Forms Data Controls :: Adding Spaces In A String Which Is Generated Dynamically In C# Code?

Jul 20, 2010

I have a grid. I am building and populating it dynamically in C#. Below mentioned is my issue:

string s1 = "string1";

string s2 = "string2";

And then I have a header cell text which needs to be populated like this.

headercell.text = s1 + new string(' ', 20) + s2;

I am not able to get the extra 20 spaces between s1 and s2. It gives me just one space instead of 20 spaces.

I tried using headercell.text = s1 + s2.padleft(' ', 30); even then I am not able to get more than one space between strings s1 and s2.

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Forms Data Controls :: Programmatically Creating Chart Control And Adding It To Dynamically Generated Table?

May 21, 2010

I am stuck in chart controls...Here is my prob... There is a ListBox containing some items...when user selects multiple items from the list box I want to generate a dynamic table with the number of columns same as that of the number items selected in the listbox. And for each selected item I want to show a seperate chart in the columns...Currently I want the same chart control for every selected item (i.e. a static hard coded chart that i will replace later by dynamic values)....I am using a method that draws a chart control using a sample dataset... I am calling it each time when a new column is created..Also the DrawChart method executes for the first column only and throws an index out of range exception! after the first code is not

my code...



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Adding PostBackTriggers And AsyncPostBackTriggers To UpdatePanel For Dynamically-generated Grandchild Controls?

Jan 20, 2011

I have a page with a ScriptManager, a generic HTML drop-down list (<select>), and an UpdatePanel. The UpdatePanel contains a PlaceHolder (for now). During Page_Load, a number of user controls are added to the PlaceHolder (really, it's several instances of the same user control). The number to add is not known until the page loads, so they do need to be loaded dynamically. The drop-down list is populated with the same number of menu items, and there is javascript on the page also (using jQuery) to show only one of the controls at a time depending on the state of the drop-down list.

Each user control has two buttons that should generate an asynchronous postback, a drop-down list that should generate an asynchronous postback on a change in selected value, and a button that should generate a synchronous postback. If I was not generating the controls dynamically, and if there was only one control, the structure would be something like:


Of course, all the controls inside the ContentTemplate would actually be part of each user control.

Adding the triggers on the server side does not seem to work because no ControlID seems to the UpdatePanel find the relevant controls. I can use either the control's ID or the control's UniqueID, and it does not work, and I get an error along the lines of

A control with ID 'ctl00$ContentPlaceHolder1$ctl01$asyncButton1' could not be found for the trigger in UpdatePanel 'myUpdatePanel'.

So, I wonder if I need to register the triggers in the client instead using ASP.NET Ajax. I found this page that basically explains how. However, I do not know how to get the EventName taken into consideration. The examples I have seen so far have merely been adding button clicks, but I don't know how to handle the SelectedIndexChanged event from the DropDownList.

Are there examples out there I have missed? It doesn't , of course, that the method in the link I gave appears to be "unofficial," so I don't see any MSDN documents on the subject.

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Web Forms :: Populating A Dynamically Generated Checklist Control In Code-behind Not Working?

Feb 5, 2011

(The following is a complete re-edit of the original post which was rambling, confusing etc...)

I have a form with a dynamically generated checklist:

<asp:CheckBoxList ID="cblGames" runat="server" DataSourceID="sqlGames" DataTextField="Game" DataValueField="Id" </asp:CheckBoxList>
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlGames" runat="server" ConnectionString="<%$ ConnectionStrings:Games %>"
SelectCommand="SELECT [Id], [Game], [ShowWaitingList] FROM [Aanbod] WHERE ([ShowWaitingList] = @ShowWaitingList)">
<SelectParameters><asp:Parameter DefaultValue="true" Name="ShowWaitingList" Type="Boolean" /></SelectParameters>

The following code-behind is supposed to check those boxes that correspond to values stored in a database. It fails and I don't know why.


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Forms Data Controls :: Acessing Dynamically Generated Radiobuttonlist Of Grid?

Mar 22, 2011

I have a grid and on each row of grid i generate a radiobuttonlist with 2 items dynamically in rowdatabound. On the save button event i want to access the data of the row and save the data in DB with which ever radio button is selected.I tried different things but all in vain. I tried to use hidden field so that whenever any radio button is selected in a row then in javascript i will update the hidden field but user can select multiple rows so this is not a good solution.

Here is my code of dynamic radio button list generation in rowdatabound event.


