DataSource Controls :: Search In A Database - Make A TEXTBOX And A Button "Search"?

Jan 18, 2010

now have tried to locate and find anything about how to make a

TEXTBOX and A Button "Search"

Problem is that I have made this "bellow" and when I then enter a "value" into texbox2 and hit enter on the button it wont show me the "emnenummer" that I have requested.

im not even sure this is the correct way to do a "search"

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox2" runat="server"></asp:TextBox><asp:Button ID="Button1"
runat="server" Text="Button" />
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource1" runat="server"[code]....

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C# - Search Mysql Database Via Textbox / Button And Redirect Output To Another Page

Apr 2, 2011

on my masterpage I have a search box contained in it is a textbox (TextBox1.Text) and a button (Button1_Click) both asp controls.

Im trying to figure out how to search my database and retrieve things that may be similar, I have a User table that I would like to search for Users but spelling could be wrong so how do I still return someone if the spelling is wrong if you know what I mean?

So far:


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Jan 27, 2010

I want a word search i doing the search like this , but it is giving character wherever there is in the string,if i give two character like ok it is searching for a full string where ever Ok is there select * from table1 where textfield like '%word%' this query would match word but also wordabc how can i make it aware of delimitions

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DataSource Controls :: Full Text Search -- How To Search Image

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I am using SQL Server 2008 and Full Text search.

Its working fine for PDF / doc files but not working for .JPG files.

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I am able to search for .doc /.xml /.pdf files .. but not able to search .jpg.

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SELECT document_type, version, manufacturer
FROM sys.fulltext_document_types order by document_type

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MVC :: Render The Table For The Search Results As Long As The User Hasn't Pressed The Search Button?

Jan 18, 2010

As a newbie coming from a Java background with tag libraries I wonder if there is a simple possibility to render areas depending on backend values.For example if I have search form I do not want to render the table for the search results as long as the user hasn't pressed the search button. Of course I can iterate over the model containing an empty list but this does not allow to suppress rendering the whole table.Using web forms I would just control the visibility of the affected tag(s) in the code behind file but how do I do this with ASP.NET MVC?Can I use a partital view for a case like this? But I think I would have the same problem. How can I determine if a partial view is rendered (e.g. the whole result table with header)?

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Pop Up Window / Display A Text Box To Search And A Button To Submit The Search?

Apr 24, 2010

I wanted to a window to pop up when the user clicks on an image. In the pop window, i want to display a text box to search and a button to submit the search. Also on the same pop up, i want to use a radiobutton list to give the option of choosing to search by first name or last name.on searching, i want to display a list of employee names matching the search and give a radio button next to each of them to select the record. On selection, the user will click an OK button below the records. On clicking OK, the pop up window should close and the employee id of the employee selected should be visible in the text box next to the image.Does anyone have an idea of how to do this, because i am not too sure that i have explained it properly.

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Forms Data Controls :: Filtering A Gridview Using A Textbox And A Search Button?

Apr 12, 2010

I have a gridview that holds a bunch of companies (600 of them). I have a textbox under the gridview so people could type in a partial name of the company and basically do a search on the gridview. My problem is that when I run the page the only thing that shows is my search textbox, I'm assuming this is because I have setup the SQLDataSource to filter based on this textbox. I'd like the grid to be filled when the user opens the page and only filtered when the user type something in the textbox and hits go. Does anyone have an example of that in VB that I could look at?

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Sep 23, 2010

I am using the autocompleteextender control in a project I am working on for a client, but I would like to be able to match words in the middle of the data I am searching. Controls such as the search textbox on sites like Netflix do this. For example, if I go to Netflix and search for 'wolfman' I get results like:

The Wolfman
The Real Wolfman
House of the Wolfman

With the extender I would only get results beginning with 'wolfman'. If my stored procedure in my webservice is written to do search the text as I want, nothing shows in the extender (I'm guessing because so many top results don't begin with the entered text). Is there a way to get the autocompleteextender to behave more like this?

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Jun 1, 2010

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Jan 23, 2010

I am trying to create a smart search for a specific column in a database. the column is a short text (title of an article), so I am looking for a search that will ignores the order of the words, and mispelling mistakes. the search must returns the search results order by rellevance, and the seach is not in english, so the FREETEXT that search by meanning won't work here.

I created already a search SQL, but it is not wide range enough and won't except mispelling.


Even if there is a ready to use tool that doing so, it can be helpfull, although I am not sure that for such a simple text a tool is requiered.

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DataSource Controls :: Search Various Database Columns Based On User's Input?

Nov 18, 2010

I have five textboxes(tb1, tb2, ... tb5) on the page, each textbox represent a column in the database table.

I need to search the database table based on the text in the textboxes. User can either enter text in all five textboxes or none.

What's the best way to do a search?

I am thinking for one textbox(tb1), depends on if tb1.text is empty or not, I need to do 2 searches


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for three textboxes, there are 8 combinations,

Does that mean for five textboxes, I need to do 2 to the power of 5, 32 combinations, 32 if statements?

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Web Forms :: How To Search Database Using Textbox

Mar 29, 2011

how can i search for items using a textbox. i want it to search inside a database and return the items searched eg when i search ferrari it will return all drivers that are with ferrari.

here is my code so far


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Search Mysql Database With Textbox

Feb 17, 2010

i have connected mysql table in gridview, how to do search by using the particular word from the text box and any ways to get the result in grid view

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ADO.NET :: Search Data In A Database With Using Textbox?

Apr 2, 2011

I want to search a value from my database then display that value in a table. I have a textbox and search button in my site. I enter a value to the textbox and then click the search button but it does not work.

My code file is like this:


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Data Controls :: Search GridView On TextBox KeyPress And Save (Insert) Filtered Rows To Database Using JQuery AJAX

May 7, 2015

I have used Jquery Qucik serach Plugin and Its working fine for me. But I want to get the each record after filter when click on save button.

let's say gridview has total records are 4 then filtered records are 2.When click on Save button 4 records are getting.

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