EditTemplate For ListView Doesn't Apply?

Dec 9, 2010

I have the following - ListView and its two handlers AdminUsersListView_ItemEditing, AdminUsersListView_Load.

<asp:ListView ID="AdminUsersListView" runat="server"
onitemediting="AdminUsersListView_ItemEditing" onload="AdminUsersListView_Load"


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Using Fileupload In Listview Edittemplate?

Mar 7, 2011

In a ListView edittemplate, I need to allow the user to replace an image. When the form is submitted for updating how can I determine if the user is uploading a new image and get that file info?

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Use A UserControl Inside The EditTemplate Of A ListVIew?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a ListView showing just a list of concatenated strings obtained from different field of the objects of the datasource. A LinkButton (with CommandName="Edit") in each row Event handlers for OnItemDataBound and OnItemEditing A UserControl in EditTemplate.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to use Bind expression in the UserControl. I mean, how to populate this usercontrol when the linkbutton is clicked? (I tried capturing the control in the OnItemEditing handler. But FindControl returned null, as that handler is called before going to edit mode.)

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Forms Data Controls :: Use UserControl Inside An EditTemplate Of A ListVIew?

Oct 5, 2010

I have a ListView showing just a list of concatenated strings obtained from different field of the objects of the datasource.

A LinkButton (with CommandName="Edit") in each row Event handlers for OnItemDataBound and OnItemEditing

A UserControl in EditTemplate.

Now the problem is, I don't know how to use Bind expression in the UserControl. I mean, how to populate this usercontrol when the linkbutton is clicked? (I tried capturing the control in theOnItemEditing handler. But FindControl returned null, as that handler is called before going to edit mode.)

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Forms Data Controls :: Accessing UserControl That Is Present In The EditTemplate Of The ListView

Jun 1, 2010

I am having trouble trying to access a UserControl I created and placed inside the EditTemplate of the ListView. How is it done? I've tried to access it at the ListView's ItemDataBound, ItemEditing and Databound with the following code with no luck:

ucEditTask = DirectCast(lvTimeEntry.FindControl("ucEditTask"), UserControl)

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Nested User Control (ListView) In ListView Doesn't Get Bound

Apr 2, 2011

I am trying to implement a nested user control in listview and the user control doesn't get bound.

Here is my code.


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Web Forms :: Theme Doesn't Apply?

Oct 28, 2010

Am using various themes . when i change from one theme to another the previous part of the Theme is applied to some parts during initial load . Applying theme is done in Code Behind only . Attched is the image .

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Changes In Master Page Doesn't Apply To Nested One?

Aug 4, 2010

I got a Master page and nested master pages in the subfolders. Top Level Master page Second Level Master page inherited Top Level Master page Third Level Master page inherited Second Level Master page However, changes (i.e. new images & alt. name) that I made in the Top level master page did not apply to the second or third levels. My webpage has a correct front page but not in the sections.

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Forms Data Controls :: Apply Datapaging On Nested Listview?

Nov 5, 2010

what i want to apply paging on each list view "lvProducts" with in repeater "rptBrands";

in other words ;

i have several Brands and each one of them contains some products;

so i want to apply paging on each products group within their brand

so if you check the code below you find that it apply paging in good manner;

the problem is that if i select page 2 on the second brand group it will display page 2 for brand 2 and all brands group which is not needed ;

so how can i apply paging??

<div id="HomeContainer">
<asp:Repeater runat="server" ID="rptBrands" >
<asp:HiddenField ID="hfBrandId" runat="server" Value='<%#Eval("BrandId") %>' />


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Web Forms :: Table Added To Skin Doesn't Apply To Controls On Page?

Mar 22, 2010

Actually the controls are in a user control on an aspx page that also uses a master page (if that matters)

I defined a table in the skin file with TableHeaderRow, HeaderTableCell. I added some formatting to these entries. The table defined in the control is not being skinned by this definition. If I add a "CssClass" on the TableHeaderCell in the control, the formatting works fine. If I add the CssClass to the skin it doesn't work.

Skin file:

<asp:Table runat="server" SkinID="dataTable" BorderStyle="None" CellPadding="0" CellSpacing="0" CssClass="table">

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Listview Doesn't Work On First Click?

Mar 18, 2011

I have a listview in which I use a pager control. When I have more than 1 item in the list view, I want the user to be able to click on the appropriate page number and go to it. Simple right?, right now the first time the user clicks on the page number, nothing changes. If they click on it again, it goes right to the page. It doesn't matter what page they click on, it ALWAYS requires a second click to display the data item.

I am using VS2010 C# as the code behind.

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Web Forms :: ListView EditItemTemplate Doesn't Return To ItemTemplate?

Jan 21, 2011

The following code represents an EditItemTemplate in my ListView. My problem is that when I click the Update button, everything updates but then the display doesn't go to the ItemTemplate. According to Microsoft: "By default, theListView control returns to read-only mode after an update operation."


