Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Column Data From Another Source?

Sep 30, 2010

I have a gridview databound to a database table, and i want to make a gridview column display data that is accessed using the primary key data from the databound source to address a table which is not the one databound.

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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Image In A Gridview Column?

Mar 30, 2011

I have image in the image folder and in my oracle database I have a column with the name IMG which has the name of the image like ab.jpg

I have another column with name IMG1 which is storing the whole url like images/ab.jpg

I can see all the values of my database table in my dataset as well including IMG column and IMG1 column

In my aspx file I wrote code

<asp:imagefield dataimageurlfield="IMG"
dataimageurlformatstring = "~/images/ab.jpg"/>

but it is not displaying anything, however aspx page is working fine, it is showing a field but no image and it is blank, same is the case with IMG1 column as well

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Forms Data Controls :: Table Displaying Column Even After Deleting?

Apr 27, 2010

I have a table which display diffrent data

One of the headers I used is shown below,In this I dont want to display the mobile phone number field so I removed that field even then in the output it is showing me the column mobile number...what is wrong?watelse should i change?

class="front-listing visiblelinks">


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Forms Data Controls :: Displaying Text On The Right Hand Side Of A Column Name?

Jan 8, 2010

I needed to display data from a table in this style:

Hotel: hotel1 Destination: United States

From: UK

Hotel: hotel2 Destination: United States

From: UK

Hotel: hotel3 Destination: United States

From: UK

This would all go in a box or table, the bold text is the column names from the table, but id be quite Happy to just have them as text and not display the coloumn headers. whats the best control to display data in this way, ive messing about with different controls but cant get this layout

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Linq To Sql - Displaying Data From SQL Data Source?

Mar 27, 2010

I'm using LINQ to SQL to grab information from my SQL database. I have a GridView which shows all the top level information - in this case a list of groups (i.e. admin, users and so on). When a user clicks say the admin group, I want to be able to show each member in that group. I have the following code which grabs the information from the database:


I know that I can use GridView again to display the results of the query, but this doesn't really look nice as it shows too much information at once. How would I go about having some sort of display which will show just one user at a time, giving me the chance to click next and back?

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Forms Data Controls :: Decrypt One Gridview Column Values Before Displaying It In The Gridview?

Mar 8, 2011

I have one filed that is encrypted using Rajindal algorithm and stored in MSSQL db.When I retrieve that column in gridview it's displayed in encrypted. I have the code that decrypts it but the problem is:How can I all loop throw this column values in the gridview and decrypt them all and display it in the gridview decrypted.See my code below:


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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Column Change / Replace A Column Data Field Value to 'Not Applicable'?

Jan 6, 2011

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Forms Data Controls :: Binding Data In Column Of Data Grid To Other Column?

Jul 26, 2010

I have a boundcolumn that outputs string numbers. I have another column of checkboxes next to it. I need to have it so that when a user checks off a check box the value stored in the string column to the left is then plugged into a function on the server. How can I acheive this?Here is my code:



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Forms Data Controls :: Edit And Delete Data In Gridview Using Access Data Source?

Mar 30, 2011

This is my code and i am only able to edit the one data under the category school.But what i nd is to edit the other categories like the name, do i modify my code in the update command.Another thing is to delete the data how do i do that?


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Forms Data Controls :: Create A Lookup Data Source Based On A Union Query With The Actual Data And A Blank Record?

Jun 1, 2010

I'm new to 3.5 and trying to create a test site so I can figure out how to use it in the real world. I have created a FormView (Formview1) based on a Client table using Linq Data Sources. The page includes a DropDownList to lookup Clients. I have added a list option (<asp:ListOption value="" Text="(Select Client)" and set AppendDataBoundItems=true so my added option is displayed. I decided to try to use Formview with only the Edit and Insert Modes, and I have set the Default Mode = Insert. When you open the page, a blank Client record is displayed.

The Client record contains serveral lookup fields and they have drop down lists for each. When I select a client from the Client DropDownList, is get the following message 'ddlClientType' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items I had this problem before and decided the best way to handle this (in the interim) was to turn off foreign key constraints for each of the lookup fields (e.g. ClientType) in SQL Server. That worked for 2-3 days. Now the problem has started again.

When I develop in other applications, I would simply create a lookup data source based on a Union Query with the actual data and a blank record. How can you do this using Linq DataSources. Can you get access and modify the queries?

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Forms Data Controls :: Using Event For Data Bound Control Vs Data Source?

Jan 1, 2011

I've been using the Item Inserted event for my data controls, such as details view. I'm wondering if there are advantages to doing this with the data sources instead of the data control. There is a lot of overlap in the events provided by these two types of controls. Are there advantages to using the events raised by the data source instead of the ones raised by the data control itself. Should I be using the events raised by the data source instead of the control used to enter the data?

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Forms Data Controls :: Header Column Not Sync With The Column Data In EditItemTemplate?

