd table...and it should display as sub menu is it possible.

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DataSource Controls :: Batch Update A Dataset Table Which Data Are From Related Tables?

Jun 8, 2010

My dataset table data is from multiple tables (showing on a gridview),How to update the database tables using batch udpate on clicking submit, if the data is from a signle table, no problem, but I am not sure how to handle if the datais from mulitiple tables? If I have related tables, do I need put them in differet tables in the dataset?

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Forms Data Controls :: Display Data From Two Tables And Post Back?

Mar 16, 2010

I have two tables. 1st contain topic and its id. 2nd contain topic name,its category and category list.

I want to display using asp .net datalist and vb script like the following

topic 1
Category 1
categorylist 1 of category 1
categorylist 2 of category 1
Category 2
categorylist 1 of category 2
categorylist 2 of category 2
topic 2
Category 1
categorylist 1 of category 1
categorylist 2 of category 1
Category 2
categorylist 1 of category 2
categorylist 2 of category 2

Also, i have tried displaying only Category 1, 2 .. which are Link button. When I click these button it shows category list. So here I am facing aproblem that everytime i click these buttons it refreshes my page which is very annoying.

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Forms Data Controls :: Display 2 Tables Data In One Grid?

Jun 30, 2010

i want to display 2 tables data in gridview (,mysql) for particular ID

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Two Tables Into One Gridview Through Datasource

Feb 20, 2013

i have a problem in joining two tables the reason ismy first table persdata is having common field as pno (a single row in a particular person) and the second tables is also having pno(having muti entry for a person as this table is of qualification and a person may have more than 3 qualifications and their grading)sample persdata(table)pno name coy appt sample qual(table)pno qual grading recommendationi tried my best to do it and not able to proceedi want the output in a single row as in persdata to a gridview with all the qual combined in one coloumn and all the recommendations combined in one coloumn for a person.

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Data Controls :: Display Data In GridView Based On Two Tables

Nov 28, 2012

I have two tables Emp,Dept

EMP                          DEPT

EmpNo(PKEY) Id(FKEY) to Empno
Fname Location
Lname Date

I want to display Gridview columns like this ....

E.Fname,E.Lname, based on Id
Display E.Fname,E.Lnamebased ob Id

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Data Controls :: Display Data From Multiple Tables Using LINQ To SQL In MVC

May 7, 2015

I have to display records from two tables where foreign key table contains many values for a primary key column how to get the data using linq query???

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Forms Data Controls :: Table Displaying Column Even After Deleting?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a table which display diffrent data

One of the headers I used is shown below,In this I dont want to display the mobile phone number field so I removed that field even then in the output it is showing me the column mobile number...what is wrong?watelse should i change?

class="front-listing visiblelinks">


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