DataSource Controls :: How To Create One SQL Command To Call Many SPROCS

Mar 17, 2010

Can I use one SQL command to call many sprocs ?

I would then use the returned data to create a dataset table like I did with one SPROC in this code :



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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting From GridView Without Call Datasource's Delete Command

Jan 21, 2010

I'm using the membership on my website. On the User Administration page i've got a GridView to show the details of the users on the site. As a datasource rather than just using the Membership.GetAllUsers function i've got a SQLDataSource as i need to display user information from 3 different tables. I'm trying to add a delete button to the GridView. I'm setting the Membership's UserName as a DataKey and then using the RowDeleting event to call Membership.DeleteUser for the appropriate UserName. This works fine and the user is deleted however i then get an error showing up that "Deleting is not supported by data source 'SqlDataSource1' unless DeleteCommand is specified."

I don't want to use the SqlDataSource for deleting as i've already done it using the Membership. How can i stop it from trying to do this? Here is the cut-down that i have if you're interested. The selectcommand in the sqldatasource was auto-generated by it.


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DataSource Controls :: Create Update Command In Code Behind?

Feb 3, 2011

I have a detailsview which I am populating using a SQLDATASOURCE, which is bound to a table in a SQL db. Because the number of columns in the table will change, I am using SELECT * from [TABLENAME] to populate the view, this works fine.

My problem is that I need to also be able to update the table and I thought the best way was to generate the updatecommand in the code behind. This is no problem, code is as follows:


But the next stage is to create the relevant parameters for the update command. Does anybody have any thoughts on this? All of the information I have found for the updateParamater reference knowing the final value.

What I really need to do is the code behind equivalent of

<asp:Parameter Name="PARAMETERNAME" Type="Int32" />

Not sure whether this is possible.

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DataSource Controls :: DataAdapter - Issue An INSERT Command Without SELECT Command?

Jan 6, 2010

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If e.CommandName = "doAdd" Then

End If What is the equivalent check in gridview?

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Forms Data Controls :: Deleting From GridView Without Call Command - Unable To Cast Object

Jan 28, 2010

I'm using vb and after i converted it from C# and tried to implement this:


I got an error that said: Unable to cast object of type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridView' to type 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.LinkButton'.

And here's my code for the gridview table.


I've tried altering the code here and there but it never work

Protected Sub GridView1_RowCommand(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As GridViewCommandEventArgs)

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I want to know how I could fix the following. I essentially have two almost identical SQL functions and want to combine them into one. The only difference between the two functions is the SQL Command text that is being used. Here is a brief idea of what I have unsuccessfully tried thus far:


I receive no compilation errors, but the exception is thrown and table is not filled. I have a feeling that I am overlooking something obvious.

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DataSource Controls :: Want To Use Parameter In SQL Command?

Jun 5, 2010

I want to use parameter in SQL command, Which the following code is better and why?

string id= getId();
SqlCommand cmd1 = cn1.CreateCommand();
cmd1.CommandText = " INSERT INTO std(idStd) VALUES (idStd=id) ";
string idF = getId();
SqlCommand cmd1 = cn1.CreateCommand();
cmd1.CommandText = " INSERT INTO std(idStd) VALUES (idStd=@id) ";
cmd1.Parameters.AddWithValue(@id, idF);

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SQL Insert Command In DataSource Controls

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No matter what I do I keep getting the error that my input string is not valid and that the system cannot convert a string to a double. I have a table with two fields, both are defined as nvarchar(25). My command text is:INSERT INTO OtherProducts VALUES ('Sample','Test') am using Visual Web Developer. This is as simple as it gets. I have tried parameters as well.

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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Report Chart Via Sql Command?

Feb 9, 2011

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my sql coding:


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ADO.NET :: Executing SPROCS As Batch Using Linq?

Aug 17, 2010

I need to add potentially a large number of items to a dataset, this currently works but is quite slow. There are some minor changes I can make to make this fast however the main culprates are the insert statements which are quite complex, With the deletes I changed the structure to be DELETE FROM TABLE WHERE ID IN () Instead of a per ID statement which made quite a difference executing for every 25 rows.The SPROC is linq enabled DbContext.MYSPROC(params) is there a way I could add the Sproc in the context to a batch group that I then execute when the currrent count of insertable items = 25? for each item in insertitems 'Don't want it to execute here

If Count = 25 THEN Batch.RunSProcs

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Backup And Restore Command

Jan 4, 2010

i m using these command for backup and restore sql database

DISK =N'db_report.bak'
WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'Report-Full Database Backup',
FROM DISK = N'db_report.bak'
MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.mdf',
MOVE N'db_report' TO N'C:db_report.ldf',

but i want to set backup drive name with today date and time yani my i will set drive D:db_report010320100910am if u will see theres is db_reportMonth(01) Day(03) Year(2010) Time(09:10am) and when i want to restore then ask me which one u want to get restore

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DataSource Controls :: Update Command Is Not Working?