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C# - How To Get Linkbutton Id That Is Generated Dynamically From Code Behind In The Eventhandler

Apr 27, 2010

i have create two linkbuttons dynamically:

for (int i = 0; i < 2; i++)
LinkButton lb = new LinkButton();


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Web Forms :: Adding Query String Dynamically?

May 25, 2010

Is there some way that qury string variables can be added dynamically ? Suppose Page one.aspx?Id=3 redirect me to Two.aspx

Can I add some parameters in Two.aspx before page loads ? I know query string collection is read only and it looks not possible but just asking there may be some way to do this.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Generated Gridview Loses All Data When Row Is Selected?

Feb 11, 2010

I create a gridview dynamically to fit the contents of a datatable...This form will have other dataatbles thrown at it but for the moment I am only working on one to work out the details of the process.I will post all my code below...the problem is this. The code successfully geenrates the gridview the way I want however...whenever I select a row all the cells including the header cells dissapears

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Reference Dynamically Generated Checkboxes Inside Listview

Mar 17, 2011

I'm trying to check dynamically generated "checkbox" value inside Listview.

I can reference non-dynamic checkboxes exact in same location (index) inside Listview using "e.Item.FindControl", however I can't reference dynamic checkboxes.

Here is my code.


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Forms Data Controls :: Validate A Dynamically Generated Textbox In A Gridview's Cell?

Jan 28, 2010

I have a gridview each line has 4 linkbuttons - Edit , Update , Cancel , Delete and a few columns with data...For example TeamName and TeamEmail, and a hidden column that contains a validator (for ease of validating controls that are found on the same row , same naming container)

When Edit button is Clicked , the specific line goes into editing mode , Texboxes are created for TeamName and for TeamEmail .

I create dinamically (code behind ) a new textbox that reads the value from the TeamEmail textbox , i give it a new id (let's say "Email") , add that email to the controltovalidate property of my validator , and call the validate() method of the validator.

Everything works fine when i modify the value in a worng format , the validator err message appears , when i modify the TeamEmail value to a good email format , the validator property isvalid becomes true , and the update is running , but my textbox is empty :( updating the TeamEmail value to null.

This is some bad code but hope you understand what i meant :

This is my html coed of my gridview


This is the code that manages the validation:


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Forms Data Controls :: Create Zip File Of Dynamically Generated Excel Sheet In C#?

Sep 8, 2010

I want to give product details in excel sheet but that excel sheet should be zipped and then pass it to user.

I know how to create excel sheet from database but how to pass that excel sheet into folder and then zip that folder..?

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Unable To Apply Dataformat String To Bound Columns Of Datagrid Generated Dynamically

Jan 17, 2011

following is sample code i am trying to make work. i want to apply formatting to datagrid column "price" i want price to be shown in currency format

Dim bColumn As BoundColumn
bColumn = New BoundColumn
bColumn.HeaderText = "name"
bColumn.DataField = "name"
bColumn = New BoundColumn
bColumn.HeaderText = "price"
bColumn.DataField = "price"
bColumn.DataFormatString = "{0:C}" ' already tried following "{0:#,##0.00}"
Dim dt As New DataTable
Dim dr As DataRow
dr = dt.NewRow
dr("name") = "ABC"
dr("price") = 1232100.53
dr = dt.NewRow
dr("name") = "ABC"
dr("price") = 123123.32
dgBizDocs.DataSource = dt

what am i doing wrong ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Want To Change Width Of Column Of Dynamically Generated Grid View?

Jan 4, 2011

i hav a dyanmically generated gridview with autogenerated columns = true.. i want to change the width of a column of a grid... i tried to do it in row databound event as...

e.Row.Cells[1].Width = Unit.Pixel(300);

but it doesnt work... and since d columns are genrated dynamically i cant set d width as grd.columns[0].width =...

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Javascript - How To Remove, Replace Or Disable Dynamically-generated ASP.Net Js Code

Jul 16, 2010

I am working with a few .Net 4.0 webforms controls such as the Menu control and while I think it's great that I can now declare the way in which controls are rendered (i.e. as either tables or divs), I can't switch off the automagically-included javascript that manages the hover events for those controls, for example:new Sys.WebForms.Menu({ element: 'NavigationMenu', disappearAfter: 500, orientation: 'horizontal', tabIndex: 0, disabled: false }This appears at the bottom of every page that owns such a control.

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Forms Data Controls :: Stopping Generated Code In Gridview?

