Forms Data Controls :: Binding ListView Controls To An ObjectDataSource Dynamicly For Updating?

Jan 28, 2010

I'm doing research on framework development for my company. SInce I will be developing a framework I can not simply declaire all my control in the code in front. Receiently I've been having trouble binding the controls from my ListView to my ObjectData Source. Basicly the properties in my DataObjectTypeName are not populated when the ObjectDataSource "Update" command is thrown. I recieve no error, I just get null values. All I need is an equivalent to this statement for code-behind ...

<%# Bind("AbstractText") %>This would solve all my issues. Ofcouse I will most likely need to bind the control's ID somewhere but that is not an issue. How do I Bind a control to a property in my DataObjectTypeName from the code-behind?

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Web Forms :: Listview And Objectdatasource Binding?

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Listview and objectdatasource binding?


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Forms Data Controls :: GridView - Add An ObjectDataSource To The Mark Up - Binding Controls

Dec 16, 2010

I have a Gridview in the markup and I add an ObjectDataSource to the mark up which will be the gridviews data source. Is this a redundant way of binding controls? I believe using this method is good for small sites with little customisation etc. but, for large sites (multi lingual, hundreds of pages etc) I have been taught to create the controls in the mark up or code behind, then bind the controls on PreRender in the code behind. My new boss thinks this method is old school and the current way of using an objectdatasource in the mark up is the best way to do it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview With ObjectDataSource Not Updating?

Dec 17, 2010

I have a gridview with the ObjectDataSource and the Update does not work. When I click on Edit, I go to Edit mode but Update will not work at all. No errors. I do believe that it is in the RowUpdating method but cannot figure out how to call the method UpdateBook from the BookManager BAL.

BAL BookManager






Put in Breakpoints and it is getting to the RowUpdating but will not update.

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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Gridview Would Not Work Using Objectdatasource?

Jan 20, 2011

i have been following the data access tutorials on this site. When i try to update, nothing happens. I believe the problem lies with my wrong coding on the BLL part. I'm using table adapters. Could anyone point out what iswrong with my code or tell my what the correct code is?


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Forms Data Controls :: Updating Checkbox Value Through ObjectDataSource Update Method

Jan 4, 2011

I am very new to updating the datasource using ObjectDatasource. I have a checkbox on click of update the update method triggers but though teh check box is checked, the value is updated as false.

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="IsPrimary" SortExpression="IsPrimary">
<asp:CheckBox runat="server" ID="chkIsPrimary" Checked='<%# Eval("IsPrimary") %>' />
<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="Remarks">
<asp:TextBox ID="txtRemarks" runat="server" SkinID="longTextBox" TextMode="multiLine"
Text='<%# Bind("Remarks") %>'></asp:TextBox>

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Both GridView And DetailsView To A Single ObjectDataSource?

Jan 15, 2010

I'm trying to bind both GridView and DetailsView to a single ObjectDataSource declaratively (in markup). I'm getting the error read as below when I tried to run it.

"The DataSourceID of 'DetailsView1' must be the ID of a control of type IDataSource. A control with ID 'ReservationsDataSource' could not be found."

It works when I bind GridView and DetailsView each seperately to my ObjectDataSource. Is it I can't bind two pagable data web controls to a single datasource?? or there is a trick needed to be done for this to work.

FYI, I'm trying to create a Master/DetailsView of my data. DetailsView of my application should show the record selected in GridView and it should be editable.

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Forms Data Controls :: Rows Not Displaying In Aspgrid When Binding To Objectdatasource?

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Forms Data Controls :: Sorting With Listview Via ObjectDataSource?

Sep 30, 2010

I want to sorting via clicking header ( kod , aciklama, yeri, are headers ) with list view component and ObjectDataSource. ObjectDataSource use komponentListesi() method for selecting. How can i sorting with use listview component.

Data Object layer


Data Access layer




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Forms Data Controls :: RSS Feed From ListView And ObjectDataSource?

Feb 10, 2010

I am looking for a simple (fastest execute solutions) for generate RSS feed from user search result in ListView & ObjectDataSource?

For example; User does some search, the search result summary is display in ListView. If the user like the search result, he/she click on RSS button, then RSS feed is generate with entire current view record/table.

