Forms Data Controls :: Capture Enter Key In A Text Field Within A Gridview?
Feb 2, 2011
I know how to catch a key pressed, but I don't know how to do that in a gridview to get the the row index and the value of the field. Explanation in the code below (it is going to be more clear I guess) :
In the txtPosition TextBox the user is entering a number and press the Enter key which launch the "HandleAttribute" event as if the client had click on the "imgbtnUp" ImageButton.
I have a link button in my gridview. It is populating correctly; however, being I am populating the values in the gridview using "Eval()" method I don't know how to get the value of the selected Link Button (which is only selected by a user actually clicking the Link Button).
The user can click on the text directly (instead of showing the "Select" auto created). I want to be able to capture the item they have clicked on's Text property.
Example:Column 1
Value1 Value2 Value3
When the click on "Value2" I want the text property to be stored in a string variable (In this case the text would be "Value2"). In the past I have captured this through GridView.SelectedValue; however, I am not using autopopulate selected button so I need to do this manually and I am unsure as to how I will do this.
Here is my code for HTML and I have not created any code for C# (I want to capture the item using C# in my Grd_Tables_SelectedIndexChanged Event) [code]....
I've run into this before, but I was using a formsview and just changed the field to hidden. I am trying to get the value of a cell out of a gridview to a variable and here is the code:
This works perfectly if column 6 is visible, but because it's an id number (which is not the primary key) I do not want it visible, but changing it to visible="false" causes this code to return null. Changing it back to visible and it works.
I'm not sure why the visiblity of a control changes the functionality of it.
I have seen several Web Sites that use GridViews that have lookup fields with different Value and Text Fields (as in drop down lists) but I can't seem to figure it out how to display the Text Field in the Item Template when the Text Field is not in the datasource. .
Here's what I have. I have a Gridview whose datasource is a Linq to SQL Invoice table, e.g.
InvoiceID CustomerID InvoiceNumber
THe Customer table is related to the Invoice Table thru the CustomerID. The relationship is defined in SQL Server and is displayed in the DBML.
I have created a template field for the CustomerID field in the Gridview. I would like to display the CustomerName when the Item Template is displayed and a DropDownList in the Edit Template. The DropDownList works great, but I cannot seem to figure out how to display the CustomerName in then Item Template.
I seem to remember seeing in some video that you can simply drag the CustomerName into the CustomerID Item Template Field. But I can't seem to find the customerName field. The DataSource includes the Customer Table because of the relationship, but no fields are displayed.
I suspect this is real simple, but I cannot seem to find an article or video that explains how to do this.
i am having 2 textboxes on a form. What i need is if i enter some data in the first text box the same text should be displayed at the time i typed which means
if in the first text box i enter A the same text should be displayed automatically in the 2nd textbox.
using vs2005 I have a formview control I added from the data section and within the formview, I aded a table from the Standard section. How can I add a text box to the formview so I can enter a number like 7 to display seven rows with a text box. the data will be saved to the sql table when I click on the Insert link at the bottom of the page.
How am I be able to determine if the user presses on the [ENTER KEY]? The requirement was, if the user press on the enter key, my web application will retrieve data in my database and I am not allowed to make use of a submit button to the said scenario.
I have 2 fields in my gridview one called ScriptType the other BagNo, when a user click the edit button, I would like the BagNo filed to be disabled if the ScriptType field is = "TTA" and enabled otherwise. How can I do this?..something along these lines see below..I am using VB..
If a user selects "No" from BicAdjddl and the Notxt is empty I don't want the page to submit I want an error to come up on a label stating please enter remarks. Here's the dropdown and text box.
Here's my button click...what I added isn't working I added it in the try catch block:
Protected Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim conn As New Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings("ConnectionString").ConnectionString) Dim cmd As New Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand With cmd .Connection = conn 'the connection .CommandType = Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure .CommandText = "UpdateClaim" .Parameters.AddWithValue("@claim", Request.QueryString("claim")) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@pic", Request.QueryString("pic")) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@Remarks", Remarkstxt.Text) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@BicAdj", BicAdjddl.SelectedValue) .Parameters.AddWithValue("@NoBIC", NOTxt.Text) End With Try If BicAdjddl.SelectedValue = "No" Then BIClbl.Text = "enter some remarks" End If Catch ex As Exception End Try conn.Open() cmd.ExecuteNonQuery() End Sub
I have a grid page which has a datasource as a stored procedure. The grid page shows the fields obtained after executing the stored procedure.Now, there is a field called 'PURCHASE PRICE' on the stored procedure which can have empty values.If the grid page have that field empty, it should appear as the text box so that the users can enter some numeric values and run the page.
