Databases :: Bind Multiple Parameter By Name?
Dec 15, 2010
In following code I am binding two parameter by name. Program compile successfully but output isn't coming.
cmd = new OracleCommand("select * from books where book_id=:bid and title=:rat", conn);
OracleParameter op = new OracleParameter();
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I have an anchor tag in gridview
<a href ='<%#"Edit_TidalData.aspx?Id="+DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem,"id") %>,'
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How am going to use two values in this anchor tag using DataBinder.Eval?
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I am asking for your help in trying figure out my logic.
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Feb 25, 2016
I am not able to find the projects related to working with excel sheets by using ClosedXML to refer. I have an excel book which contains two sheets.
In sheet 01: In column A: In B: In C:
Student name01 Student's phone number blabla
Student name02 Student's phone number blabla
Student name03 Student's phone number blabla
In sheet 02: In column A: In B: In C:
course name01 computerscience blabla
course name02 dhfsthshbstgs blabla
course name03 garsfghsefrgs blabla
now, I would like to see in two comboboxes (all the words/text presented in the column A) from two sheets, the student name and course name and then I want select any student name and course name of my choice. Afterwards, when I click on a button, my program should display the students phone number and the course name (from column B from both sheets) and related things present in the Column C D E.. of the selected things in combobox in a label or a in a textbox.
PS: I solved the following problem: I can select student name in one combobox and print the the corresponding data from the only one column B (but I worked only with one sheet). It is bit complicated for me to continue with two sheets.
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Parameter '?/*IN' not found in the collection.
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May 17, 2010
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cmd.Parameters.Add("p_status", OracleDbType.VarChar2, 200, DBNull.Value, ParameterDirection.Output)
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Dim cn As New OdbcConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("csSybaseGuille").ConnectionString)
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Or using mysql connector/net to use mysql. I'm having problem installing it because the visual studio integration is not working, so I can't find it on the data source provider.
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When I execute the same store procedure with the same input parameteres from within SQL*Plus. It does return values.
This is to be clearify here that in the oracle store procedure the data type for the out parameter is number and in the c# the variavle that will hold its value is Integer. I also tried using Long on the C# side but it is still not working. After the successfull execution of the store procedure the C# variable contains nulll value.
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Apr 14, 2010
The problem I have is that I've got a simple ASP.NET page. On it, I have a dropdownlist that is calling values from a MySQL table.
When I select a value from the list, I want to create/update a GridView.
I've created the code, which works if I hard code the parameter, but I want to use the DataValueField from the drop down list.
Is this possible?
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Jul 15, 2010
I have data in ParamList (from SQL reporting services database)which I want to display in a GridView. as ParameterName and VAlue. I am able to retrieve the parameters but can't figure out how to read them into ArrayList (or whatever method you coud suggest) and then bind to grid. Final grid should be like this-
ParameterName ParameterValue
Year 1011
Number1 0011
Number2 0101
Number3 0201
Here is the code I'm trying to figure out-
Dim intCount As Integer
Dim strparam As String
Dim strparam1 As String
Dim varResult As Object
Dim ParamList as string
ParamList = "Year=1011&Number1=0011&Number2=0101&Number3=0201"
varResult = Split(ParamList, "&")
Dim arrList As New ArrayList()
'loop through array and retrieve parms
For intCount = 0 To UBound(varResult)
varParam = Split(varResult(intCount), "=")
strparam1 = UCase(varParam(0))
strparam = varParam(1)
arrList = ???
'and then display tsi data into a grid.
GridViewParams.DataSource = arrList
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Apr 21, 2010
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If I hardcode values into the insert statement, it works fine. But when I put the ? placeholder in, it throws the error. Can anyone help me pinpoint the problem or offer a workaround solution?
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May 19, 2010
I have two AccessDataSources each returning one row.
I want to use the data in each row to populate content on my page, so I figured I would use a [Code].... or [Code].....
However, I would not necessarily want the labels bound to a particular DataSource placed together.
For example, I might want labels from the following columns in order [Code]....
Note: No language preference (C#/VB).
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Feb 7, 2011
I have to update multiple row and two column of each row.
I have try to Update with case statement but after I perform that statement it blank out every other column that doesn't fall into the criteria of the update statement.
My table structure is like this;
row1 11
row2 22
I want to update row1 and row2 of their col1 in one single sql , how do i do that?
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Aug 11, 2010
In my web application, I have 2 totally different databases - one that's being used mostly by a CMS from which we'd like to get page information on non CMS pages on the same website, & one that contains totally different data. Is it possible to use Spring.NET's Open Session In View module with multiple session factories for both of those databases, so in this case I have 2 objects defined in spring.config of type Spring.Data.NHibernate.LocalSessionFactoryObject?
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Nov 10, 2010
I have an application which connect to oracle db.
I have two database hitting functions.
One is adding Userdetails(Fn Name : AddUserDtls) and another one adding address details(Fn name : AddAddresDtls) based on UserName which will get added after execution of first method ie AddUserDtls.
Problem I am facing is :
I have a single transaction and in that I have all the methods.
After the execution of first method,with out commiting i will go to second method.
and if any error occurs in second method.
I will rollback everything including the changes made by first method also.
Here one issue is there.
Since I am not committing the changes made by first method,
While I am executing the second method I am getting error that 'No user Name exists'
I understood that if we commit the transaction before the second method starts ,it will solve the issue.
But then it creates another problem.If some problem araise in the second method,then I cannot rollback the changes made by first method since it aleready commited.
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Apr 1, 2011
I want to update multiple column of a table using subquery ...My sample code is shown below
its throwing syntax error...I dont know where i commiting mistake.
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Jun 24, 2010
if we are trying to add the several columns in select statement and only one condition in group by.
how can we do that ?
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Apr 7, 2010
Is it better for a collection of ASP.NET web apps to share the same session database, or should each one have its own? If there is no significant difference, having a single database would be preferable due to easier maintenance. Background My team has an assortment of ASP.NET web apps, all written in either Monorail 1.1 or ASP.NET MVC 1.0. Each app currently uses a dedicated session state database. I'm working on adding a new site to that list, and am debating whether I should create another new session database, or just share an existing one with another app.
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Sep 17, 2010
I am supposed to develop an enterprise-class ASP.NET Web Application that connects to multiple databases. For example when the web form loads, I should populate different ASP.NET controls (GridView, DataPager, TextBox, DropdownList etc) from multiple databases (SQL Server, Oracle, DB2, SAP Server etc) and also, edit the data in the controls and save the data to the respective databases on button submit.
Should I use Web Service or WCF for data integration, if so is there a limit on the size of the data?
What should be the architecture considering the application should be scalable and easy to maintain?
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Jun 8, 2010
i want to know how to connect to multiple databases in sql from our code??
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