Data Controls :: Redirect To Another Page With Search TextBox Value In Query String

May 7, 2015

How Can Redirect Search TextBox  Value to default page On Search Button Click is my Code

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Height="37px" Width="526px" style="background-color: #CCFFFF"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="btnsearch" runat="server" placeholder="Search By Brand Name" Text="Search" OnClick="btnsearch_Click" Style="font-weight: 700; color: #0000CC; background-color: #FF6600;" Height="39px" Width="108px" />
<asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
I Have A TextBox for Search Box And A button On My About Us Page ...i want to redirect The Search Box Value On default Page With Search Data from My Datalist That is belongs to Default Page.When I Click On Search Button The Value of Search Box Redirect To Default Page And Show value Data from Datalist 

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Search Results From A Query String Into A Listview?

Jan 21, 2010

I'm working on a job seeking website where the job seeker can search for a job , the search box is located in the master page, that's why i passed the keywords as a query string, and then the matching jobs will be displayed in a listview.

the keywords will be taken from two controls: a drop down list which the user can choose the location of the job, and a text box where he can type a keyword.

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C# - Search Mysql Database Via Textbox / Button And Redirect Output To Another Page

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on my masterpage I have a search box contained in it is a textbox (TextBox1.Text) and a button (Button1_Click) both asp controls.

Im trying to figure out how to search my database and retrieve things that may be similar, I have a User table that I would like to search for Users but spelling could be wrong so how do I still return someone if the spelling is wrong if you know what I mean?

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so i want to redirect to someother page based on the query string the page has.


this is what i have done couldnt work through it...its raising an exception saying "reference is not set".

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Web Forms :: Append CustomPrice To The Current Page's Query String Before The Response.Redirect Takes Place

Apr 25, 2010

I have a page that is used to add info from a gridview into a user's profile. I have explained my issues after all of the code. Here is the applicable code(s) involved:

Protected Sub AddToCart(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As CommandEventArgs)
For Each gvr In GridViewItems.Rows
Dim txtGiftAmt As TextBox = (CType(gvr.FindControl("txtGiftAmt"), TextBox))
If txtGiftAmt.Visible = True Then
Dim customPrice As String = txtGiftAmt.Text.ToString
'HERE is where I would like to set the new price variable value somehow
End If
Dim scart As New ShoppingCart
End Sub

This sub is called by the following button when clicked:


Here is the sub from the ShoppongCart Class named AddCartItem:


Here is the problem that I am having: I have one specific item that allows user's to define their own price (for this item only). By putting this price in a session variable seems to be the easiest way to handle this (at least for me), but the session variable's value always "lags behind". By this I mean that the first time the items is entered, it uses the default value of cartItem.ItemPrice. The second time the same item is added (with the intention of a different price), this new item's cartItem.ItemPrice is set
as the first session("customPrice").

Because the user is selecting his/her own price for this item, I am not worried about lack of security involved with using query string to pass this price, but I can't get the string passed to the ShoppingCart class correctly (shows up null). Is there a way to append this customPrice to the current page's query string before the Response.Redirect takes place? If I understand this correctly, the Response portion "posts back" to the current page before the Redirect sends us on our merry way, right?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Text Property Of TextBox In DetailsView To Query String Value?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm tyring to write a simple DetailsView only used for inserting new records that will pre-fill a textbox with a query string value. Here's the DetailsView:


All I want to do is set VenueID_FK.Text to = the "VenueID" querry string. I also want the user to be able to see the VenueID number as they are filling out GridView1.

I know this is probably a simple thing, but I am very new to I thought I could handle this in the page load event, but when I try something like this

TextBox VenueID_FK = (TextBox)DetailsView1.FindControl("VenueID_FK");

And then follow by setting the Text property programitically. I've accomplished something similar to this on a different page using a FormView, but only for ReadOnly mode and it was handled in the databound event on that page.

I get the error "The name 'DetailsView1' doesn't exist in the current context." when trying to do the above mentioned. When trying the same line in the databound event here, I get the same error.

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Forms Data Controls :: Passing String From Textbox / Dropdown As Select Query For Listview

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How do I do this? I want to search my database in listview form with the text from a textbox or an item from a drop down list which is on another page.

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DataSource Controls :: Prevent Injection On Search Query From TextBox Control?

