DataSource Controls :: Alter Script To Change The Primarykey Column Datatype?

Feb 22, 2010

I am using SQL SERVER 2008 database. I have a table Customers in which the CustomerID column is had datatype INT intially but due to increase in Customers the number range is exceeding which may cause error arithmetic overflow of data. Hence I thought to modify the datatype from INT to BIGINT and wrote an alter script but when I ran the script it failed. Hence provide me in creating alter script for the updating the datatype of the primarykey column for the Customers table.

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DataSource Controls :: Change File Group Using Alter Table Query?

May 6, 2010

I have a table that contains image data type and has more than 20,000 records.I want to change its file group to the new file group. I tried to change it using table designer, but everytime I wanted to save it, it occured an error with this message:


Does anyone know how to change file group using Alter Table query? I'm using SQL Server 2005.

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DataSource Controls :: Convert Datetime Value Which Is As Varchar Datatype To Another Datetimeformat As Varcharchar Datatype

Jun 25, 2010

convert below datetime value which is as varchar datatype to another datetimeformat as varcharchar datatype


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Data Controls :: Get DataType Of Column DataTable

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How to get Column Data Type in Autogenerated Grid View ?

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DataSource Controls :: How To Alter A Check Constraint

Jan 6, 2010

Here I have specified a query which gives an idea about how to drop a constraint and recrate it..


Parent_TableName: is the name of the table where we actually reffer.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Alter Dataset Once Bound To A Datarelations

Jun 22, 2010

I have the following code that I wasnt to alter the Dataset before it is bound to the dropdown list.


What I would like to do is ALTER the dataset for the Parent (dropdown list - ddlRT). I need to format and disable certain topics. I have a script I create before I added the datarelations.

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DataSource Controls :: Write Alter Schema Query?

Jun 18, 2010

how do i write my alter schema query in

using the sqlclient object..

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DataSource Controls :: How To Change A Table Column Data Type

Jan 21, 2010

I attempted to change a table columns data type and in the process caused a lot of issues. I had a date column in one of my tables and stupidly changed it from varchar to date. When I tried to run queries on it I keep getting the 'cant find column 3 error'. Now that tables structure is :


So column 4 is actually the date column. All other queries work for this table. I then tried to change it back and then copied all data to a new table and now I am using the new table and converting the dates as needed but I am still getting the error.

SELECT * FROM postlinks WHERE >= CONVERT(datetime,CONVERT(varchar(10),GetDate(),112))

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DataSource Controls :: Unable To Alter Connection Timout Property?

Feb 22, 2010

Im using two stored procedures to write and update values in a SQL DB. Im using the SQLDatasource update method. When I run the webpage on my development server everything runs fine. When I try and run the web page on my Live server I get the following error :System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: Timeout expired. The timeout period elapsed prior to completion of the operation or the server is not responding This always takes 30 seconds to fail - and looking at google it seems that this is a connection timeout error.In my web.config file I have updated the connectionstring line to include a timeout setting :

connectionString="Data Source=myserver;Initial Catalog=ReportServer;Integrated Security=True;Connect

But this hasn't helped at all.

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DataSource Controls :: Alter Query - Changing A User's Role?

May 9, 2010

I need to change a user's role in my application. Therefore I need to know the correct syntax in code behind to alter a user's role; i.e. string sql = "ALTER TABLE ...etc". I'm not sure how to implement this at all. Is it similar to the INSERT INTO query used in code behind, where we define the parameters etc?

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Forms Data Controls :: Column With Nvarchar Datatype Storing The Date?

Aug 16, 2010

I have a column with nvarchar datatype storing the date. I am using a Gridview to display and edit data of that table. Now when I update the table the nvarchar column containing date in the format mm/dd/yyyy gets converted to Jun 9 2010 12:00AM format. I don't want this to be happening. I don't understand why this is happening as I don't have datetime column.

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SQL Server :: Is There An Alter Statement To Rename A Column Name

Feb 15, 2011

Is there an alter statement to rename a column name? Maybe dropping and adding a new column is the only possible way -- or so I thought?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Alter The Page Size In A Paged Gridview Based On Data In A Particular Column?

Dec 14, 2010

I've already searched to no avail for an answer to this question:is it possible to dynamically alter the page size in a paged gridview based on data in a particular column?In other words,let's say I get data from a table that lists students enrolled in a particular course.If there are 10 students in Course "A," then I want page 1 in my gridview to show 10 records.

If there are 15 students in Course "B," then I want page 2 in my gridview to show those 15 records,and so on.I imagine that this could probably be done with a master-detail kind of set up,but let's say for the sake of argument that I don't want to go that route.

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DataSource Controls :: Datatype Of The Primary Key Which Should Never End Bigint?

May 10, 2010

Yes..i know this is ASP.NEt forums but the SQL server doubt i will be going to ask is related to ASP.NET

I have a table 'a' in my database where i store User information - each time they visit the website a new record is added

so in a high traffic website - the information will be collectively huge(i dont care about this as i have too much of disk space)

but the problem here is with the primary key - I want a datatype of the primary key which should never end Bigint can store some zillions of records but it finally ends... how will i be able to accomplish it.

View 8 Replies

DataSource Controls :: Use Char B/c That Is The Correct Datatype In SQL?

