Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView - Set Textbox Text When Going To Insert Mode?

Jan 19, 2011

I guess I'm not sure exactly how or where to do what I need.

First off - here's what I need - - when the user clicks on the NEW button in the detailsView, I have the captured in a variable and I need to set one of the textboxes (InsertItemTemplate) named 'txtNew' to that name.

I've tried using the ModeChanging (and ModeChanged) event:
dv As
TextBox =
If (e.NewMode =
Then ....

However, no matter what, 'dv' always shows as 'Nothing', so I can't change the text of it.

Where do I put the logic and what am I missing?

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview In Insert Mode With Objectdatasource

Aug 25, 2010

i have a detailsview in insert mode and that is bound to objectdatasource. now the class that is attached to objectdatasource is :


here ResturantId value has to be in session or from Dropdownlist and rest of the value from Detailview. So how to assign that value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Default Value In Detailsview Insert Mode

Nov 17, 2010

How do I set the value of a field in a detailsview to the selectedvalue of a gridview on the same page? I am also trying to set today date as value of another field in the detailsview as well as UserID. I wrote the following codebehind for the date setting:

TextBox tb = (TextBox)DetailsView2.FindControl("TextBoxCreDate");
TextBoxCreDate is a template field in my DetailsView.

Unfortunately, I get a Object reference not set to an instance of an object. Error message.

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Forms Data Controls :: Show Mode In Insert In Detailsview After Last Row In Grid Has Been Deleted

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Forms Data Controls :: (event Handler) To Clear Everything Behind DetailsView In Insert Mode

Jun 16, 2010

A DetailsView in Insert mode has all fields cleared after events such as the following:

1. Clicking New.
2. Clicking Cancel.
3. Clicking Insert (if the default mode is Insert).

I have some fields linked to ViewState and they are populatd at PreRender event handler. I am wondring if there is a single place where all relevant ViewState elements can be cleared instead of doing this in all possible relevant handlers such as ItemCreated, ItemCanceled, ItemInserted, etc.

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Forms Data Controls :: Make The ImageField Read Only When Changing DetailsView To Insert Mode?

Jan 17, 2010

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<asp:DetailsView ID="dvNew" runat="server" AutoGenerateRows="False"
AllowPaging="true" DataKeyNames="ID"
DataSourceID="DataSourceNew" Width="600px" Font-Bold="False" AutoGenerateInsertButton="True" >
<asp:BoundField DataField ="name" SortExpression ="name" HeaderStyle-ForeColor="Black" > </asp:BoundField>
<asp:ImageField DataImageUrlField="Image1Path" NullDisplayText="No Image"
ReadOnly="True" ItemStyle-Height="250" ItemStyle-HorizontalAlign="Center"
ItemStyle-VerticalAlign="Middle" ItemStyle-Width="250" >
In my code file
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
DataSourceNew.Selected += new SqlDataSourceStatusEventHandler(DataSourceNew_Selected);
protected void DataSourceNew_Selected(object sender, SqlDataSourceStatusEventArgs e)
if (e.AffectedRows == 0)

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Forms Data Controls :: Update Textbox In Edit Mode - Detailsview VB?

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The current script I have is which gives me a : Object reference not set to an instance of an object on line 3


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Change A Textbox To Dropdownlist In Formview Insert Mode

Jan 5, 2010

I created a formview that I am using for data input (DefaultMode=Insert)

One of the objects I have is a text box (see below)


When I click submit I get a message that I cannot insert a Null into the field IntershipNumAvailable. This makes sense since I made this field a required field in the database.

How do I get the form to recognize that the user selected item is the one I want to write to the database?

What changes do I need to make here? Do I need to make changes to my parameter list?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Insert Mode - Field "manager Name" To Be Populated Based On A Lookup Table In The Database

Aug 30, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: Access Textbox Text Properties When Gridview Edit Mode

Jun 16, 2010

Is it possible to access textbox text properties from codebehind when gridview is edit mode? for example I can access label's text properties on gridview row databound event.


So I do not like use Text='<%#Eval("ColumnName")%' this method. I want to manage textbox text properties dynamcily codebehind when click the edit button on gridview. When I clik the edit button these code blocks runs


but rowdatabound event fires again and couldn't find label control. It looks for textbox control to bind data but I can not manage this step.

