DataSource Controls :: LinqDataSource, Select Table Join And Update?
Aug 5, 2010
I have set up Linq to sql. I now need to fill a formview with a select that does a join across a few tables. Have not been able to find any example or tuts that go beyond the simple select. Any suggestions? Can this even be done?
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GalleryAlbums and GalleryPhotos.
I would like to Select all entries in the GalleryAlbums table, but Order them (DESC) by date values in a column (upload_date) on the GalleryPhotos table. Both tables have a column "album_id"
A little confused how I might write this statement.
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Jan 14, 2010
Where can I find documentation on the syntax that is expected for LinqDataSource.Select? It seems to be different from what I would do with Linq inline in C# code. For example, concatenateing something in Linq I would normally just do this in the projection:
new { FullName = (person.FirstName + " " + person.LastName ) }
However, with a LinqDataSource the only way I've found to do this is like this:
new ( String.Concat(person.FirstName, " ", person.LastName) as FullName)
I literally spent hours trying to figure this out, and only succeeded when I found a blog where someone gave this verbatim as an example. So I still don't understand why the syntax is different, the braces versus parens, aliasing, Concat operators. Next time I do this I want a better understanding so I am not playing this guessing game. It's like being handed a compiler, and trying to write a program when you don't know what language the compiler compiles.1. Are there different "flavors" of Linq? Like a VB Linq, and C# Linq?2. If so, is the LinqDataSource using a VB flavor of Linq?3. Really, what is really important to me, where can I find documentation on this particular falvor of Linq that the LinqDataSource expects? The documentation for the LinqDataSource itself gives nothing more than extremely simplistic examples.
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Select="new (reportTo)"
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ID="dtlviewRecommendation" DataSourceID="LinqDataSourceRecommendation"
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Feb 13, 2010
I can join with a regular SQL table fine but this won't work:
SELECT normalTbl.*, tmp.fld1 FROM normalTbl
LEFT JOIN #Temp tmp ON tmp.joinID = normalTbl.joinID
All tmp.fld1 values are shown as NULL even though fld1 contains valid values and the joinID matches the normalTbl (when I call SELECT * from #Temp). If I do the same exact thing with a regular table, fld1 shows the correct value. What am I doing wrong?
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finally, select another table together with #TEMP1 to extract all desire data from one queryselect,T.address,T.content,C.other from #TEMP1 T, otherTable C
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I am able to select records
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To write a join query with or condition. It means a query has two inner join, here it is possible to fetch the records, if one inner join is true and other is false. I got a record when only two join conditions are true.
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Mar 1, 2010
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Anyway, I have a VB script for entering a row of data into a table by a web user. When this row of data is entered, I wish to take some of the values from the columns of the "primary" table, and have that data automatically create a new row of data in a "secondary" table. I think I'm part of the way there, here is my script:
"ProductsByMfr" is the "primary" table - the table that the user adds data into when the button click event is fired.
"DealerPricing" is a "secondary" table that I wish to have some of the data from the newly-entered row in ProductsByMfr copied into. Am I even close here?
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Mar 1, 2010
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In anyway, is it possible to select data from a table, in such a way?
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Jun 7, 2010
I have to retreive all records from a table except 1 record. For example: I give example from default database in SQL ie "master" In "master" DB we have "spt_values" table. Now if I want to retreive all records from spt_values table except 1-1 record of type = A and type = B. To retreive all records its a simple query "Select * from spt_values where type in ('A','B')" -- this will returns 16 records. Now I want to retreive all record except 1-1 record left in each type, so it will return 14 records in result.
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Jul 5, 2010
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select IsIata from Table_1 CASE WHEN (IsIata = '1') THEN 'Y'
select IsIata CASE WHEN (IsIata = '1') THEN 'Y' from Table_1
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Feb 23, 2010
I need to display the table name in the select statement. how?
exact question:
we have common columns in two tables. we are displaying the records by using
select column_name from table_name_1 union select column_name from table_name_2
But the requirement is, we need to display the source table_name along with the data. consider a,c are present in table_1 and b,d are present in table_2. we need the output in the following way
eg: column_name table_name a table_1 b table_2 c table_1 d table_2
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How do I include the root record, record ID 286, in the result?
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May 23, 2010
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Agencies ON CAT.CAT_ID = Agencies.CAT_ID
CAT_A Val1
CAT_A Val2
CAT_A Val3
I need the select statement to list only the last records of the Table Agencies , see the red color at the top , if this can be only acheived using SP
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Mar 12, 2010
I am sure this has been answered before but as newbie I am a little lost.
The environment is made of SQL Server 2005, VS2008 ASP.NET3.5 and VB language.
Here is the code that I have done:The fields are bit fields checkbox and radioButtonList (values -1 & 0) the is a variable that holds the primary key (Clid)
Dim conn As New SqlConnection()
conn.ConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings _
Dim cmd As New SqlCommand
cmd = New SqlCommand("UPDATE tbl_CL SET CL_PDB= " & cbx_CLpdb.Checked & "CL_ICF=
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Jan 31, 2011
I am using an objectDataSource for the first time. My objectDatasource looks like this:
<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" TypeName="CustomerData"
DataObjectTypeName="Customer" DeleteMethod="DeleteCustomer" InsertMethod="InsertCustomer"
SelectMethod="GetCustomersByObject" UpdateMethod="UpdateCustomer" OldValuesParameterFormatString="original_
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Apr 10, 2010
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I need to display a single field from an sqlserver table, do I need to use sqlDataSource ect. or is there a simpler way (like msaccess's LookUp) for single values.
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