Mar 24, 2011

When I am setting the width of a column in a GridView I use the HeaderStyle-Width:

<asp:BoundField DataField="AnalysisId" HeaderText="ID" SortExpression="AnalysisId" HeaderStyle-Width="25px" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="AnalysisId" HeaderText="ID" SortExpression="AnalysisId" HeaderStyle-Width="25px" >
<HeaderStyle Width="25px"></HeaderStyle>

Two questions. First, is HeaderStyle-Width a preferred/best way to manage column width in a grid view? And second, how do I suppress the genration of the the additional code?

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Data Controls :: Save Dynamically Generated Barcode Image Into Database

May 7, 2015

I am generating barcode image dynamically on button click .

The image is display on the asp image control, now I want to save that image in database

string barCode = txt_ID.Text;
using (Bitmap bitMap = new Bitmap(barCode.Length * 40, 80)) {
using (Graphics graphics = Graphics.FromImage(bitMap)) {
Font oFont = new Font("IDAutomationHC39M", 16);
PointF point = new PointF(2f, 2f);

[Code] .....

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Forms Data Controls :: Get "checked" From Multiple Dynamically Generated Checkboxes?

Nov 16, 2010

I have a table witch i programmatically fill with(multiple) IDs in the first column, options in the second and checkboxes in the third. The table is in a View as it is part of a wizard and is filled on view_Activate.

How can i get the checked property of the checkboxes when i pass to the next view? When i try to do that on view_Deactivate the table is already 0 rows...

I know i can use i checkboxlist(... whose properties i can get on view_Deactivate) but i'd rather use a table as it is easier to layout as i want it(header, columns, alignment,...).

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Web Forms :: Referencing Dynamically Generated Controls?

Jul 9, 2010

I'm displaying a table based on query results, and each record has a dynamically generated dropdownlist and submit button (and other controls, but this is simplified). That part works fine, but how do I reference the controls in a function? Here is the code I've tried. Create the controls:


Reference the control values (hopefully):


The function SubmitAction_Click fires when I click the Post button, so that part works. I just can't figure out how to reference the selected value of the dropdownlist. You can see that I'm explicitly giving the DDL a unique ID (DS_RecordID). I'm guessing I have to use FindControl to reference it, but I don't know how to format the code.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Adding Rows To A Table

Apr 19, 2010

I need to let my user add rows dynamically to a table, and after doing some research, it seems the best way to do this is through a GridView bound to a DataTable. However, I'm really struggling adding dropdownlists to the datatable, and this showing them in the gridview.

Here's the design I want:

ddl1 | ddl2 | ddl3 | ddl4 | ddl5 | ddl6 | ddl7 | textbox

When the user opens the form, he or she will be presented with one row. ddl2 etc will be populated when ddl1 is selected etc etc. When appropriate, the textbox will be enabled allowing the user to enter a comment (this is to report errors, and since users are, at best, not to trust to write the same thing twice, I need to use ddls.

Now comes the question - how do I add a ddl to the datatable? I've tried several ways, but I cannot get them added.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Adding A Column To A Datagrid?

May 18, 2010

i am kind of new in the .net world. I would like to know how you can add a link column with an image to a datagriid.

P.S. i am using Visual studio 2005.

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Adding Second HeaderRow To GridView?

Mar 15, 2011

I've read a few articles on this, but I keep doing something wrong, and I'm not sure what. I took out all of my customization and just want to add a single header row to the very top of my GridView... Can someone show me how I'm screwing up? This is the code I'm trying to use...


I have tried a few different ways of referring to the GridView table... e.row.parent, gv1.controls[0], etc, but nothing seems to work.

I don't get any errors, just nothing ever shows up when the GridView is rendered. I can't find the code using Firebug to look at the HTML either... what am I doing wrong?

(have also tried using "0" for the rowIndex when creating the new GridViewRow)

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Forms Data Controls :: Dynamically Adding RequiredFieldValidator In DetailsView?

Oct 20, 2010

Is it possible to add RequiredFieldValidator in DetailsView dynamically (programatically)?

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Columns To A Gridview Dynamically?

Nov 11, 2010

is there a way I can add a column dynamically from code behind to the gridview in my page?

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Web Forms :: Get Rid Of Empty Spaces Before String?

Oct 18, 2010

I have a textbox where email addresses are displayed at the click of a button. There is one problem, before the first email address there are two empty spaces. Is there any way of getting rid of them? The result looks like this: " emailaddress; emailaddress; emailaddress;"

Here's my button click:


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Web Forms :: Getting Dynamically Generated Controls By Id With FindControl Function?

Mar 18, 2010

I'm trying to get dynamically generated control by id with FindControl function, but it doesn't return it

here's short version of code when I generate controls, it is basically in a loop to have number of CheckBoxes depending on inputs





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