Mar 17, 2010

I'm using DAAB from MS Ent Library 4.1. I have this function in my DAL that returns a dataset.


However, it is failing with this error:Failed to convert parameter value from a String to a Boolean.
But if I use SqlDbType.VarChar instead it works fine. I want to use Char b/c that is the correct datatype in SQL.In my SP the param is @CUSTNMBR char(15). In my database table the field is also char(15).

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DataSource Controls :: Use Date Datatype In SQL Server 2008?

Feb 26, 2010

I want to filter by database result based on the current date. I have a grid layout which will display the result based on the current date. I am using parameterized query for getting the result but it is not working.given below is the query i am using

<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:ConnectionString %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT TestID, Title, Description FROM aspnet_Test WHERE (Date
<asp:Parameter Name="testdate" DbType="Date" />

and the result should filter on the basis of testdate

String testday, testmonth, testyear,testdate;
testday = System.DateTime.Now.Day.ToString();
testmonth = System.DateTime.Now.Month.ToString();
testyear = System.DateTime.Now.Year.ToString();
testdate.Text = testyear.ToString() + "-" + testmonth.ToString() + "-" + testday.ToString();

but this is not working .It is not showing any error but i am not getting any output.

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DataSource Controls :: Convert C# Datatype To Database Type?

Jan 22, 2010

I have been looking for a way to convert C# datatype into database specific type of MS SQL. For example when I do [Code]....

I would get System.GUID or something like that but what I want is UniqueIdentifier instead of System.GUID. In most cases, I would also want the length of the type like varchar(1000) and stuff like that. Is there anyway I could convert or get similiar result ?

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DataSource Controls :: Export To Excel To Sql By Determining Datatype?

Apr 29, 2010

i want to export my excel data to sql server.

The excel data contain

1) id 1,2,3,4.5 which is int type

2) name abhi,soni which of varchar type

3) percentage 40.1,50.1,62.5 which is of type decimal

i wrote an application that will export data to existing sql server table

now what i want is to analyse excel data and then determine the type of data and then create a table with the analyse datatype and then export.

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DataSource Controls :: Creating Files From Image Datatype Records?

Mar 29, 2010

I've inherited a SQL Server 2005 table where there are several colums of the image datatype. I'd like to extract all of those images and save them as files to a folder. How can I do this using VB.NET?

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DataSource Controls :: Datatable Data Types And Command Parameter Datatype?

Apr 7, 2010

I am using VS 2008.I am building a datatable of records to be inserted into a SQL Server 2005 table.
The program loops through this table and builds a SqlParameter for each DataColumn in the datatable. The SqlParameters are used in the SQL Insert statement.

The field I am having a problem with is of type 'bit' in the database table and has no default value and cannot be nulls. The field is called 'Active' The meaning of this field in the application is Boolean i.e True or False. When inserting the record, I wish to default the field to "False".

When I define the columns in the datatable I am forced to use the following code to build the datatcolumn containing the boolean field i.e. dtcActive.DataType = GetType(Boolean) as there is no GetType(Bit)

Dim dtcActive As New DataColumn("Active")
dtcActive.DataType = GetType(Boolean)
dtcActive.Unique = False
dtcActive.AllowDBNull = False
dtcActive.DefaultValue = False

However, when I build the SqlParameter I am forced to use this:

If field.ColumnName = "Active" Then
prm.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit
prm.Value = "False"
End If

This is because there is no SqlDbType.Boolean. The problem I have is there is no value I have been able to give the SqlParameter that is accepted by the Insert statement. It complains that the boolean field cannot be null on Insert.

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SQL Server :: Datatype Of One Column In Microsoft?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a tabe related to songs which has columns like songID, album, Artist, track etc. I want the data for track to be entered in the format 1/2, 2/2 like this. What shpuld b the datatype of this value? If I'm entering a new data or updating the columns from a web page how can I check the track textbox to enter the correct value? Can I use any validation control? if so how can i use it?

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Web Forms :: Bind TreeView To XML-DataType Column In SQL?

Mar 8, 2011

I have a Table in SQL Database, it only has one sell and its xml type.

I need to bind that xml to TreeView Control, and since I can't bind use sqldatasource as a datasource for the treeview and i cant use the XmlDataSource to read from the database...

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server Filestream / Table Stores The Documents And The Datatype Of The Field Is IMage?

May 27, 2010

In of my application I am using the database to store and retrive images. The table stores the documents and the datatype of the field is IMage.

Now with Sql Server 2008, i would like to upgrade this to use this new feature. WHat changes do I have to make in terms of code and also in the database.

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C# - Changing DataType Of Column In DataTable From DateTime To String

Nov 24, 2010

I'm loading data from my database into a DataTable, and one of the columns is a date field.


I'd like to format that column so that instead of containing a full date, it will be formatted like "MM/DD/YYYY".

I've tried looping through each row in the table and changing the cell for that column, but I get an error saying that the string isn't a valid DateTime object.

I tried changing the column DateType to a string, but I get an error saying I can't change the DateType after the table is filled.

How can I do this? This seems like such a simple thing, but I'm having so much trouble with it.

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Data Controls :: Change Value Of GridView BoundField Column Based On Value From Another Column

May 7, 2015

I am using item template and eval function in the gridview to display the records. Can I add a coulmn which is not in the table?

I have to add some columns which is not in the table and assign the values from code behind to that particular column

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