Forms Data Controls :: Cannot Set A Literal Text
Mar 12, 2011I have a literal on page. when user click on a button (OnClick), I set Literal1.Text ="someText"
the page refreshes but the literal not set.
I verify EnableViewstate is true.
I have a literal on page. when user click on a button (OnClick), I set Literal1.Text ="someText"
the page refreshes but the literal not set.
I verify EnableViewstate is true.
I will do my best to explain what I am trying to do. This is a form that will allow the user to change his/her password with RequiredValidators in place.Here's how to reproduce the problem that I can't seem to figure out.1. Please open up the aspx file into a browser.2. Click the "Save" button. The required validators should kick in and prompt a "Required" message.3. Key in any word in the "Change Password" textbox except for the word "pass" since I have hardcoded it into the aspx file just for example sake over here.
4. Key in anything for both the "New Password" and "Confirm New Password" textbox.5. Click the "Save" button again. You should be able to see "Your current password is incorrect." next to the "Current Password" textbox which is a Literal control.Here's the problem: How do I hide or get rid of the Literal control when I click save again? Right after the form does a post back, all the password textboxes are empty and I can't find a way to bypass the required validator controls and then screen would look like this below.I will attach my changePass.aspx file code below for reference.
I have Repeater, which consists of LinkButon and Literal. LinkButon and Literal are whole thing by implication. I want get value from Literal, when user click on corresponding LinkButton.
View 3 RepliesI want to change the value of a literal within a repeater ItemTemplate after postback, based on a value detected at postback.I can't render the whole repeater again though I think because it's actually a radio button in the control that inititates the postback and so I need that control / value to be persisted.
View 1 RepliesOn the ListView1_ItemDataBound of a list view event, i create the literal.text like so...
<span style="position:relative;">
<span id="term1" class="popup">This id="term1" class="popup">This is the answer!</span>
For my Dynamic Data site I have a table that has a join to a number of other tables. If I use the standard page for this table I get all of my columns from the primary table and related tables (which is good) and the appropriate literal values from the related table (which is great). The bad part is the order of the columns.
To address the order of the columns I created Custom Folder/Page for the table. I also have a partial class that controls date formatting. This takes care of the ordering of columns fine (which is a step forwared), but now I'm seeing the foreign key IDs instead of the literal values from related tables (which is a step backward).
All I did was copy the standard page to the Custom folder for the table, turn off AutoGenerateColumns, and specify the column order and display name. Why would the foreign key change occur? As a side note, if addressing column order in the partial class is the preferred method I could go that route, but I haven't been able to understand how to do that in VB (I've seen many examples in C#, but that's not my strong point).
I am facing a problem with panel inside a fromview...when i am trying to add some to the panel its not working....My code is as follows
I tried with the place holder and its worked fine but not with panel...
Is there any way to add CSSClass to a place holder...
i get all the error message in validation summary except one.the one is if i enter the wrong entry in old password textbox i am getting the error message in literal(ID=Failturetext).i want to show it in validation ther ary way to do this without the use of event "ChangePassword1_ChangePasswordError".
I have one dropdownlist,one textbox control and one button control.
Now i want to show value in repeater control like this when i click on button.
dropdownvalue1 texboxvalue1
dropdownvalue2 textboxvalue2
dropdownvalue3 textboxvalue3
I need that value in literal controls which is in repeater control.
How can i set the value of literal control inside itemtemplate control of gridview from code behind ?(i am using
View 1 RepliesI have a ListView tied to a DataSource, included in the layout is a Literal control. I want to be able for the user to click the Select button, and then I want to populate the Literal control with some Data. I have it working, but I have to click the Select button twice to get the data to show. My code is below.
Here is the html
<asp:ListView ID="ListView1" runat="server" OnItemCommand="ListView1_ItemCommand" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ListView1_SelectedIndexChanged"
DataKeyNames="TxnID" OnItemCommand="ListView1_ItemCommand">
ASP.NET newbie question - fastest fingers!