Jan 17, 2010

given below is the simple update string am using to update my database...

string q = "update register set fname='" + TextBox1.Text +
"',lname='" + TextBox2.Text +
"',gender='" + gender +
"',edu='" + TextBox3.Text +
"' where username='"+check +"'";
SqlCommand cmd =
SqlCommand(q, cn);

but it is not working...database is not getting updated...why?

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Cannot open backup device 'C:Program FilesMicrosoft SQL ServerMSSQLBACKUPdatabasename.bak'. Device error or device off-line. See the SQL Server error log for more details.RESTORE DATABASE is terminating abnormally.

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Aug 5, 2010

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Configuration :: Creating Tables And Sprocs From Install?

Sep 18, 2010

I'm going to deploy my first app soon, and I would like to do a few things:1. Deploy the tables and sprocs needed for's membership stuff2. Create my own sprocs and set rights3. Edit the web.config fileIs there any way to do both of these? The only thing I will have to go on will be the connection string...

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DataSource Controls :: How To Update Command Not Working Properly

Jun 25, 2010

I have the below code in my project..however its giving me an error on the update(bolded line)..please help me on this..

Private Sub ChangePassword1_ChangedPassword(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ChangePassword1.ChangedPassword
lblTempPassword.Text = ChangePassword1.NewPassword.ToString
CustomerName.Text = CType(Session("UserName"), String)
Dim FV1Updobjconn As Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection
FV1Updobjconn = New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection()
FV1Updobjconn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ASPNETDBconnectionString1").ConnectionString
Dim dtUpdating As New Data.DataTable()
Dim sqlUpdating As String = "UPDATE [SuperAdmin] SET [TempPasswd]= @SU2TempPasswd, [TempPwd]=@CU2TempPwd WHERE ([CustomerName] = [@CU2CustomerName])"
Dim cmdUpdating As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand(sqlUpdating, FV1Updobjconn)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SU2UserId", UserIDValue.Text)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@SU2TempPasswd", lblTempPassword.Text)
cmdUpdating.Parameters.AddWithValue("@CU2TempPwd", False)
cmdUpdating.ExecuteNonQuery().... I get an error here saying..INVALID COLUMN "CU2CustomerName"
' Dim adUpdating As New Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter(cmdUpdating)
' adUpdating.Fill(dtUpdating)
' Get the values needed to be passed on
' CtSUCompanyName.Text = dtUpdating.Rows(0)("CompanyName").ToString()
' CtSUCatPurch.Text = dtUpdating.Rows(0)("CategoriesPurchases").ToString()
End Sub

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DataSource Controls :: There Is Already An Open DataReader Associated With This Command Which Must Be Closed First.

May 27, 2010

protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)

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DataSource Controls :: How To Retrieve ID After Insert Command When Using DataSet (xsd)

Nov 19, 2010

I have created a Dataset object (XSD file) whithin it there is a procedure called InsertWebsite.

In my code, I call this like this:


When I execute the commans it retrievs value "1" which is not the actual ID genereted by Insert event.....

How can I retrieve this ID and stll using the current design?

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DataSource Controls :: How To View The Command.parameters.items

Feb 3, 2010

How do I view my parameters items ?

I tried this but got this error


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DataSource Controls :: Delete Command - Incorrect Syntax

Feb 16, 2010

see this code.


"Tbl_Name" is a varaible contain tables name for delete records on an table(at a time Tbl_Name change table name by drop down list)

problem: in SCommand.ExecuteNonQuery() error appear:incorrect syntax near Tbl_Name (i use connection)

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DataSource Controls :: Concatonate Fields When Inserting Using Command Parameters

Feb 12, 2010

I would like to use a command parameter to concatonate two fields

protected void Notes0_Inserting(object sender, SqlDataSourceCommandEventArgs e)
e.Command.Parameters["Comments"].Value = Eval("LeadID")&" "&Eval("TextBox1");

Where the leadID is based on a query string and comments are entered in textbox1

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DataSource Controls :: Modify Sql Data Source Command In Code Behind

Oct 18, 2010

i had a requirement for dynamic sorting so i wanted to assign order by.. dynamically depending on what column is clicked for sorting

i tried to modify the sql data source command

in ds selecting event by using

e.command.CommandText=modifiedCommandHere; but it doesnt work as it always picks up selectCommand specified in aspx page

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DataSource Controls :: SQL UPDATE Command - Perform Math Function From Value

Jun 27, 2010

Is it possible to perform an update command which performs addition using a value from a textbox? For example: User inputs a number into TextBox1 (I use regular expression validation to ensure this is an integer).


Basically if the user inputs 5 into TextBox1, I want the update command to subtract 5 from that user's ballance.

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