I have a grid view, and I add new column as a hyper link field, I want the navigationURL for this field to be Pageexample.aspx?ID=other field value like this
i have gridview with linkbutton.when i click linkbutton it should call javascript function which returns value would be input for database functions. how do i capture javascript function retun value(i am using Registerclientscriptblock)? and that should be input for database function. Inshort i need to call two function from link button click - one javascript function,one function which will update value in database. output of javascript function will be input for database function.
function Getlogitudelantitude(address) { return "35.3434343,-74.334343" } Linkbutton_click(object sender,Eventargs e) { register javascript function .. which should return value string s = "35.34343,-74.334343" then call database function(s) - does database operation } }
i have an application in Vs. C# i have gridview with big data so its not in graphical mode so i want to paging in gridview . is there any command in C# to enter paging in gridview ?
I list selections of available items in a gridview and have added a button column for adding items to a cart. Is there a way to add a column where the user can enter the quantity to add?
a)i have an gridview, i need to every record show in every rows, but it's show in both column and rows...., how fix this?i use only itemTemplate in this gridview!
b)how i link a field thats show in gridview and pass to a new page(with query string) for show single record....?
(this is like "read more..." link in many news site!!!)
c)in my db is a 'ntext' field,but when that show in Gridview,all enter(Chr13) and whitespace deleted, how fix this?
I generate dynamic grids based on a count value returned from some DB tables. the code for it goes like this : I give and Id to each grid that is generated.
if (myDataList1.Count >= 1) { for (int i = 0; i < myDataList1.Count; i++) { //retrieving the exact i count from pageload ViewState.Add("newCount", i); //creating the dynamic grid with its corresponding gridview properties. grvDynamic = new GridView(); grvDynamic.ID = "GridView" + (i+3); grvDynamic.AutoGenerateColumns = false; grvDynamic.RowCreated += GridViewRowCreated; grvDynamic.RowDataBound += grvDynamic_RowDataBound; //adding bound field columns to retrieve data from stored proc BoundField metric = new BoundField(); metric.HeaderText = "Goal "; metric.DataField = "metric"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(metric); BoundField mtd = new BoundField(); mtd.HeaderText = "MTD"; mtd.DataField = "value_MTD"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(mtd); BoundField goal = new BoundField(); goal.HeaderText = "Tier Level Achieved"; goal.DataField = "value_goal"; goal.HeaderStyle.Width = Unit.Percentage(10); grvDynamic.Columns.Add(goal); BoundField you1 = new BoundField(); you1.HeaderText = "Month End"; you1.DataField = "firstLevel_you"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(you1); BoundField you2 = new BoundField(); you2.HeaderText = "Month End"; you2.DataField = "secondLevel_you"; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(you2); ButtonField singleClick = new ButtonField(); singleClick.CommandName = "clickHyperlink"; singleClick.Visible = false; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(singleClick); BoundField metricId = new BoundField(); metricId.HeaderText = "Metric Id"; metricId.DataField = "metricID"; metricId.Visible = true; grvDynamic.Columns.Add(metricId); //binding the gridview to data. grvDynamic.DataSource = data; grvDynamic.DataBind(); grvDynamic.Columns[5].Visible = false; } }
protected void grvDynamic_RowDataBound(object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e) { //this basically gets the metric Id's of rows with the ishyperlink flag set to 'Y'. I need to make these particular cells clickable var isClickable = (from md in myDataList3 where md.IsHyperLinkFlag == 'Y' &&
md.value_MTD != null select md.metricID).ToList(); if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.DataRow) { // Get reference to button field in the gridview. LinkButton _singleClickButton = (LinkButton)e.Row.Cells[5].Controls[0];
This code works perfectly fine , depending on the ishyperlink flag in the database...specific cells in the grid are made clickable and then redirected to page2.aspx My Issue: I need to capture which specific cell in which specific grid the user has clicked. store some information in sessions based on the cell clicked and use that information in page2.aspx.