Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView Will Not Accept Parameters From GridView Select?

Jan 26, 2011

I'm trying to allow my users to select a record from their list of attendees and edit it using a details view positioned below the GridView. The issue I'm having is when I run the code I get my error message and no data is displayed in the DetailsView. Error Message is:

DataBinding: 'System.Data.Common.DataRecordInternal' does not contain a property with the name '10002'.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Detailsview - To Click Two Times On The Select Button To View The Detailsview?

Nov 17, 2010

I�m trying to link the gridview to detailsview and I used this page as my inspiration:

But I�m trying to do that programmatically, not with the sqldatasource. So I wrote the method that binds data to Detailsview and I call it in the page_load. The problem is that I have to click two times on the select button to view the detailsview. The first time I click on the select button nothing happens.

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Forms Data Controls :: Load A DropDownList Into A GridView With A Select Stored Procedure With Parameters

Sep 19, 2010

I want to have a dropdownlist in the footer row of a gridview. The dropdownlist must be populated with an stored procedure that receives a parameter and has a select. Is that posible?? I think yes but I having problems with the parameters.


The exception says incorrect sintax... but I've changed the procedure for something very simple to solve the problem like select 'hello' or select 1, 'hello' and I'm getting the same problem...

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DataSource Controls :: Function To Accept Unlimited Parameters For Stored Procedure - Determine Data Type

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I am trying to write a function that can be called to run a stored procedure. I pass the stored procedure name, followed by as many parameters as I need to run the procedure. I am able to do this by using the params keyword, so my function looks something like this;


How can I determine what the data type of the parameter is? Maybe I need to alter the string[] part, above?

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Forms Data Controls :: Want Users To Select A Record In The GridView And Then Have That Record Open Up In The Detailsview?

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Forms Data Controls :: DetailsView And GridView - How To Bind To DetailsView

Aug 6, 2010

I have a gridview with a Select button. Clicking the Select button for a particular item, I need its full details displayed in DetailsView. how I can bind to DetailsView? Here is what I have so far.

<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowSorting="True" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="10" OnPageIndexChanging="countryGrid_PageIndexChanging"
CellPadding="4" ForeColor="#333333" Width="400px" Font-Size="9pt" [code].....

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Forms Data Controls :: ObjectDataSource's Select Parameters?

Feb 28, 2010

I have a DetailsView control with a SelectMethod and two select parameters wich one of the parameters is a control parameter, The parameters are not passed to objectDatasource's select method, the objectdatasource has been defined as follows:

<asp:ObjectDataSource ID="objCurrCompetitor" runat="server" SelectMethod="GetCompetitorByUserAndCompetition"


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Add Select Control Parameters In Code Behind

Sep 28, 2010

I have a need to add my page controls dynamically in code behind.

I do well, adding a dropdownlist, a SQL datasource to populate it, setting it to autopostback=true, and adding a gridview and its SQL datasource.

What I'm unsure about is how to programmatically refer to the SelectParameter, being a control (the DropDownList), and its selected item.

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Forms Data Controls :: Pre-Select RadioButton Inside A DetailsView Control?

Jan 15, 2010

I am trying (unsuccessfully) to pre-select a radiobutton control (within a DetailsView control) based on a value found in a database.

There are only two values: "Yes" and "No". A field in the database has one of the values in it and I want the correct item selected when the record is displayed in Edit mode.

All my other record fields are displayed correctly--this is the only one giving me issues. I am using vb.

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Forms Data Controls :: Calendar In Detailsview / Unable To Select The Date?

Oct 14, 2010

why I cannot select the date into the box.


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Forms Data Controls :: Creating / Changing Select Parameters In Objectdatasoutce At Runtime?