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Forms Data Controls :: Set Text Property Of TextBox In DetailsView To Query String Value?

Sep 19, 2010

I'm tyring to write a simple DetailsView only used for inserting new records that will pre-fill a textbox with a query string value. Here's the DetailsView:


All I want to do is set VenueID_FK.Text to = the "VenueID" querry string. I also want the user to be able to see the VenueID number as they are filling out GridView1.

I know this is probably a simple thing, but I am very new to I thought I could handle this in the page load event, but when I try something like this

TextBox VenueID_FK = (TextBox)DetailsView1.FindControl("VenueID_FK");

And then follow by setting the Text property programitically. I've accomplished something similar to this on a different page using a FormView, but only for ReadOnly mode and it was handled in the databound event on that page.

I get the error "The name 'DetailsView1' doesn't exist in the current context." when trying to do the above mentioned. When trying the same line in the databound event here, I get the same error.

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Forms Data Controls :: Need To Keep A Textbox To Have The Text To Insert, A Label And A Image?

Oct 2, 2010

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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Must Be In The Insert Mode To Insert A Record?

Jan 21, 2011

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How To Duplicate Display Of A DetailsView When Going To EDIT / INSERT Mode

Feb 26, 2010

I have a DetailsView with several fields. On the same page, I have both LinkButton that enables to go in edit or insert mode for the DetailsView.

When I click on a button, linked code-behind is doing the following :

switch (buttonCmd.ID)
case "cmdEdit":
case "cmdInsert":

This kind is working fine in another page from the site website but not on this one... Probably a bad copy-paste

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView EmptyDataTemplate After Insert Defaults To Empty Insert Screen

Jan 27, 2010

In my detailsview, I have an emptydatatemplate set up to allow users to enter new records. The code works. However, once the record is inserted, the detailsview defaults to a standard insert screen. I know this will cause confusion for the users. I would prefer the detailsview to either show in edit mode or a read-only mode. I have used detailsview.changemode and detailsview.currentmode in the custom sub created for the add new button of the emptydatatemplate- neither of which do what I was hoping. It would be even better if when there was no data, it defaulted to the insert screen (which seems like that should be an easy, no-brainer way for .net to function) but it doesn't. Or, I don't know how to accomplish it.

I don't want to force the user to click cancel after inserting an item through the emptydatatemplate just to be able to use the detailsview for other records.

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Forms Data Controls :: Insert DetailsView Dont Show Read-only Data After Insert?

May 7, 2010

I have a problem with DetailsView linked with Database, DetailsView is Insert/Edit enabled, and adding/ediditng data works, however........ when I add a new record (DetailsView in Insert mode) and press INSET instead going to record I have just created in Read-Only Mode it shows me blank form, it looks that the "linking" field is null.

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DetailsView Changing Field Display For Edit Versus Insert Mode?

Jul 18, 2010

For ASP.NET, I'm using a DetailsView for insert and edit of a record. For edit mode I don't want to display the primary key field because it should not be changed. For insert mode, I want to display the primary key field because it doesn't exist and the user can specify it via a DropDownList that insures they will pick an unique value. A TemplateField is used in the DetailsView markup for the primary key field (hence the DropDownList for insert mode).

My problem is that I cannot get the primary key field to not display for edit mode and to display for insert mode. In the markup I have:

<asp:TemplateField HeaderText="name" InsertVisible="True" Visible="True">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddl2NonMembers" runat="server"
SelectedValue='<%# Bind("member_grp") %>'>

With the TemplateField Visible="True", the HeaderText="name" always displays which I don't want for edit mode. With the TemplateField Visible="False", the field never displays which I don't want for insert mode.How can I achieve the display behavior I want for insert verses edit mode. I'm fine with changing some property programmatically rather than relying an a pure markup approach,

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Web Forms :: Changing The Textbox's Text Mode To Multiline The Textbox Becomes Resizable During Runtime?

May 3, 2010

When changing the textbox's text mode to multiline the textbox becomes resizable during runtime. I can't seem to find the property to disable this, does anyone know how I can resolve this issue?