I have a page that needs to pull some script off the server, including tag info, for the page. Thus:
<%: Model.TaggedField %>
Problem is, the value of Model.TaggedField may include HTML tags, but the page automatically converts the tag info to <myTag> etc.
What method can I call to make the value of Model.TaggedField be transmitted verbatim to the page?
i need to load data into literal control which is coming from wcf service.
The data which i get is may be of a simple string are may be a html page in the form of string.
what ever the service returns the string i should load that into the literal control.
I am able to load html page which is physically present on the local path to the literal.
I need to load the same thing coming from wcf service
am duplicating a site from a prexisting site. I am getting the error 'System.Web.UI.WebControls.Literal' does not allow child controls when my web application goes to process a function that implements keywords, description, title ect for a webpage. This is quite perplexing as it i not doing this in the website i duplicated from.
it looks at Header, i dont think it can find the definition in this second website so it is returning System.WEB.UI.EmptyControlCollection. In the first website it is returning System.Web.UI.ControlCollection. Also when I go to the definition for Header, it opens up the Metadata definition in the first website. In the Second, it says "Cannot navigate to definition".
I know this is gonna be easy for some of you. I have a page that I am making for a timekeep site for my organization. The site pulls the user's username. I have a table in MSSQL that has the users informaton. This table has an ID for each user. I need to get the ID to display in a text box or literal so that I can use it in a query. Once it is in the control. I will use it to make the entry into another table that records the users time.
There may be an easier way to do it. I am just starting out and do not know how to do it.
This is something thats been bugging me for a while. I can't even remember if I fixed this before or not. What I'm trying to do is display a single error message for all validation controls on my page. I think this is possible if you write your own javascript function for a Custom Control, hiding the error message, and displaying it on a single control. Writting all the javascript for this and then refering to the control with "GetElementByID". But can I use controls like RequiredFieldValidator, and make them display messages on one single control without having to write javascript for each one of them? One single message on one single literal or label or whatever, at the bottom of the page, that says "fill in the compulsary fields" or something
similar. I find it very annoying having a list of validators underneath each other with different messages.
I'm using an 3.5 FormView. I wanted to add an unbound text box with the ID="tbxEditFormMode" and set it to "EDIT" when a user selects an existing record from a dropdown list control. Here is my code
Protected Sub ddlSelectClient_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ddlSelectClient.SelectedIndexChanged
Dim tbxFormMode As TextBox = FormView1.FindControl("tbxEditFormMode")
tbxFormMode.Text = "Update"
End Sub
When I run it I get the following error message.
Object reference not set to an instance of an object
In the tbxFormMode.text = "Update" Line
My asp page having 'ONLY ONE' record from database containing 150 text box fields.
User can modify any field but at the time of saving, some set of the fields should be updated into database and other set of fields into an xml file for later verification. This selection condition is dynamic for each text fields.
Since the page contains only one record from database table, the Update statement of stored procedure contains all the 150 records.
My plan is to keep old values in text boxes before the user making any change, and at the time of saving, set old value or new value to string variables and pass these variable to procedure.
I couldn't find any way to sort this out. I tried using hidden variables to store values, but at the time of saving, i'm unable to set old or new values into string variable. This was one way of thought, but can do any possible way to achive this.
Am using C#,, SQL server.
I wanna access the literal1 text which is placed inside panel 1 and panel1 is placed inside datalist1 ...
i wanna retrieve literal1 text on page load event using VB.NET
Using C# and SQL as the database.I have a page with a gridview and some text boxes and drop down list boxes. A user selects a record from the grid view I query the database and fill the text boxes and drop down list boxes.
Some fields get updated periodincally thus there is no data in those fields in the database until some time.
