SQL Server :: Method To Allow A User To Search In A Specific Field For A Records Containing The Keywords They Enter Into A Textbox?
Aug 19, 2010
What's the best method to allow a user to search in a specific field for a record(s) containing the keywords they enter into a textbox? I am considering using the streamreader to obatin the values from textbox into an array, so I can build dynamic query using the stringbuilder. Is there a cleaner or more efficient method to approach this common search functionality?
I want to create a seach textbox for users to enter a few keywords in ,..and then my sql query will display the results......( basically a little search engine for my website)Ok so im thinking of using the Containstable with ranking on how close these keywords are to eachother... so the closer the keywords are to each other... the higher their ranking will be.... but I also want to seach for these keywords in 4 columns in one Datatable how can I do this
I have a web page with 3 search fields on it, each with a different submit button. When using the enter button on the keyboard to submit any of them, an incorrect action is being performed, although with the mouse it's fine. Any ideas why this is happening? The rendered HTML as requested below:
I have a textfield () in my homepage for a searchstring. Normaly I have a text like "enter here to searach..." in it. Now I will clear the box from the text when a user click into it.
Basically I have a Search Text Box with a LinkButton Control on which the click event is fired. now what i want is when the user type keywords and press enter the Click event got fired. So No Javascript Only ASP.NET With VB.NET v2.0
currently I am doing a web application such that after user search for all the contracts,the contract id is a hyperlink in which user can click on it to view the results tied to it. There is 2 pages. One is for the search page and after searching results is populated below. The contract id in the grid view is a hyperlink so that when user clicks on it, they will go to another page and view the specific records tied to it. How shld I do this as I am creating this web application in 3-tier formatting.
This is the search.aspx:
This is the next page that will display the results tied to this particular ID:
I want user to enter name in Arabic if the user enter in english it should give Message " Enter Message In Arabic " and same for English if user try to enter in arabic it should give a message "Enter Name in English"Â ...
how can i separate words in db column separated by enter key. I am entering data in a multi line textbox directly to db, and i want to search a word in that column. Since the words are seperated by enter key, how can i separate the words to search. If i use like i can't search the exact word is there..
I'm writing a program that records time-in and time-out and I have a problem when trying to retrieve data for a specific date.In the table, the "timein" and "timeout" fields have format of "smalldatetime". To record the timein, I insert the system time (by using System.DateTime.Now) into the "timein" field.I want two types of searches.
1) Search records between a date range
2) Search records for a specific date
For example, First, I want to search if there are any records between 11/2/2010 and 12/1/2010. I will ask user to input "11/2/2010" as start date and "12/1/2010" as end date. I will use Convert.DateTime() methods to convert these two input before put them into SQL query like:
"SELECT * FROM timesheet WHERE timein BETWEEN Convert.DateTime(startdate) AND Convert.DateTime(enddate)"
The output results do not include the date 11/2/2010 and 12/1/2010. I get only the dates in between. I know that is the limitation of BETWEEN. I wonder if someone has a way to work around this limitation.
Secondly, I want to prompt users to enter a specific date like (11/2/2010) and search the table for rows match that criteria. I can't get this to work. I have tried "SELECT * from timesheet WHERE timein LIKE '%searchdate%'", "......timein = 'searchdate'" but none works.
(I'm using VS 2010 C# and SQL 2008 for this project)
I saw on the google when search "code project", some keywords and a text field and a button to search that google has generated for "code project" keyword also for "manchester university" in the same way.
How is it possible to show key words and text field/button for our website on google? As it shows for "code project" and "manchester university" etc.
visit google and search "manchester university" u'll see:
StudentNet Job Opportunities PostGraduate StaffNet etc.. and textfield/ and a button
I want this kind of result for my site from Google!!
I build a serach function just using SelectCommand and SelectParameters, i.e.
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="SqlDataSource2" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:mprojectConnectionString %>" SelectCommand="SELECT * FROM [publication] WHERE ((([character] LIKE '%' + @character + '%') AND ([type] = @type)) OR(([f11623] LIKE '%' + @f11623 + '%') AND ([type] = @type)) OR (([f1character] LIKE '%' + @f1character + '%') AND ([type] = @type)) OR(([nortonoxfordnumber] LIKE '%' + @nortonoxfordnumber + '%') AND ([type] = @type)) OR (([nortonoxfordtext] LIKE '%' + @nortonoxfordtext + '%') AND ([type] = @type)))"> <SelectParameters> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="character" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="f11623" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="f1character" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="nortonoxfordnumber" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="TextBox1" Name="nortonoxfordtext" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" /> <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="DropDownList1" Name="type" PropertyName="SelectedValue" Type="String" /> </SelectParameters> </asp:SqlDataSource>
I am also using a dropdown box and a textbox for people to search within a particular area from the dropdown list.
Now, I would like to be able to highlight the keywords in my gridview table. I searched around on the Internet and found a lot of samples, but they are all related to the Gridview <templates>, however, I am using <BoundField> and sqlDataSource.
I just cound not figure out how can I add this highlight function to my current search function?
I have a textbox and a gridview which is bound to a table what I want to achieve is a solution where lets say there are two records - e.g. "1. Book and 2. Red", i want a user to type in those words and the gridview shows the results as followed;
1. Book 2. Red
I have set up the sql data source and everything and my like operator is this.
I tried to modify downloaded code from URL... to use with content pages/ master page by placing javascript at master page and put below code at the content page, But the when i type somethng on the text nothing filters. How to filter gridivew using master page.
* txtSearch => text box created at the top of gridview.
Below query brings data to the gridivew on page load.
If Not Me.IsPostBack Then Dim ds As New DataSet ds = PR.PRFInquiry(BadgeNo) GVPRFInquiry.DataSource = ds GVPRFInquiry.DataMember = "DataSet" GVPRFInquiry.DataBind() End If
below code create text box inside gridview to filter and calls the javascript.
Protected Sub OnDataBound(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As EventArgs) If (Not Master.Page.ClientScript.IsStartupScriptRegistered("function")) Then Master.Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(Me.GetType(), "function", "fucntion();", True) End If Dim row As New GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal) For i As Integer = 0 To GVPRFInquiry.Columns.Count - 1
I want to show a grid view Control that is initially displayed to allow the user to enter multiple records. This grid view will not be tied to a database nor will it need to save the data that is enter into the GridView Control directly to a database.
I have a asp:textbox control followed by a button.The textbox is multiple lines, but when users hit 'enter' to go to the next line (trying to do a carriage return), the button 'onclick' event is executed. how do I change that?
is there any way to search the table name containing a specific data in a given database.
for example, if i have any data, say "Euro" in hand, and i know any of the table in database contain the given value, however i'm not sure which table. So if i can list out the table anyhow containing the data in hand.
I want to add a search field and have search results display in a user-friendly format on an employee intranet. Does anyone know what component(s) I can drag over from the toolbox to create these two items?
I'm trying to let a user enter the name of a website in a textbox and click on a button. When the button has been clicked the website URL should be sent to a method which will use a WebBrowser to navigate to the website and take a screenshot of it. Further it should afterwards grab this screenshot and generate a thumbnail of it.
... And the tricky part
The tricky thing is that according to MSDN the System.Drawing should not be used in neither Windows or ASP.NET services, which leaves me with 2 approaches:
Ignore the MSDN and implement the class which contains the necessary methods.