Forms Data Controls :: Passing String From Textbox / Dropdown As Select Query For Listview
Jun 3, 2010
How do I do this? I want to search my database in listview form with the text from a textbox or an item from a drop down list which is on another page.
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Apr 23, 2010
I have a gridview set up with a button that when clicked I want it to send a unique value to a listview which is set to receive the value in a parameterized SQL query. I forgot how to set the button up in the GUI to take the unique value and put it in a query string and send it to url. I would like to use the GUI just to get more familiar with it. I know this is easy but I gortgot how.
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Feb 12, 2010
I have the following ItemTemplate in Repeater1
How do I insert the value of ListID into the query string?
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Jan 21, 2010
I'm working on a job seeking website where the job seeker can search for a job , the search box is located in the master page, that's why i passed the keywords as a query string, and then the matching jobs will be displayed in a listview.
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Aug 20, 2010
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Sep 19, 2010
I'm tyring to write a simple DetailsView only used for inserting new records that will pre-fill a textbox with a query string value. Here's the DetailsView:
All I want to do is set VenueID_FK.Text to = the "VenueID" querry string. I also want the user to be able to see the VenueID number as they are filling out GridView1.
I know this is probably a simple thing, but I am very new to I thought I could handle this in the page load event, but when I try something like this
TextBox VenueID_FK = (TextBox)DetailsView1.FindControl("VenueID_FK");
And then follow by setting the Text property programitically. I've accomplished something similar to this on a different page using a FormView, but only for ReadOnly mode and it was handled in the databound event on that page.
I get the error "The name 'DetailsView1' doesn't exist in the current context." when trying to do the above mentioned. When trying the same line in the databound event here, I get the same error.
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May 7, 2015
How Can Redirect Search TextBox Value to default page On Search Button Click is my Code
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Height="37px" Width="526px" style="background-color: #CCFFFF"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button ID="btnsearch" runat="server" placeholder="Search By Brand Name" Text="Search" OnClick="btnsearch_Click" Style="font-weight: 700; color: #0000CC; background-color: #FF6600;" Height="39px" Width="108px" />
<asp:Label ID="Label4" runat="server" Text=""></asp:Label>
I Have A TextBox for Search Box And A button On My About Us Page ...i want to redirect The Search Box Value On default Page With Search Data from My Datalist That is belongs to Default Page.When I Click On Search Button The Value of Search Box Redirect To Default Page And Show value Data from Datalist
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Sep 10, 2010
how to do this when the checkbox in listview layout template check select all checkboxes in listview itemtemplate.I dont give 'Eval 'field to checkbox present in itemtemplate.
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Mar 30, 2010
I'm trying to pass the text value of a text box as a query string value to a stored procedure. I was hoping someone could point me in the right direction. Button Code:
Stored Procedure:
The results page datalist:
Code Behind of results page:
I'm sure i've got this entirely backwards. However if I change the NULL value in the stored procedure with some string value (eg."Donkeys") it pulls all the values that contain "Donkeys" into the datalist on my results page.
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Jan 11, 2010
got a wired problem (well I find it a wired problem :P)
I have an order page done in c#, and which a user adds ingredients to a set of list boxes, once the user and finished adding items, they get combined to make a sandwich then added to another list box that shows the sandwiches and their ingredients. I also have a button to allow the user to remove the ighlighted sandwich from the order, this all works fine until the page loads up with a query string that skips the adding of ingredients and just shows the sandwiches on a order, the listbox of sandwiches populates fine but I then get an error when the remove button is clicked which is
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Jan 20, 2010
how to pass through a query string parameter of an assignment id and then checking and validating this as a number and displaying the information returned on screen. At present I have code which displays the information on screen but this is by entering in the assignment id and by triggering the button click event, I've shown the code for this below:
<b>Current Assignment</b>
<br />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtAssignmentID"></asp:TextBox>
<asp:Button runat="server" Text="Get Assignment" />
<br />
<b>Date Started:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentStart"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Status:</b> <asp:Label runat="server"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Current Achievement Level:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentLevel"></asp:Label>
<br />
<b>Date Last Calculated:</b> <asp:Label runat="server" ID="lblAssignmentCalcDate"></asp:Label>
<br />
protected void cmdGetAssignment_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//Check the assignmentID is an integer
int AssignmentID = 0;
AssignmentID = TypeConv.CInt(txtAssignmentID.Text);
if (AssignmenttID > 0)
//Create new TCAAssignment object by passing the ID
TCA Assignment Current Assignment = abc.TCA Assignment (AssignmentID);
lblAssignmentStart.Text = Current Assignment.dDateCreated.ToString();
lblAssignmentStatus.Text = CurrentAssignment.rTCAAssignmentStatus.dDescription;
if (!CurrentAssignment.dTCAAchievementLevel.IsNull)
lblAssignmentLevel.Text = CurrentAssignment.rTCAAchievementLevel.dDescription;
lblAssignmentCalcDate.Text = CurrentAssignment.dAchievementDate.ToString();
Code example passing through a query string parameter of an assignment id would be great.
