Data Controls :: Store Files In File System (Disk) Or Database

Aug 29, 2013

I am working on a journal website where user submit manuscripts , pdf files , is it good idea to store pdf files on directory or on database.

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m storing profile image or avatar in folder.. which is best method folder or database

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Data Controls :: Display MP3 Audio Files Stored In Folder On Disk And Path In Database In DetailsView

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I am developing audio related project for that i have stored movie names with mp3 file paths in database I am displaying movie names in grid view after clicking on movie name related mp3 file paths will be display in details view i am unable to play that files in details view how to do this ? Here i am storing original mp3 files in one folder in solution explorer and paths in database

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Architecture :: Store Image In Database Or File System?

Jan 30, 2010

Which is the better alternative when allowing file uploads on a page (through a Gridview populated by a coded DataSet)? Store the image itself in the database or to store only the path name to the saved file in file system. If it matters, I do not expect to have more than a few dozen images stored in the database at any given time.

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Store And Retrieve Images From File System Instead Of Database

Mar 17, 2010

I need a place to store images. My first thought was to use the database, but many seems to recommend using the filesystem. This seems to fit my case, but how do I implement it?

The filenames need to be unique, how to do that. Should I use a guid?

How to retrieve the files, should I go directly to the database using the filename, make a aspx page and passing either filename or primary key as a querystring and then read the file.

What about client side caching, is that enabled when using a page like image.aspx?id=123 ?

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DataSource Controls :: Uploading Multiple Files To File System And Saving Paths To Database With One Button Click

Jan 20, 2010

I creating a page where our clients can view advertising images and then able to download the images in different file formats. So I need the images and the different download types all saved into the same row in the database so that when I go to display them on the page when they select a picture the right download links will be there. So here where my problem comes in, I don't know how to code it so that I can insert mulitiple file paths into the database at once. The images are saved in a table called images. The downloads are saved in a table called Image Downloads.

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May 21, 2013

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and code to store multiple attchment

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Data Controls :: Where To Store Large Files (in Database Or In Folder)

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I am curious to know the following:

We are going to develop a website where we need to store large number of files. The file size may be uptp 50 MB. What approach should we follow:

1) We should store files in Database
2) We should have a directory and store all the files in that
3) We should hire a SAN Storage and use this seperate location to store the files.

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System.UnauthorizedAccessException Loading File From Disk?

Mar 16, 2011

Really weird problem loading a file from disk:

string path = HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath("~/Datasets/blob.xml");
FileStream stream = new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open);

Throws exception:An exception of type 'System.UnauthorizedAccessException' occurred in mscorlib.dll but was not handled in user code

Additional information: Access to the path 'D:webrootafobDevv1.0.xAFOBDatasetslob.xml' is denied.

The strange thing is it was working 5 minutes ago. I checked permissions on the disk and both the Debugger and ASPNET have read/write rights as do I.

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1. How to store I ZIP file in Database using FileUpload in ASP.NET C#
2. Also need to downloading it from database by gridview

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Databases :: Store Data In File System Rather Than SQL Or Oracle

Jul 23, 2010

As I am working on Employee Management system, I have two table (for example) in database as given below.

EmployeeMaster (DB table structure)
EmployeeID (PK) | EmployeeName | City
MonthMaster (DB table structure)
Month | Year | EmployeeID (FK) | PrenentDays | BasicSalary

Now my question is, I want to store data in file system rather than storing data in SQL or ORACLE.

I want my data in file system storage for Insert, Edit and Delete opration with keeping relation with objects too.

I am a C# developer, Could anybody have thoughts or idea on it. (To store data in file system with keeping relations between them)

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DataSource Controls :: Store Data From XML File To Table In Database?

May 14, 2010

I am trying to store data from an XML file to a table in my database, but I keep getting the same error.

This is my code from the cs file:


And this is my error:

Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Areas'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Areas'.

The statement has been terminated.

In my XML file I have both existing rows and new rows for the database table. I'm guessing I have to do something to sort out the the rows that are not already in the database, but so far I have been unsuccessful to figure this out.

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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Multiple Files From Disk Based On Path In Sql Table?

Sep 15, 2010

I have two tables:


There is a one to many relationship with key field = IDTable1

I have created one client and uploaded 20 files

Now I would like to:

Delete the client record from Table1

Delete all associated records in Table2

Delete all files from the disk based on the paths in Table2

I am able to delete all the records in both tables but I cannot delete the disk files. Here is what I ahve so far:


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Jun 16, 2010

Is it a good idea to create a document managament system that stores all kinds of documents inside sql server database. This will have infrastructure to accomodate all kinds of applicartions..

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Mar 19, 2010

my problem is my and application should read flat files(.txt,.doc) from folder automatically and read the data from file and stored into database

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BNK20100312APPHU6658994 // BNK,20100312(date),Ap,PHU6658994 So we have to store these..

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1. couldn't store file larger than 4mb

2. couldn't store doc,docx,xlsx but only .txt

my table column are:


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DataSource Controls :: Reading Excel Files To Store Into Sqlserver Database - OleDbException Was Unhandled By User Code

Feb 1, 2010

i've got some problem reading excel files to store into sqlserver database. currently my code has a fileupload control and a button for me to save the excel file into a folder and read the data inside the excel file and write it into the sql database. The code works only if the excel sheet name is Sheet1.xlsx, however i tried upload a diff file named ImportUserFile.xlsx and it gave me the exception below. 'ImportUserFile$' is not a valid name. Make sure that it does not include invalid characters or punctuation and that it is not too long. i have also tried other file names and it seemed only Sheet1.xlsx works.


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Forms Data Controls :: Download A File From Sql Server 2005 To Local Disk?

Jun 28, 2010

how to download a file , from sql server 2005 to local disk.

using and c# as my code behind, when i click on gridview column, a pop up windows should appear asking fr the path to save in local disk, when name is entered and save button is clicked, that particular file should get saved in disk.

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Writing Files (excel Contains Names Of Pdf Files) To Disk

Oct 11, 2010

I'm populating a generic list from an excel file that contains names of pdf files. Now I want to take each item in the list and create a file from it. Here's what I have so far:


So now, the list called lines contains names of 900 pdf files. How would I take those names out of the list and create files from them?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Store An XML File In Database

Feb 23, 2010

What data type in SQL should i use to store an XML file? And how do i do it?

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Databases :: Use Text File As Database To Store Data?

Feb 14, 2011

website using text file to store data and display it using html codings. The requested website must be able to do the following functions:

1) Browse for template using txt file and select the txt file as template. (Font-styles, headers, tables....etc)
2) Browse for txt file that stores the data and display them in a so called table format categorized properly.
3) Able to do a search function and store the search results in a new txt file. (Which means a new txt file is created everytime someone performs a search and the search results is stored in the new created txt file)

Is there any website with informations/tutorials on these?

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