Delete Specific Records From Specific Table Randomly

Dec 18, 2013

My application for "Members subscriptions registration" working online and different users using it.

Database type is Mssql Server 2008 R2, Size is around 1 Gb

What happen exactly there is specific record delete from table "Members" in random times, For example I add 100 new subscriptions with around 800 records and make confirm and checking next day find it loss 3 records find it deleted.

I checked all the applications no any delete query, I removed all delete query from application to make sure no any delete also I save any delete query happen in system inside table for log.

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id name status1 s Present1 s Present1 s Present total 3

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PNO     NAME            COURSE   COMPANY

121      RAJU             BCA           TCS
234      RK SINGH     MCA            TECHNO
525      P RAJ            MCA            KELTRON
325      ANIL             BBA             BPL
235      KUMAR          MCA            TATA

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1. I use forms based authentication to authenticate to my site

2. I use active directory to authenticate the users

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public System.Data.DataTable selectspecificdatarow(System.Data.DataTable dtg, int count, int startindex)
System.Data.DataTable dtn = dtg.Clone();
for (int i =startindex; i < count; i++)


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