DataSource Controls :: Will Trigger Still Fire After A Deadlock

May 14, 2010

If an insert statement is the victim of a deadlock, will an insert/update trigger still be fired?

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DataSource Controls :: Deadlock Transactions?

Feb 1, 2010

I have two databound controls on one page. GridView, DropDownList. My page is crashing with a SQL Transaction deadlock victim error. I would like to capture this error, and attempt to re-databind the controls. My first thought was to handle an event on the controls that allow me to do this, but I don't see which event to handle. I couldn't search any answers. Where should I begin?

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DataSource Controls :: DeadLock In Sql/ High Transaction Tables?

May 7, 2010

I was facing some serious deadlock issues in a high transaction table.For some select statement i have added nolock .But for few i can not put nolock, as i need accurate data.this select statement becomes a deadlock victim at times.

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DataSource Controls :: Recreate Deadlock In A Sql Server 2008 Database?

Jan 12, 2010

a script which creates a deadlock in a Sql Server 2008 database?I want to do a trace in a customer environment using a trace flag but first I want to test it in my own environment.

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DataSource Controls :: Sql Server Deadlock / Only Inserting/updating Data Into A Table

Jun 11, 2010

I m getting following error in my eventvwr . I couldnt find reasons of the following error.

"Transaction (Process ID 110) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction. "

The only thing my page is doing is inserting/updating data into a table in sql and the thing I can think of is because multiple users are using the same page to insert/update data? Will that cause deadlock?

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DataSource Controls :: Facing Alot Of Sql Deadlock In My Event Handle On Server Computer?

Jan 18, 2010

I would like to know how deadlock is happen, i have facing alot of sql deadlock in my event handle on server computer.

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How To Fire Query On Specific Time Like Trigger

Mar 10, 2011

How It Possible Unpublished Record On Base Specific Time Like 22-03-2011 11:01 Pm All Record Are Unpublished It Is Possible From Sql Server Side.

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SQL Server :: How To Fire Trigger And Save It To Another Table

Oct 1, 2010

I want to create a trigger for insert and whenever i insert the data the trigger should fire and notify some value inserted i want to create log table to save this information,now i have created a trigger but i dont know how to map it to log table to notify the changes?

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DataSource Controls :: Trigger In SQL Server?

Jan 8, 2010

I M little bit confuse that Presently i m using SQL server 2005 and for data access i m using Store procedure but now i want to use trigger first thing about trigger is:-

1. what is the benefit of using trigger over store procedure?

2. Is Performance is effected if i use trigger i mean that is my site work fast or is it much secure.

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DataSource Controls :: How To Retrieve The Contents Of The Trigger From The DB

Jan 26, 2010

using MS sql management studio, how can I edit one existing trigger?

when I right click it 'modify' option is disabled?

How about the way to retrieve the contents of the trigger from the DB?

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DataSource Controls :: Create Trigger Which Runs On Record Set

Mar 18, 2010

I would like to create a trigger which runs on record set and I would like to do IF UPDATE(column) on individual records.

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DataSource Controls :: Create A Trigger To Update A Table In Informationdatabase?

Mar 19, 2010

I am trying to use SqlDependencyCache buthave come across a problem that I wouldn't have thought was unique. We have a InformationDatabase which uses a combination of its own tables and views to other databases on the same server. One of these views points to our HRDataWarehouse database. My stored procedure obviously uses this view to get its information but because the table change is happening on the HRDataWarehouse table the notification is not being sent to my app and as a consequence the cache is not removed.

Is there a tidy way of doing this or do I need to create a trigger to update a table in my informationdatabase and then have a listener on this with a removecache callback delegate added to the cache object?

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DataSource Controls :: Trigger On View Updates Multiple Table?

Jun 23, 2010

I have Tables customer (Customerid),Product(Productid),Order(orderid). i have created view Customerid,Productid,orderid . is it posssible that if i insert value in view it will get inserted in table itself. can i do it in MS SQL SERVER

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Delete Trigger Is Not Working When Fire From C# But Working In Sql Server?

Aug 5, 2010

i made a after delete trigger on a table1 and in this trigger i insert the deleted data in another table name tab2.

when i execute the delete stored procedure of table1 from sql server 2005 then trigger working fine but when i execute delete stored procedure of table1 from c# then it is not working properly.

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DataSource Controls :: Maximum Stored Procedure, Function, Trigger, Or View Nesting Level Exceeded (limit 32) ?