A strange thing happens.When filling data some text boxes gets a one tab spacing .
im using gridview to read data from datasuorce(my access) and im editing data using 'enable editing' from smart tag(in design window .aspx), now i want to change the edit text: edit(i hav named it as edit) to 'view' for one particular user whose name:'sunil'?
this is my table(in my access layer and calling this data through datasource of gridview):
I am using and just created a theme (site.master) file and works but when I add a literal control and try to call a function from App_Code I get a 'Compiler Error Message: BC30002: Type 'basicFunctions' is not defined.' error. I call functions from basic_functions.vb in normal .aspx pages at the root. Since my error page is in a subfolder that has it's own App_Code folder, do I have to do something different?
HTML Code:
I have the following code:
XElement Categories =
new XElement("Promotions",
from b in db.GetPromotions()
select new XElement("Promotion",
new XElement ("Category",b.CategoryName),
new XElement("Client",b.ClientName),
new XElement("ID",b.ID),
new XElement("Title",b.Title)));
XDocument mydoc = new XDocument();
// Load the style sheet.
XslTransform xslt = new XslTransform();
// Execute the transform and output the results to a writer.
StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
//XsltSettings mysettings = new XsltSettings();
XmlWriterSettings mysettings = new XmlWriterSettings();
xslt.Transform(mydoc.CreateReader(),null, sw);
String mstring = sw.ToString();
It generates the following string:
<ul id="red" class="treeview-red" xmlns:asp="">
<li><span>Arts & Entertainment</span><ul>
<li><span>Client 1</span><ul>
<li><span><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton2" runat="server" OnClick="LinkClicked" Text="Get your Free 2" /></span></li>
<li><span><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton4" runat="server" OnClick="LinkClicked" Text="Get your Free 4" /></span></li>
<li><span><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton5" runat="server" OnClick="LinkClicked" Text="Get your Free 5" /></span></li>
<li><span>Community & Neighborhood</span><ul>
<li><span>Client 2</span><ul>
<li><span><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server" OnClick="LinkClicked" Text="Get your Free 1" /></span></li>
<li><span>Client 3</span><ul>
<li><span><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton3" runat="server" OnClick="LinkClicked" Text="Get Your Free 3" /></span></li>
<li><span>Home & Garden</span><ul>
<li><span>Client 4</span><ul>
<li><span><asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton6" runat="server" OnClick="LinkClicked" Text="Get your Free 6" /></span></li>
Now I take the string and add it to a panel which is part of a view in a multiview control: Panel1.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl(mstring)); I have tried to play with Page.ParseControl, but I cannot get it to work right in the panel, the linkbuttons do not show, even though the text is there in the source. Now I tried this: Control myctrl = Page.ParseControl(mstring); Panel1.Controls.Add(myctrl); and I get this as the one of the controls:
a id="dnn_ctr954_ViewPromotions_LinkButton2" href="javascript:WebForm_DoPostBackWithOptions(new WebForm_PostBackOptions("dnn$ctr954$ViewPromotions$LinkButton2", "", true, "", "", false, true))">Get your Free 2</a>
It doesn't work the way expected, dotnetnuke is doing some nutty stuff here using the parse control. it seems to drop my LinkClicked event.
I am unable to get it done as i have huge data in my table which is spoiling the standard look and feel of grid view..
if (row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) {
ViewState["description"] = e.Row.Cells[10].Text;
if (e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Length >= 25){
e.Row.Cells[10].Text = e.Row.Cells[10].Text.Substring(0, 30) + "...";
e.Row.Cells[10].ToolTip = ViewState["description"].ToString();} }
I have a page that will display up to 4 videos at a time.. BUT i would like to see if there is any way to calculate and set the width and height according to the number of videos im presenting..
If only one video, i want it to take up the entire width and height of the space i have allocated.. ( say thats 1000w x 800h )
If im displaying 2 videos, then split that space up between the 2 and so on.. keeping the aspec ratio so not to distort the video window..
Right now im hard coding each one 400x300 which looks good when there are 4 laid out on the page.. just want to see how doable is this to accomplish..