DataSource Controls :: How To Read Flat Files(.txt,.doc) / How To Store Them Into Database
Mar 19, 2010
my problem is my and application should read flat files(.txt,.doc) from folder automatically and read the data from file and stored into database
my file like this :
BNK20100312APPHU6658994 // BNK,20100312(date),Ap,PHU6658994 So we have to store these..
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in SQL server, I have table TaxTable with column named TaxID, SalaryFrom like this:
TaxID SalaryFrom
1 1
2 2083.00
3 2500.00
4 3333.00
5 5000.00
6 7917.00
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Apr 14, 2010
I am working on an SSIS package that needs to read a flat file and load the data into a SQL table. The problem is, the flat file name changes because it incorporates a date similar to this:
I found this site that shows how to set up a dynamic flat file connection:
I understand the principle, but what I'm struggling with is using it in my data flow task. I need to configure the column mappings. In the PROPERTIES of the flat file connection, under expressions, I set up a ConnectionString with the following:
@[User::DataLoadDir] + @[User::priceFileName]
where [User::DataLoadDir] is the path where the file resides and [User::priceFileName] is a variable that should have the name of the specific file I want to read.
However, when I try to set the column mappings in the flat file connection, it's pulling the column headings for a different file in the same directory.
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Sep 17, 2010
I have a delimted file , like a csv file but the delimters are # and not ,
I assume I would use SqlConnection and SqlDataAdapter
So for a csv file what is the sequence to read in for example c:datademo.csv
What would the connection string be.
Also can you specifiy a different delimiter.
The code below is what I assume it would possibly look likea although its only a frst guess.
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Apr 16, 2010
I need to populate a database (SQL Server) with some data from a templated excel document.Here are some approaches:
A) User upload a file.xls or file.csv that the server reads, checks and updates the database (cons:the uploaded file might be too big. file.* needs to be in correct format)
B) User downloads a tool.exe to read and upload file.xls (cons: maintenance of the tool.exe)
C) Use of a web service in excel? (don't know how to do it) but
this article might give you a hint
Which one is the best to use? Are there any others?
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Feb 24, 2010
i am trying to read data of from a sql database
the code that im using is as follows:
as you can see, im using table adapters - though when i run the page, it throughs me the following error, which i'm finding hard to understand
for my last project, i had to use the exact code, but at the time, i was using an access DB and now i'm uning sql D|B
the only difference from last time is that instead of using :
using System.Data.OleDb;
Now im using: using System.Data.SqlClient; //sql server
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Mar 19, 2010
i dont know iam placing my query correct place or not but i need ur's help, Iam Reading and storing one single excel file Successfully But
tring Path = @"E:checkinkkk.xls";
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May 14, 2010
I am trying to store data from an XML file to a table in my database, but I keep getting the same error.
This is my code from the cs file:
And this is my error:
Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint 'PK_Areas'. Cannot insert duplicate key in object 'dbo.Areas'.
The statement has been terminated.
In my XML file I have both existing rows and new rows for the database table. I'm guessing I have to do something to sort out the the rows that are not already in the database, but so far I have been unsuccessful to figure this out.
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Jun 15, 2010
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DateTime start_Time = Convert.ToDateTime(start_ts);
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May 18, 2010
On a website I'm building user's can subscribe to newsletters by entering their email address into a form and submitting. This will then add them to a 'Newsletter_Subscribers' table in the database.
Users can also sign-up to the website by entering their username/password/email details. They also have the option of subscribing to the newsletter. If they choose to do this then their email address is added to the 'Newsletter_Subscribers' table.
However, I wish to make the data more consistent rather than storing the email address into two different unrelated tables in the database.
Has anyone tackled this issue before, and what is the best way to go about storing this information?
One idea I had was to have a 'Users' table, a 'Users.Members' table and a 'Users.Subscribers' table. All three would have a relating UserID column, with the email address stored in the 'Users' table but I'm not sure this is the best method as I would also wish to store the Username/Password in the 'Users' table in case we had a 'Users.Advertisers' table for example.
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