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Aug 13, 2010
I'm having an aspx page with 2 frames, one is the header and the the other one is content frame which i'm trying to load it dynamically. Everything is fine. Let me explain my scenario
On the header frame i'm having 5 link buttons and when a link button is clicked i'm passing a hardcoded Page URL to the frames containing page and then trying to load that page in the content frame.
Below is my code, Everything as far as i know are in right place, but i cannot see the page in content frame..
Then checking frameURL querystring in default.aspx page load:
when the querystring is null, the SiteSummary.aspx page is getting loaded in content frame without any issue, but when there is a querystring value the page is not being loaded.
Here is my Default.aspx page
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Dec 14, 2010
I have an site which includes a "search" page that queries an SQL table, then redirects the user to a "results" page where the results of the query are displayed. The parameters for the query are assembled into a string which is the SELECT statement. I've been asked to add additional functionality that requires a secondary search which takes place on the "results" page. How can I pass the parameters from the "search" page to the "results" page so that I can access those parameters in the code behind? Here's the first page code behind (I inherited most of this from another developer):
And the second page--it would be on line 51 that I would need to insert the parameters from the search above:
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Jul 11, 2012
Passing a query string value retrieved to an ImageUrl attribute of an image control using c#.
I have a page called DisplayImage and within the page_load event i was able to retrieve somevalues from the query stringhcode=Request.Querystring["ccode"].Tostring();
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Feb 25, 2011
I have a DataList control that I use to display a list of words.
When a user click on any of these words, I want to display the details of this word's in my ListView control that is on the right side of the DatatList control. The ListView control is setup to use a SQLDataSource control. I want to use the SqlDataSource1_Selecting method to grabe the ID from the DataList control but I'm not sure how I grabe the ID or how to setup the DataList to send the ID over.
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Sep 13, 2010
I have a master-detail page consisting of a databound GridView and ListView. It's pretty standard - when you select a row in the GridView is shows up the ListView. The problem I'm running into is when I want to link to that page with a specific row pre-selected in both views. It seems like it should be easy enough, but I just can't figure it out. Currently, the ListView is connected to the GridView with a ControlParameter in the SelectCommand.
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Aug 31, 2010
I have tried almost evrything and nothing seems to work,,, I dont see errors but the code is not firing when I bind in the properties of the button control ,,nor the code behind.
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Jun 10, 2010
I would like to pass a query string for example [URL]to my webservice below. I would like to get that "id" and pass it to the getmsg method.
public string GetChatMsg(string sGUIDParam)
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Mar 2, 2015
I have a page on my website with access granted to logged in users (I'm using the built in membership database). This works.
However, when passing a querystring parameter in combination with that url address, the user is denied access.
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Aug 13, 2010
I am trying to pass the value of a dropdownlist to the Update section of a listview. The dropdownlist is bound to one datasource which needs to then pass its selected value to the UpdateCommand sql for another datasource. Here is my code:
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Feb 21, 2011
i am trying to develop forum page in using c#. I have listed forum threads lists as Title, Description, Posted On, Posted By like that using Listview. Now my idea is if the user clicks anyone of the title from the list the control will move to new page. there based on thread title selected from listview i would like to display the reply msgs posted for that. i am struggling lot here.
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Dec 11, 2010
I have a ListView displaying data from Table A using a SqlDataSource.
I want to take the displayed data (and these are just the standard columns representing fields in Table A) and store them in Table B using a Stored Procedure
(The scenario is much more complex but I've left out anything not relating to this exact problem).
I've added a Button to the ListViews ItemTemplate and I'm using OnItemCommand to create a Sub for its "Click" in the Code Behind.
This is a simplified chunk of the SQL I'm using to insert the ListView's fields into Table B using the Stored Procedure "InsertCart":
Where I've highlighted "Description" in the last line. In a GridView, this would be enough. Description is a Column name in Table A and B and iy's an Item in the ListView. But I'm realising that, with ListView's, the data binding is not as "automatic" as a GridView. Just using the columnname is not enough.
What do I use instead of the word Description to reference this column in the Parameter?
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Nov 5, 2010
I have a SQL Data Source that displays records after going through the Query Builder and select "Test Query" yet when I save it, go back to the design mode and select View in Browser I get nothing but a blank screen.
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Oct 16, 2010
I have been stuck on how to pass multiple to a JavaScript function in a item template of a list view. Below is my code. Does anyone know the process?
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