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Forms Data Controls :: Bind ListView DataSourceID To ObjectDataSource With Button_Click

Jan 12, 2011

I successfully bind ListView DataSourceID to ObjectDataSource but it binds only initially on Page_Load event.
When I want to bind another data through a Button_Click event, the new data doesn't bind.

aspx code:




On Page_Load, I get result:

<hr />
<hr />
<hr />

When I Button1_Click, nothing happens, no error, no any more results and _airLineData is 53 records, not 3 records (A1T1 to A3T3) I want the binding to be with DataSourceID to ObjectDataSource (not through DataSource property and control.DataBind() method)

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DataSource Controls :: Binding DataTable Data To ObjectDataSource?

Sep 7, 2010

I am trying to bind a DataTable into a ObjectDataSource. This ObjectDataSource data will be used to bind into my LocalReport in ReportViewer. I have already successfully binded my data into the DataTable. My problem now is how do i bind the data in my DataTable into the ObjectDataSource so that it can be used in my report?

Here is my current codes:





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Forms Data Controls :: Binding And Updating Object Via Formview?

Mar 1, 2011

I want to bind an object to a form view.


Now, is it possible to generate a new object on update, without getting and reading each textbox with findcontrol?

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Forms Data Controls :: Poll Website Load Dynamicly Controls According Of The Type Of The Question?

May 26, 2010

I've a poll website with few tables :


poll_question (id_poll, question, type_question ...)

poll_answer (id_poll_ans, id_poll, ans1...default)

type_question (id_type, type) type is dateValue, dropdownlist, checkbox or value)

If question have several answer like (yes, no.... or value in a dropdownlist then i will have to get this value from poll_answer)

So my question is ... how can i do to introduc this datas and dynamicly load the good kind of control, (dropdown or textBox or checkbox...)

View 9 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Listview Not Updating And Inserting?

Apr 17, 2010

Data entered in textboxes is not getting updated in database. In debug mode I see that textbox1 and textbox2 in ItemUpdating event contain the same values as they had before calling ItemUpdating.

Here's my listview control:


What's wrong with updating of text1.Text, text2.Text in ItemUpdating event? Should I use e.NewValues property? If so, how to use it?

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Binding Datatable To Listview

Apr 22, 2010

I have a function that constructs a datatable from a file that the client uploads. And I want to bind that datatable to a listview but I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong... Say, the datatable is like:

FirstName LastName
John Smith

Here's how my aspx looks like:


In my names.aspx.cs file, I do: lvNames.Datasource = dt; //dt is a datatable

When I run my aspx page, the listview is empty, is there something obvious I'm doing wrong?

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Forms Data Controls :: ListView - Making The Binding Dynamic?

Jun 20, 2010

I'm using a listview control to show a list of categories/subcategories
<%# Eval("SubCategory1")%> When the user clicks the SubCategory1 link, the list view should fill up with the next subcategory, SubCategory2. The problem is off course that <%# Eval("SubCategory1")%> is hard-coded. I need it to change to <%# Eval("SubCategory2")%>...and so on, as the user is drilling down into the sub-categories.

So is there a way to change <%# Eval("SubCategory1")%> dynamically?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Edit Command In Listview And Updating Database

Mar 4, 2010

i am updating data using editcommand by listview.. i got data max 50 depends on customers sometimes it has a few in the database. i am using listview and sqldatasource. when i update using editcommand in listview. it doesnt update relevant rows. it update to all data in database. why.. i have provided datasoure and list view.

<asp:ListView runat="server" ID="photosListView" DataSourceID="SqlDataSource1"
DataKeyNames="PhotoAlbumID" onitemediting="photosListView_ItemEditing" >
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="itemPlaceHolder" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>
<asp:Image runat="server" ID="capImage"
ImageUrl="~/AsianaPortals/StudentUnion/Image/PhotoGallery/newadmin/caption.png" />
<asp:TextBox runat="server" ID="photodescriptionTextBox" Width="263px" Height="95" TextMode="MultiLine"
Text='<%# Bind("PhotoDescription") %>'/>

View 3 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView BoundFields Auto Binding Not Updating Business Object On Update

Feb 18, 2010

I have a DetailsView (DV) control, an ObjectDataSource (ODS) control, and a button on a page. I have 2 classes in the App_Code directory (Customer and CustomerDAO). The DAO class provides static methods for the ODS control and simply hack values in ( real database selects/updates). The Customer class has 2 properties (Id and Name) and a default constructor. The page takes an ID on the querystring and determines if the DV control is in insert or edit mode. If in edit mode, it sets the SelectParameter on the ODS (id field), calls ODS.Select(), and then calls DV.DataBind(). The existing (although fake) customer is loaded and display properly when this happens. I then change the name of the Customer in the DV and click the Button to save the new data.