Jan 17, 2010

suppose that i have a gridview and an objectdatasource in my webform

with that i want to include several search criteria

the problem is that i want theme dynamic

for example

i have a dropdownlit with customers list

the first item in the dropdownlist is "All customers" for example

if i select it no "customer select parameter" is created

otherwise i have a "customer select parameter" for the objectdatasource and it's value is the dropdownlist.selectedvalue

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Forms Data Controls :: Tie DataSource To SqlDataSource On Aspx Page And Pass Select Parameters?

Nov 10, 2010


Is ther a way I can tie DataSource to SqlDataSource on aspx page and pass select parameters?

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DataSource Controls :: Programmatically Setting ODS Select Method And Select Parameters?

Dec 22, 2010

The drop down list is used to determine what search criteria will be used to find an invoice. I tried to set the Select method in the switch statement. I don't understand how to set the Select Method and the select parameters programmatically though . I tried a few different ways but can't make the compiler happy. My ODS is in scope in the code behind. I'm not able to access it's properties though. The BAL resides in a separate project that is a ClassLibrary. I also have a using statement for the ClassLibrary project in the code behind.

give me an example of how to do this?

Mark up:





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Forms Data Controls :: How To Select A Row In Gridview Without Select Command

Jan 25, 2011

I have gridview. some columns are data, and some are link buttons. now, I need move these link buttons to a hovermenu. this is done. but I got a javascript exception, and it is because if there is no row was selected in gridview, it will pop this.

so, the question is: how can I select a row in gridview without select command? simply by code?

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C# - Parameters Programaticaly For GridView Select Query?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to show a Gridview that lists information in a database based on a query. The query takes a parameter of a string, how do you define what this parameter is. An example of the screen I am stuck at is: example of the code i want to use is:parameter for my object data source select query = OBDS_Query_ParameterOBDS_Query_Parameter = str;

Sorry Im not sure how to explain it...For instance if I have a query that GetAllProducts(String userName); How do i pass or define what userName is when using the data gridview. I am using an Object DataSource and linking the data Gridview to that. I can do this without the object data source and strictly melodramatically like this:

quartz_SongsTableAdapter songsAdapter = new quartz_SongsTableAdapter();
CurrentRole = "admin";
GridView1.DataSource = songsAdapter.GetSongForClient(CurrentRole);

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SQL Server :: What If Multiple Output Parameters And Input Parameters And Also Want A Select Table

Feb 16, 2011


When I want to get the output values its okay but I also want returning a table as a result data.But Datareader has no it possible if I want a returning query result and multiple output values togather ?I wrote a test above.I can get output values as sqlparameters. But Datareader attached to a Gridview is empty.can you detect whats wrong here and it doesnt return a query result.So stored procedure is not standart or ı am doing something wrong.this doesnt raise any exception.but not returning any data.


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview And Detailsview Error

Jul 4, 2010

I have a gridview and detailsview on the same page. The detailsview is defaultmode="insert" and works perfectly (Role, Site and Department are all bound to ddls). The gridview displays information fine and deletes fine - but when i click edit it breaks. But i dont understand why as it is using the methods and data sources as the gridview. I did a test run on this a few weeks back and it worked in visual web developer, lost all the data when i formatted the hdd and now - i cant get it to work, but i am sure its exactly the same. error is

DataBinding: 'System.Data.DataRowView' does not contain a property with the nameXXXX.

It does that on each of the ddls for site, role and department. But the property is there! i can see it when i test my SPROCS and they display / work fine in the detailsview.


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Forms Data Controls :: Convert Gridview Into Detailsview?

Apr 1, 2010

to convert shap of gridview into detail view ????

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Htmlencode On Detailsview And Gridview?

Feb 1, 2010

We are using gridview to display data and detailsview to show details, update, insert, and delete as needed. I am a bit confused on whether or not htmlencode and htmldecode is needed when storing data from detailsview. Gridviews always use boundfields and I think encoding and decoding is built in. For detailsview we use mostly templatefields (eval(), bind()), some boundfields, and some data is stored in codebehind using e.values[] or e.newvalues[].Here is where I've got the idea: I use the iteration and htmlencode, detailsview read only mode displays decoded data. However, gridview displays encoded data and of course update mode of detailsview. So, it seems like detailsview using htmlencode and htmldecode somewhat, but I am not clear as to what degree and what would be the best way to handle it.

