Forms Data Controls :: Datalist Imagebutton Not "wired-up", Or Partially?
Aug 10, 2010
What the code should doI've got a datalist which shows some information about products and an imagebutton.If a visitor clicks on the imagebutton two things should happen. First send productID to SQL database. Second open a new window with an URL from SQL database.What the code doesThe open window works as intended. But all productID's which are shown in the datalist are passed to the database.The code
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Sep 6, 2010
I have the following ImageButton which is a shopping cart I try to pass as parameter the product code when you click PostBackUrl.
It appears to me the following error when I click:System.Web.HttpException: A Potentially Dangerous Was Request.Path value detected from the client (&).Try not to validate the request: ValidateRequest = "false" but did not workYou know I could do to solve this problem?
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Oct 4, 2010
i have taken a data that i have added a imagebutton field that is bind to a image field of database.i want that when the image is clicked from the datalist that should be shown to the other image field in web page
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Aug 13, 2010
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Aug 5, 2010
I'm trying to do: I have a webform with a datalist. The datalist shows projects (projectname, image and an imagebutton). When a visitor clicks the imagebutton two events should take place:
- First: data should be send to SQLdatabase (projectID, name of project, sessionID, datetime etc).
- Second: a pop up window must be opened to an existing webpage of the facilitator of the project, using an url which (is in my database).
The problem is my two seperate pieces of code-behind work fine, it's just that they won't work together. Here is my code: The imagebutton:
< asp:ImageButton ID="openButton" CssClass="openbutton" runat="server" ImageUrl="~/Images/openButton.png" CommandName="Sendto" CommandArgument='<%#Eval("ProjectID")%>' OnDataBinding="openButton_DataBinding" ></asp:ImageButton>
Code behind send to database:
protected void list_ItemCommand(object sender, DataListCommandEventArgs e)
if (e.CommandName.ToString() == "Sendto")
string projectId = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
bool succes = ProjectAccess.Projectopen(projectId);
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Apr 8, 2013
I am coding one project for my last year project. In this project i have code for seat selection logic. In this I used datalist control and one image button control inside template field. I want to code like,,,
when I do click on this image button i want to send this buttons's alt text in DB as seat no. but I could not code for same.
code this or do you have any another logic for seat selection in code?
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May 7, 2015
I am using datalist control in it I am using imgabutton control.When user click on any image that image should get highlighted. When user click on other image new image should highlighted and previous should become normal.I want to store index of selected image in a variable this index should change if user clickon other image.
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Mar 24, 2011
I get an error when attempting to navigate to the page containing this gridview. The error is
'SelectPackage_Click' is not a member of 'ASP.offer_aspx'.
here my page directive:
Here is my markup. Eventhough SelectPackage_Click is present in the code behind, it is not wired up with the button control.
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Jan 18, 2011
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Feb 15, 2010
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the client side validation is working for the adding date and time, but there is no validation firing for the count and room fields, I think i have coded them all the same, see sample for time and room below, maybe somebody see's something i missed? the validation group fires when the add button is clicked. also if possible I would like to get validation messages to appear in a validationsummary control that I already have coded and that is working when using the edit/update the rows presented with existing data.
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my codes for sorting
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Aug 16, 2010
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Nov 3, 2010
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Nov 23, 2010
For a given MS SQL Database table of staff members, I'm using ASP to display each record line by line as follows:
So I've added 2 ImageButtons in an extra column and the problem I have is passing the record id as a CommandArgument to redirect to a secure page where the record can be edited or deleted.
Here's some code:
ctdRdr(0) evaluates to the ID value for the the record. )
When I click on the 'Delete' ImageButton the URL in the Response.Redirect becomes:
instead of, say:
I'm assuming that a <%= expression %> cannot be used to set a control parameter, but how else can I do it?
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Feb 21, 2010
I have a gridview containing a template field. The templated field is an image button. In code behind (page load event) I want to get the imageurl from the first imagebutton in my grid.
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Jun 16, 2010
I got a data like this :
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Apr 22, 2010
I've got a gridview with a SQLdatasource in my page which works fine. I used Imagebuttons for editing and deleting rows. After I implemented code (behind with RowDataBound) to make editing via rowselection possible (which workes fine), I also added code for my delete imagebutton to prohibit the detailsview when clicking the deletebutton:
<asp:ImageButton ImageUrl="" SkinID="ImageDelete" runat="server" ID="ImageDelete" CommandName="Delete" CommandArgument='<%# Eval("recordID") %>' OnClientClick="event.cancelBubble=true;return confirm('are you sure you want to delete?');" />
But now when I clcik the deletebutton, nothing is deleted. When I remove event.cancelBubble=true; it works fine.
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May 23, 2010
i have a pb im using listview which is datasource is datatable so im handling paging issue manually and i found abig pb the pagertemplate is working good for linkbutton but not for imagebutton .. cant use absolute postion cuz it gets bad look when i put it
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