Jun 1, 2010

I've been reading up on SQL Injection and want to go back and implement some measures to prevent these kinds of potential attacks.For example, on our company intranet, we have an address book feature and a search function so the user is able to look a company or a person up from the database/The user will enter their query into a TextBox control and click the Submit button, calling the following function:addybookDS1.SelectCommand = "SELECT * FROM [addressbook] WHERE COMPANY LIKE '%" + search1 + "%' OR CONTACT LIKE '%" + search1 + "%' OR LASTNAME LIKE '%" + search1 + "%' OR EMAIL LIKE '%" + search1 + "%'"search1 is the TextBox controlI had previously implemented this measure:search1 = Replace(search1, "'", "''")But I want to know if there is more I can do here and how I can go about doing it.

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MVC :: Search Form - Redirect To A Search Result Page

Mar 27, 2011

simpel search form. that redirect to a search result page.

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Data Controls :: Search GridView Records On TextBox KeyPress Using JQuery In Master Page

May 7, 2015

I tried to modify downloaded code from URL... to use with content pages/ master page by placing javascript at master page and put below code at the content page, But the when i type somethng on the text nothing filters. How to filter gridivew using master page.

* I am using VS 2005

* GVPRFInquiry => Gridivew

* PR.PRFInquiry(BadgeNo) => return dataset containing results

* txtSearch  => text box created at the top of gridview.

Below query brings data to the gridivew on page load.

If Not Me.IsPostBack Then
Dim ds As New DataSet
ds = PR.PRFInquiry(BadgeNo)
GVPRFInquiry.DataSource = ds
GVPRFInquiry.DataMember = "DataSet"
End If

below code create text box inside gridview to filter and calls the javascript.

Protected Sub OnDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs)
If (Not Master.Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("function")) Then
Master.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "function", "fucntion();", True)
End If
Dim row As New GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal)
For i As Integer = 0 To GVPRFInquiry.Columns.Count - 1


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Conditional Query String Redirect?

Apr 1, 2011

I'm trying to redirect requests that have a query string to a different domain name.I've got a short url, http://short.url and I want to redirect http://short.url?hello to http://long.url/?hello. So the query string has to be kept by the redirect. To make things more complicated, I would like to rediect http://short.url?hello,hello2 to http://long.url/advanced.aspx/?hello,hello2.Here is the rule I've got now (only dealing with the first part of my question)

<rule name="test" patternSyntax="ECMAScript" stopProcessing="true">


However, I am not seeing any redirects. Also, is there a better way to do this? Basically I just want to setup a shortcut to pass queries to a website. These are not meant to be permanent so I'm using redirectType="Found".

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Make Permanent 301 Redirect Work When There Are Parameters In The Query String?

Jul 22, 2010

I moved some of my old asp pages to new aspx website. In all of the old pages i used (for file example.asp):

Response.Status = "301 Moved Permanently";

The problem is that when the page is requested - the redirect ain't working...

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Search Control For Detailsview For Search Page

Apr 19, 2010

how to Add Search Control for Detailsview for search page... simple solution required.?

and is it possible to give field names to each page numbering?

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C# - Show Data In A DetailsView Using A Query String From Anotehr Page

Nov 25, 2010

I have a page A with an EDIT LINK. When click it sends a parameter to a second page B, which contains a DetailsView in Edit mode.Page B take care of editing the details.


My problem is: I am not able to visualize the Right AuthorId passed from page A.aspx in the DetailsView in B.
What I am missing? Please if you have send me a link with some tutorials. Thanks for your time!

Here code for DetailsView -----------

<asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView1" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False"
DataKeyNames="AuthorId" DataSourceID="EntityDataSource1" Height="50px"
Width="125px" DefaultMode="Edit">
<asp:BoundField DataField="AuthorId" HeaderText="AuthorId" ReadOnly="True"
SortExpression="AuthorId" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="UserId" HeaderText="UserId"
SortExpression="UserId" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="FirstName" HeaderText="FirstName"
SortExpression="FirstName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="LastName" HeaderText="LastName"
SortExpression="LastName" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="NoteInternal" HeaderText="NoteInternal"
SortExpression="NoteInternal" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="ContentAuthor" HeaderText="ContentAuthor"
SortExpression="ContentAuthor" />

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Use Textbox Value On Submit As A Query String Variable?

