C# - Parameters Programaticaly For GridView Select Query?

Jun 24, 2010

I am trying to show a Gridview that lists information in a database based on a query. The query takes a parameter of a string, how do you define what this parameter is. An example of the screen I am stuck at is:http://static.asp.net/asp.net/images/dataaccess/07fig08cs.pngAn example of the code i want to use is:parameter for my object data source select query = OBDS_Query_ParameterOBDS_Query_Parameter = str;

Sorry Im not sure how to explain it...For instance if I have a query that GetAllProducts(String userName); How do i pass or define what userName is when using the data gridview. I am using an Object DataSource and linking the data Gridview to that. I can do this without the object data source and strictly melodramatically like this:

quartz_SongsTableAdapter songsAdapter = new quartz_SongsTableAdapter();
CurrentRole = "admin";
GridView1.DataSource = songsAdapter.GetSongForClient(CurrentRole);

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I have an asp.net site which includes a "search" page that queries an SQL table, then redirects the user to a "results" page where the results of the query are displayed. The parameters for the query are assembled into a string which is the SELECT statement. I've been asked to add additional functionality that requires a secondary search which takes place on the "results" page. How can I pass the parameters from the "search" page to the "results" page so that I can access those parameters in the code behind? Here's the first page code behind (I inherited most of this from another developer):


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give me an example of how to do this?

Mark up:





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Aug 22, 2010

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May 24, 2010

I have a gridview that has a sqldatasource for it's data and it works well. I also have four dropdown lists that I need to have filter the data in the grid if they have a value selected. Here's my query:


What I need is if a user selects an Asset_Tag from a dropdown list the gridview should requery with the Asset_Tag as a parameter so only that record gets called up. Is there a way to do this in the selected indexchanged event? The same would hold true for the other DDLs. It seems like if I assigne the datasourse programmatically I lose the builtin sorting ability which isn't acceptible for this application.

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Jun 10, 2010

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Jan 21, 2010

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2.Messages (MessageId,MessageText,ChannelID)

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(table)BlogPost -> (table)BlogPostTags <- (table)Tags

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C# - FormMethod - Get And Query String Parameters?

May 28, 2010

I am working on a website in asp.net mvc. I have to show a view where user put some search values like tags and titles to search. I want to use the same Index method for that. I have make my form to use formMehod.Get to send the parameters as querystring.

public ActionResult Index(string title, string tags, int? page)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(title)
return View(null);

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Query String Parameters With No Values?

Jun 28, 2010

I am trying to set up a page that has two behaviors. I'm seperating them by URL: One behavior is accessed via /some-controller/some-action, the other is via /some-controller/some-action?customize. It doesn't look like the Request.QueryString object contains anything, though, when I visit the second URL...I mean, the keys collection has one element in it, but it's null, not 'customize'. Anyone have any ideas about this or how to enable this. I'd like to avoid manually parsing the query string at all costs :).

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Databases :: View The Query With Parameters?

Jul 12, 2010

I run queries in my stored procedure and pass values to it as a perameter e.g.

SELECT p.Profile_Id
FROM Profile p
WHERE (p_Gender = p.gender_id)

now is there a way that i can get the actual query executed with paramaters value like this:-

SELECT p.Profile_Id
FROM Profile p
WHERE ('M' = p.gender_id)

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SQL Reporting :: Create Parameters In A MDX Query?

Aug 19, 2010

I am new to MDX and Sql Server Analysis Service and I've searched this high and low and read a lot of articles, but cannot figure out how.I know this is tough after reading so many articles online, and thus I am only trying my slim chance of getting something helpful from here. I need to create a sales report and want to parameterize the region, so, I'd like to have something likeSELECT blah blahFROM [MySsasWarehouse]WHERE @regionThe @region may take values such as [USA].[Northeast].[New Hampshire], for example.How do I make this happen with MDX? I learned that I can doSELECT blah blahFROM [MySsasWarehouse]WHERE STRTOMEMBER('[USA].[Northeast].[New Hampshire]')But, I have no idea how to have something like STRTOMEMBER(@region)and to be able to pass values to that @region variable.

In the end I would like to create a SSRS report using this MDX query and pass different values to @region. Do NOT point me to articles about how to pass parameters to SSRS, because I know how to do it through the URL query string.My question is How to create parameters for MDX query per se, and I haven't been successful in attempting to do so.

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