Forms Data Controls :: Calendar Control - Placing Links Across Multiple Days?
Jan 12, 2011
So the asp:calendar control... I am able to place linkbuttons on the calendar to a specific date just fine. I'm a little lost on how to have the linkbutton stretch across multiple days. Vehicle is scheduled and now admins that use the app would like to see on a calendar the requests shown from start date to end date. Here is where I'm at.
The information should start on Jan 6 and end on Jan10.
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Now, I got everything to work so far, the calendar reads everything from the database, show it on the calendar and stuff... But only the first day.
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<asp:Label ID="lblLocation" runat="server" Text=<%#Container.DataItem("City")%> ></asp:Label>
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This is my panel with the calendar in it:
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For instance:
Grocery Stores (ID:100)
Hobby Shops (ID:101)
Furniture Stores(ID:102)
Call mom (ID:200)
Make Dr. Apt. (ID:201)
Wash dog (ID:202)
Dinner with Pam (ID:300)
Breakfast at Tiffany's (ID:301)
Brunch at the hotel (ID:302)
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Aug 21, 2010
I have a calendar control that will have events displayed within each cell.
I want to use a pre formatted gridview and simply bind the gridview with a dataset dynamically and display it within the cell of the specified day.
Is there a way to do that or do I have to dynamically build a gridview for every day that there is an event?
So here is the template gridview and datasource:
<asp:SqlDataSource ID="sqlcalitemtemp" runat="server"
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