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Forms Data Controls :: Changing DetailsView Mode On Conditions

Apr 16, 2010

I am trying to "reset" the DetailsView in View1 to ReadOnly mode if the user changes the index in RadioButtonList. Currently, it is working correctly for the first pass and second pass, but fails at the third pass. I want it to just cycle through the DetailsVIewdatabound event, but the cycle breaks on the third pass and I'm not sure why?


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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Change Mode In DetailsView

Jan 13, 2010

I'm trying change mode in DetailsView but my program haven't running.

My code:

void DetailsView1_ItemInserting(object sender,
DetailsViewInsertEventArgs e)

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Change To Edit Mode?

Mar 28, 2010

I am trying to handle the detailsview programmatically but I don't know what I am doing wrong. My details view control isn't going into edit mode. My code for my gridview's select button properly loads the data into the detailsview but once the detailsview renders clicking on "Edit" doesn't switch the detailsview contol into edit mode.

This code draws the information from my database and loads the information into the dataview:


This code is in my dvTeamDetails_ItemCommand sub and the beep works:


This code handles my mode changing event:


Here is some of the HTML code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Initial DetailsView In Update Mode?

Feb 3, 2011

I currently have a page that is used to insert or update records in a DetailsView using an EntityDataSource control. Insert is working perfectly. However, Updating is not. I have the default view set to insert. In PageLoad, I have:


However, the DetailsView always defaults to the first record in the table rather than the record with ID that is equal to the ID querystring parameter. I am not sure how to make it select the correct record. From spending a while researching, it looks like I might need to use a QueryExtender control on the Entity DataSource, but haven't been able to figure out how to configure the QueryExtender correctly.

There is also perhaps some sort of datasource="stuff", databind() that I could toss in there but again.. not really sure how to proceed.

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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview In Edit Mode For A 1 Field Table?

Jul 24, 2010

I have a SQL DB with just 2 fields, ID and TEXT.What i was trying to do, was placing a Detailsview in EDIT MODE, then selecting from the DB like SELEC TOP 1 Text FROM DB.Then i placed a Ajax HTML Editor in the template field.How can i, keep the HTML Editor on the page, and use it for INSERT and/OR EDITING ?e.g.: on the first time the user opens the site management page, it will be blank, so it will show the HTML with no text on it. but the bottom button will be UPDATE and CANCEL. So when he enters the TEXT he clicks on UPDATE.

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Forms Data Controls :: Making A GridView Visible Based On A DetailsView Mode?

Apr 8, 2010

I have one GridView called GV_IssTypeDesc and one DetailsView called DV_IssueLog.

The scenario is that i only want GV_IssTypeDesc gridview to appear when DetailsView DV_IssueLog is in edit mode. How do i accomplish this?

I refered to: [URL]

For now i have done the following:

<asp:DetailsView ID="DV_IssueLog" runat="server" Height="50px" Width="400px"
AutoGenerateRows="False" DataKeyNames="dbIssID" OnModeChanging="DV_IssueLog_ModeChanging"
DataSourceID="SqlDS_IssueLog" BackColor="White" BorderColor="#E7E7FF"
BorderStyle="None" BorderWidth="1px" CellPadding="3" GridLines="Horizontal">
<asp:GridView ID="GV_IssTypeDesc" runat="server" AutoGenerateColumns="False"
CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="SqlDS_IssTypeDesc" ForeColor="#333333"
GridLines="None" Visible="false">
Protected Sub DV_IssueLog_ModeChanging(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs)
If e.NewMode = DetailsViewMode.Edit Then
GV_IssTypeDesc.Visible = True
GV_IssTypeDesc.Visible = False
End If
End Sub

The "e.NewMode" is underlined blue in color and it is stated "NewMode is not a member of System.EvntArgs".

How do i solve this problem?

By the way, I am using Web Developer 2008,

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Forms Data Controls :: Display A Radio Button In The Editable Mode Of A Detailsview?

Jan 19, 2010

I'm really struggling with this. How do I display my data with radio buttons in a detail view and bind it to my datasource like I've done with the textbox? The database values are int {yes = 1, no = 0, na = -1}. I want my user to be able to quickly update the radiobuttons instead.I'm working in C#.

<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" Text='<%# Bind("Electrical_Panels_Fastened_Securely") %>' ></asp:TextBox>


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