Everything seems to be wired up correctly as the UpdateMethod that is specified in the ODS control is called and succeeds (even in my real example with my database). The problem is that the BoundFields in the DV control have not been updated with the new values and therefore the existing values are updated in the database and my changes are lost. I have handled the OnUpdating event of the ODS and the values are still the old values. I have also handled the OnItemUpdating event of the DV control and the NewValues IOrderedDictionary still has the old values in it also. In looking at the MSDN article for the UpdateMethod, it states the following:

Parameter Merging
Parameters are added to the UpdateParameters collection from three sources:

From the data-bound control, at run time.
From the UpdateParameters element, declaratively.
From the Updating event handler, programmatically.

I am using the BoundField classes in my DV control so I would have assumed that the first bullet above would have handled the updating of values, but it doesn't appear to work with the way I am doing it. If I set the values explicitly in the OnUpdating event that is fired by the ODS control (the 3rd bullet) the right values are updated (again...even in my real database situation). It seems like my only issue is that the automatic binding that I expect from the DV control isn't working as I would expect it to. Here is the code that I have in my fake example:


View 7 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: Not Binding Listview In User Control Properly?

Jun 16, 2010

I don't know what I'm doing wrong but for some reason I'm not able to maintain the index selected value on the listview that I've created within a user control. In a user control I have added a listview. I have exposed the handler, Datasource and DataKeyName. I have populated the datasource of the listview by using the following:

MYLIstView.aspx.cs - user control


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Forms Data Controls :: Listview Not Updating Products And Not Turning Back To Itemtemplate

Aug 8, 2010

I have a listview showing the data, and that i will use to Show, Edit, Delete, and Insert data.

I added a ASP.NET Ajax HTML Editor to the EditItem Template.

I click on EDIT button and it turns into the EditItem Template, i modify the data and when i click UPDATE it does nothing.

Neither updating data or turning back to ItemTemplate.

Here is its code:

And the Code behind:

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Data Controls :: ListView Not Updating?

Oct 17, 2012

I have the following code:

<asp:ListView ID="ltvOrderDetails"


My problem is that the db item is updated with NULL values instead of values from controls.

View 1 Replies

Forms Data Controls :: SelectedIndexChanged Event Does Not Fire When Binding DataSource To ListView

Mar 5, 2010

I'm using VS2008. When a dataset is bound to the DataSource of a ListView, SelectedIndexChanged event does not fire. If I used DataSourceID instead, it has no problem. But SelectedIndexChanging event fires for both.

why and how I can get SelectedIndexChanged event fired when DataSource is used?

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Forms Data Controls :: ItemCommand Not Firing With Dynamicly Create Repeatercontrol?

Jan 4, 2011

I'm building a navigationmenu and for that I create repeatercontrol dynamicly from codebehind. This works fine with the exception that the ItemCommand event is not firing. The ItemDataBound-event I bind to the repeater-control is working fine. Can somehow tell me what I'm doing from.


<div id="subnavigation">
<asp:PlaceHolder ID="phControl" runat="server"></asp:PlaceHolder>


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DataSource Controls :: ObjectDataSource Binding To Querystring When Don't Want It To?

Sep 23, 2010

I have an ODS control populating a Telerik grid. The ODS definition is pretty simple. It's set to call a method on a static class that has one parameter (entityID). I set this parameter in the OnSelecting event. When I test this, the world is a happy place and all is fine.

Then, I pass a query string to the page (which sets various unrelated values for the page, we'll say parameters X and Y). The page call's Telerik's radgrid.Rebind() event. When this happens, an error is throw from the ODS saying that the underlying method (the static data procedure) does not support parameters X and Y.

So, why is ODS thinking it should be using any querystring values at all when I have explicitly set the entityID parameter (of type Asp:Parameter)? How do I stop this from happening?

The Html:


The OnSelecting:


I see this odsList_OnSelecting being hit and the inspection of e.InputParameters only contains my expected single entry.

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