Oct 21, 2010

i have a grid view and i use TemplateField.

when i am in ItemTemplate all the column (7 column) are label so it fit to the current screen

by when i use EditItemTemplate or InsertItemTemplate the coulmn don't fit the the current screen and

i have to use the ruler in order to see more information about the cell (which is ok - because in each cell i have a dropdownlist or long textbox)

but when i drag the ruler to the right size to see more information only the cells are moved but the header coulmn stay so i see the current coulmn with worng header coulmn

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Forms Data Controls :: Manual Data Binding With Data Source?

Mar 30, 2010

I have a GridView or DetailsView and its bound to a CslaDataSource.I noticed that the "Object_Select()" event is fired automatically with every time the page is loaded or refreshed.How I can perfrom mnaual biding between the DetailsView Control and CslaDataSource ?I want to control binding via code using the DetailsView.DataBind() method in certain cases only.

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Forms Data Controls :: Persistent Dynamic Data With No Data Source?

Apr 30, 2010

I'm creating a page that allows the user to create a new object that will later be stored in the database. The problem is that the design of ASP.NET data controls seems to insist upon only working with pre-existing data that has been stored in a database (or XML, etc...).

I'm basically trying to get the user to compose a list of items and specify a quantity for each item. I could do this by generating table rows but the rows are lost at each postback. The data view controls seem to be designed only to be bound to a data source but until the list is complete, the data can only be in memory.

What control is appropriate for this and how can I achieve this with that control?

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeator Control Displaying Data In Two Lines If The Data Is More In A Particular Cell?

Nov 3, 2010

I am trying to debug one of the project in which i need to show the data for one of the particular cell in two lines.

This Repeator control Exists in a user control and aspx is calling this User control for displaying the data.

Here is how my code looks:


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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Data To More Than One Data Source

Aug 6, 2010

I am trying to create FormView that has details aboout author. But some details about his books like pubdate, title resides in some other table. In the source page:

<asp:Label id"AuthorName" Text='<% #Bind("au_fname")%>' runat="server/>

but this field has to be obtained from other table:

<asp:Label id="AuthorTitle" Text='<% #Bind("title")%>' runat="server"/>

the title resides in titleauthor table, can we use two connections(author, titlesauthor) simultaneously.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Use Data Source For Child Grid To View Am Using RowDataBound

May 27, 2010

Am using the following 2 events for child grid.

1. RowDataBound

2. RowEditing

I enable AutoGenerateEditButton = "true", which can show me edit button in the child grid. Also i have tried to use the event rowediting which can return e.NewEditIndex too. for the master i use sqlDatasource design time. for the child grid am confusing how to do the edit/delete/add.

following link good enuf for master grid


for child grid datasource if am not mistaken, guess need to assign the datasource during runtime. am not sure how to do this?

Following is the link for my so far trial




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Forms Data Controls :: Object Data Source Calling Select Method Twice?

Jun 15, 2010

I have extended GridView in order to have consistent look & feel, paging and sorting. However, when the page is first time loaded, the select method is getting called twice. It works fine when i move between pages in pagination.

Note, i am using 2.0.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Bind Object Data Source With Bullited List

Sep 27, 2010

i wanted to retrieve things from the data base and perform mathmatical operations on it then post it to the user, so i was told to use the bullited list and bind it to the object dataSource

how to perform such thing??

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Disappears When Data Source Collection Is Null?

Apr 1, 2011

I have a gridview with daatsource from MembershipUserCollection. When my collection doesn't contain any records the gridview just disappears. I want to display the empty gridview indicating no records exist rather than the grid just become invisible.

How to make gridview always visible ?

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Forms Data Controls :: Data Source And Items Of A Repeater From An Enumerable List?

May 22, 2010

I have got the following code:


This should give me the friends of the user currently logged in in the Repeater, but gives me an exception on the runtime that an instance needs to be initialized, can you please suggest a solution...

Also, what should be the value of the NavigateUrl property of a Hyperlink in an ItemTemplate if the url is:

"" + 'THE UserID property of the current element in the list'

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Editing Without Using Data Source Controls And Autogeneratecolumn Set To True?

Feb 10, 2011

How to edit gridview row when not using sqldatasource and autogeneratecolumn property is set to true.I have a dropdownlist where table is selected on which gridview is populated (through sp from oracle) which is working but edit command is not working.Do i have to generate template myself or what ever solution?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Update Sql Data Source In Textbox Without Using Gridview

Apr 20, 2010

update the data in sqldatasource without gridview. how to do that?

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridview Not Passing Parameters To SQL Data Source?

Feb 13, 2011

I have a gridview and I have an edit template for one control. I have a drop down box in this edit template so that you can select a value from it and then when you hit 'Update' the value from the drop down box is committed to the updated record. Unfortunately when I do hit the update button I get a fault that the "Status" field cannot be null.

Here is the code that picks the value from the drop down value and assigns it to the new values list:


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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Row To GridView If Data Source Is Empty

Oct 12, 2010

I'm using a GridView to output some information regarding an account, specifically account balances. Problem is, if there is no balance linked to the account, I need for the grid to simply display 0 for each column. EmptyDataText isn't sufficient as the columns still need to be listed, but just have the value 0.

After researching it seems like I will need to add a dummy row to the gridview if it is empty, but how do I do this using C# and ASP? Quick note as well, not sure if it's relevant but the grid will only ever contain one row.

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