Jan 12, 2011

How would I take a text box value and use it in the query string on submit? I'd like it to start as this,


and end up something like this after the user enters in a search and clicks search.


The controller action looks like this

public ActionResult Index(string query,bool favorites)
//search code

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Authorize Pages Based Upon The Data Present In The Query String Of A Url, Not Just The Page Name?

Aug 31, 2010

Summary: I need to authorize pages based upon the data present in the query string of a url, not just the page name.


Let's say I'm building a library inventory system. Users can be created and assigned to a single library in either an Admin or User role. There are hundreds of competing libraries in the same database, so it's important to ensure that users of one library cannot view inventory from another library.

Right now I'm using a pretty standard ASP.NET setup: Forms Authentication using the SqlMembershipProvider. Authorization using the SqlRoleProvider, configured via <authorization> sections in the web.config. Security trimming with the SiteMap provider to hide unauthorized pages.

To control the inventory information from leaking, I'm manually checking a user's associate library ID with every inventory query. It works, but it's tedious and prone to errors. There has to be a better way.


Now users have the ability to create arbitrary "collections" within a library. (e.g. Collection A has Books 1, 2, & 3 in it.) Admins want the ability to grant Admin / User access on individual collections, not just the entire library.

So, if a user goes to, the system needs to ensure that user has permissions for the collection that "Book 1" is in before showing the page. If they go to, I need to make sure the Review is for a book that is in a collection that they have permission to view.

1) How can I implement this in the most standard ASP.NET way possible?
Manual checking within a base page?
A custom HttpModule?
A custom Role Provider?
I'm not interested in how to store the admin/user permissions, but rather how/where to authorize based on those permissions.
(examples on how to implement any of those are appreciated)

2) To further complicate it, I'd still like security trimming to check if the user has Admin rights on any collection or library and hide the admin pages if he doesn't.

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Forms Data Controls :: Search - Create A Dynamic Query According To Selected Conditions

Jul 1, 2010

I want to create a search form for a table that has many columns. According to input criteria the query will have a where with conditions related to the columns selected or NONE. How can I create a dynamic query according to selected conditions ? is there an example on the net that I can use?

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Data Controls :: Search Data In GridView Using LIKE Query

Jan 9, 2014

Aspx page
 <asp:Panel ID="pnlsearch" Visible="false" runat="server" Width="100%">
<table width="100%" class="col-lg-12 table-responsive">
<td colspan="3"><h3 style="color: #1876AF">Search Service Providers</h3></td>


this is my code for searching data no error is coming but when i click on button search it is not displaying data that i want to search this code is working for one page but not working for another page or in this page.

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Data Controls :: Search TreeView Nodes Using TextBox

Sep 20, 2015

I have a tree view which I am populating from active directory. I am trying to implement search in tree view , its returning null while its already fill with Active directory data ...

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Data Controls :: Display Search Symbol TextBox

Jul 31, 2013

i want textbox with search icon 

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DataSource Controls :: How To Parse Normal Search Text To Sql Server Full Text Search String

Feb 13, 2010

How i can make the normal search string to sql server full text search parse, because when we are user enyer search text "how to run windows schedule in C#", in database we have article to to this, but data not returning and sometime is say error in key word and etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Search Function With DropDownList And Textbox?

Jun 28, 2010

I have a table called "publication" which contains records about Sharkspeare's plays, there are columns called "type", "nortonoxfordnumber", "nortonoxfordtext" and "character". What I like to achieve is to allow users to search the data using both dropdownlist and the textbox. i.e., the listitems of the dropdownlist are Othello, Tempest and twelfth night. Users should be able to type a keyword such as "music" to search within the particular play say "Othello" from the dropdownlist.

I would like to add button click function, and I know that I need to use the query with "and" and LIKE, but I am not sure how to do it as I keep getting the syntext error.

I managed to get some code done, however, I only managed to be able to search one column at the time, here is my code:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Search Textbox In Edititemtemplate In Listview

Nov 30, 2010

i want to make popup on textbox in edititem template how to get or search textbox in edititem template in listview

her want to search textbox in edititemtemplate

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Data Controls :: Search GridView Using TextBox TextChanged Event?

Jun 16, 2015

how can i create a page that can search database using only textbox without button click?

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