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Web Forms :: Treeview Style Doesn't Apply In The Page If That Page Is Using Mater Page

Jun 10, 2010

I've encountered a problem when I put a treeview in a page which is using master page. The treeview style doesn't apply.For example, I set the nodes with different colors in different levels. But the treeview nodes are still displayed in the default color(bule).

The treeview code is :


If I use these code in a page which doesn't use a master page. The nodes are shown in colors.

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Item Doesn't Get Removed

Sep 12, 2010

I'm trying to delete a item from the listview. I can delete the item from the database ok, but the listview item does not get removed, I could do a Response.Redirect to redisply the page but this is overkill? Below is my code:


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DataSource Controls :: ListView With LinqDataSource Doesn't Display Data?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a ListView with a LinqDataSource that's not displaying data. Here is my source code:


why the data won't display? As far as I can see, I've done everything right.

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DataSource Controls :: LINQ Doesn't Reference Data Context In ListView?

Feb 7, 2010

I'm trying to add a LINQ datasource to my ListView control but it doesn't pick up the data context that I created. All it shows as options in the dropdown list are AJAX objects. What could be the possible causes for this?

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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Doesn't Leave Edit Mode?

Dec 5, 2010

I have a problem with using the listview.When I want to update or cancel the update, the listview doesn't leave the edit mode.When I clicked the updatebutton, the methode Listview.Itemupdating is fire and changes the database. But then nothing happened. Even if i set the itemindex -1.The Listview.Itemupdated does also not fire.This is the code.


The code:


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C# - How To Set SelectedValue Of DropDownList In GridView EditTemplate

Aug 13, 2010

I am trying to do this as asked earlier. The only difference that I found is additional List item that was included in above code.

I tried to use AppendDataBoundItems=true but it is still not working. I also want to set the its default value to the value that was being displayed in label of itemtemplate i.e. DropDownList's SelectedValue='<%# Eval("DepartmentName") %>' but thie property is not available to me in dropdownlist.


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Gridview Edittemplate Not Showing Content?

Jan 5, 2010

I have grid view with three column name, rate, category

I am also using ajax rate here and one dropdown within edittemplate which binded with sqldatasource.

But when click on edit it is not showing the drop down.


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Access :: Populating An EditTemplate DropDownList In A DataGrid

Apr 7, 2010

Here is the code from a datagrid edit command in which I am attempting to populate a DropDownList in the EditTemplate from the database. The result is only one item (the first) from the database, instead of all items.


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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView EditTemplate Drop Down?

Jan 31, 2011

I have a DetailsView where EditTemplate has a dropdown where the datasource is a view from SQLDatasource.

CASE WHEN [Dir]=''then [NAME]+' ' + [TYPE] else [DIR] + ' ' + [NAME]+' ' + [TYPE] END AS FULLSTNAME

In the DetailsView, Data Source configuration Wizard dialog box, I select the SQLDatasource as the data source. Under "Select a data field to display in the DropDownist:" I select NAME. Under "Select a data field for the value of the DropDownist:" I select FULLSTNAME.

When I try to edit I get the error saying "... it is not in the list...".

This is what I am trying to make it happen: The dd list displays the [NAME] data and when the user selects a value from the list, [FULLSTNAME] is actually selected, displayed in the text box section of the dd and is also stored to the database.

Any way of making this happen? I think I get this error because, FULLSTNAME is not a part of the database, but it is in SQLDataSource as a field.

Let me know if you need the html code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Usercontrol In EditTemplate In Formview

Jul 24, 2010

In almost all cases, my edit template and insert template in the formview are the same.

So instead of copying pasting the same markup, i decided to put it in a user control. The display works fine, however, the databinding doesn't work anymore. It works fine if I put the markup directly in to the formview template.

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Forms Data Controls :: EditTemplate Control And Findcontrol In Codebehind

Jan 6, 2010

In the gridview we are using edit button. Once the edit button click Controls in the edit template will display in the same row with update button. That row has two dropdownlist control.

Process flow:

controls:d1 and d2

d1 is using sqldatasource for item display : working fine.
d2 is using codebehind code to load the item based on the selected value in the d1 : Not working

How to findthe control in the edit template to display item value for d2.

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Forms Data Controls :: Access DLL Control In FormView EditTemplate?

Aug 3, 2010

I am trying get a file upload DLL control ( Subgurim.Controles) to function inside of a FormView

I have it registered as an assembly, but FileUploaderAJAX1 is not in context.

I tried :


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Forms Data Controls :: RadioButtonList In FormView EditTemplate's Not Me Behind And OldValue NewValues?

Aug 25, 2010

I am using FormView component which has a field that is the sex of the person that I am using RadioButtonList with a simple way to show Male and Female, but want to retrieve the information and OldValue NewValues not anything behind me.

In the FormView Edit Template:
<! - SEX ->
<td> <strong> Gender: </ strong> </ td>


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