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Forms Data Controls :: Clearing A GridView And DetailsView?

Jul 8, 2010

I am designing a web page that allows for the maintenance of a single table - so I have some controls that allow the user to specify some search parameters, a button that then populates a gridview with the result of the search meeting the search parameters, and a details view for inserting and updating specific records. The gridview and detailsview are bound to appropriate sql data sources.All pretty standard.There is also a "reset" button that clears the results of the current search - sets the visibility of the gridview and detailsview to false, and clears the search parameters. Again, pretty standard.What I have done is when the user goes to insert a new record, the gridview and search parameter specification controls are hidden, and the details view displayed. If they cancel the insert operation, the details view is hidden, and the search parms and gridview displayed - but what I am finding is that there are situations when a previously populated gridview is displayed. Here's the situation:1) Specify some search parameters, click search - and the gridview appears, with the appropriate records displayed.

2) Click on the clear button (oops - I didn't want to search, but add a new record). The gridview disappears, the search values are cleared out.3) Click on the insert button - the detailsview opens in "insert" mode.So far, this all works well, and is intuitave to the users.4) Click on the "cancel" button on the details view. I hide the details view, and show the gridview and search parameters. The gridview appears - with the results of the previous databinding still in it.My question is: Is there an easy way to "unbind" the gridview? From my understanding of how the datasource to gridview (or detailsview) connection is done, there is a datatable "behind the scenes" that manages the two way data binding. I also assume that data that has been bound to a gridview is carried over in the viewstate - it would be nice to clear out unneeded data in that.

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Forms Data Controls :: Link Multiple Detailsview To Page From One Master Detailsview?

Sep 3, 2010

I am trying to arrange the information from a SQL record into a 3 column by 3 row table to fit the form presentation that I want. I have placed on the page 3X3 table and then tried to place a detailsview in the first cell for the first picture called P1dv.

I have place a detailsview in the last cell that would control the paging of information called Controldv. I need to fiqure out how to link P1dv paging to Controldv page action. I am using visual web dev. 2005. I am not updating or editing these are read only views.

example of what i need the form output to look like:

picture1 picture2 picture3

name1 name2 name3

Contact1 contact2 contact3

what i ave coded as of now:


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Forms Data Controls :: Detailsview Not Updating If Gridview Not Visible?

Dec 14, 2010

I have a master/detail page using a gridview as the master, and a detailsview as the details. The gridview is set to select a record, and the detailsview picks up the ID and you can either edit that record, or add a new one.The detailsview is set up with various template fields, and if everything on the page is visible, it works OK.However, I wanted to hide the Gridview when the user in working with the detailsview. But if I do that, the detailsview doesn't update the record.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview/DetailsView - Copy Field From GV To DV?

Jun 30, 2010

I've got a Gridview which has a datasource to a particular database.

I've got a DetailsView which has a datasource to a table in another database.

when I select a Gridview row, I need to populate a field in the DetailsView with the Primary Key field (showing in the Gridview) from the Gridview.

Can this be done (if so, how?)?

Also (but not as important) :

If there's no field related in the second table, I'd like it to come up in Insert Mode - if there is a field related, I need it to come up in Edit mode

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView And DetailsView Master To Detail

Apr 7, 2010

I am using a GridView and a DetailsView to establish a master to detail form, the idea is to let user select a record on Gridview and Detailsview will load selected record for editing. Here is declaration for the ODS and Detailsview.


this is working fine when I select a record from GridView and edit/update it in DetailsView. But it's not working so well when I insert a new record using DetailsView, because after insertion the selected record remains as the record selected in GridView.

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