Feb 24, 2010

I have a table with recursive relation,a function and a sp for readig data from that table:


When I execute sp,I got this error:Maximum stored procedure,function,trigger or view nesting level exceeded (limit 32).

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DataSource Controls :: Result Is Fine When Fire Query Of Sysfiles?

Feb 12, 2011

When I run select *from sysfiles it gives below result.

fileid groupid size maxsize growth status perf
------ ------- ----------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 1 1463328 -1 128 2 0
2 0 270120 -1 10 1048642 0

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Forms Data Controls :: SelectedIndexChanged Event Does Not Fire When Binding DataSource To ListView

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using VS2008. When a dataset is bound to the DataSource of a ListView, SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire. If I used DataSourceID instead, it has no problem. But SelectedIndexChanging event fires for both.

why and how I can get SelectedIndexChanged event fired when DataSource is used?

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AJAX :: AsyncPostback Trigger And Postbak Trigger For One Control?

Oct 31, 2010

I have UpdatePanel with GridView and i want register posback triger for index changing and asyncpostback for pagging and sorting.

When registering AsyncPostback (with event) and Postback in one control i have ASP event.

How go around this problem? , dynami register triggers mayby is a solution but i can`t unregister triger.

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C# - Why Do Nested Locks Not Cause A Deadlock

Feb 17, 2011

Possible Duplicate:
Re-entrant locks in C#

Why does this code not cause a deadlock?

private static readonly object a = new object();

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SQL Server :: How To Prevent Deadlock

Sep 28, 2010

how to prevent deadlock? read from other forum knowing that even a simple select statement will cause deadlock, but i confuse on how can i prevent it?

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SQL Server :: Deadlock Sql Exception?

Jan 7, 2011

My application is a survey application and I am using 2.0 and sql server 2005 version. There are many users taking survey at a single point of time. Some times delock is coming at a single method where i am deleting some records in a loop one by one(This delete statement may be executed for about 20 question in a page). This is a simple delete statement as below

delete table_name where column_name1='' and column_name2=''

column_name1 has foriegn key constraint, column_name2 also has foriegn key constraint.

The exception is as below.

Transaction (Process ID 204) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction

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SqlBulkCopy Causes Deadlock On SQL Server 2000?

May 12, 2010

I have a customized data import executable in .NET 3.5 which the SqlBulkCopy to basically do faster inserts on large amounts of data. The app basically takes an input file, massages the data and bulk uploads it into a SQL Server 2000. It was written by a consultant who was building it with a SQL 2008 database environment. Would that env difference be causing this? SQL 2000 does have the bcp utility which is what BulkCopy is based on. So, When we ran this, it triggered a Deadlock error.

Error details: Transaction (Process ID 58) was deadlocked on lock resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction.

I've tried numerous ways to try to resolve it. like temporarily setting the connection string variable MultipleActiveResultSets=true, which wasn't ideal, but it still gives a Deadlock error. I also made sure it wasn't a connection time out problem. here's the function.

/// <summary>
/// Bulks the insert.
/// </summary>[code].....

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SQL Server Deadlock While Inserting Rows In A Table

Oct 15, 2010

The topic of sql server deadlock has been discussed many times, however, I was unsure that even two simultaneous inserts on a table can end up in a deadlock situation. Scenario: While testing our application (SQL Server 2005 as backend, 3.5) we inserted records into a table simultaneously (simplified overview) and that resulted into a deadlock for more than 70% of users.

I could not get a hang of this as how an insert is being deadlock as this is not a case of multiple resources. After a detailed analysis (of reproducing the bug by two users) I found that both the processes were holding a RangeS-S lock on the primary key index of the table and were trying to convert this into RangeI-N lock, that resulted into a deadlock and one transaction being killed.

Question: Can we avoid or reduce these kind of deadlocks as this is not a case of change in order of access of resources? Cant' we force the transaction to get exclusive lock initially so that it blocks the other process and avoid deadlock? What (adverse) effects that may have? Also could some one explain more about RangeI-N lock.

Isolation Level for this was "Serializable".

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SQL Server :: Communication Buffer Resources With Another Process And Has Been Chosen As The Deadlock Victim. Rerun The Transaction

Nov 15, 2010

While updating table Un handled exception was raised ( with c# and SQLServer 2005)

Error Message: "Transaction (Process ID 91) was deadlocked on lock | communication buffer resources with another process and has been chosen as the deadlock victim. Rerun the transaction."

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SQL Server :: Data From The Server Subscription Cannot Trigger Table Trigger

Nov 13, 2010

Data from the server subscription cannot trigger table trigger

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