Forms Data Controls :: Pass Data From GridView To DataTable And Back Again
Feb 26, 2010
I need to pass the data from GridView1 to a DataTable, and then pass the DataTable to GridView2 and preview it. I have BoundFields and ImageFields in the GridViews. I think I am doing something wrong but I can't figure out how to do it. I know I have to iterate through the GridView.Rows, but I don't know how to pass it to the DataTable.
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Apr 14, 2010
i am trying to set paging using the following code in pageload event.
GridView1.DataSource = ourdataset.Tables("Products")
when i select the page button the parameter value ourdataset.Tables("Products") is set to nothing ?
Sub GridView1_PageIndexChanging1(ByVal sender
ByVal e
As System.Web.UI.WebControls.GridViewPageEventArgs)
GridView1.DataSource = SortDataTable(ourdataset.Tables("Products"),
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Jan 28, 2010
i have a problem that is, I am calling data form database in agrid view and taht gridview contain both bounded and unbouded field now i wat to send this grid view data back to a datatable is it possible if yes then how?
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Mar 14, 2011
I create a GridView bound to SqlDataSource and use BoundField to bound the field, then in 1 BoundField (let's call it TestField), i set it to Visible = false. Now i add a button to set the value of BoundField TestField. Update the row, the value won't pass back to the server. Then, I try to set Visible = true to BoundField TestField, using the same button and update, the value pass back to the server.This doesn't happen to FormView, even using visible = false. Is this a bug? or ? i am using Visual Studio 2008.
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Mar 31, 2010
I have a gridview bound to a sqldatasource with editing enabled. If I click Edit, then either Cancel or Update, the update or cancel occurs and the Edit button reappears. However, I cannot then click the browser's back button without having the Update and Cancel buttons reappear. A second click of the back button takes me to a state where the Edit button shows again, *then* another back button click will take me to the referring page (the one before the one with the gridview on it.) IOW, it looks like the postbacks are cached. How can I prevent this and have the back button go straight to the referring page?
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Mar 16, 2014
can datatable pass to web service as input parameter? i have a scenario to pass values as datatable to web service. eg as follows
when Invoice or Bill is entered, I want to send the entered data as datatable to web service to insert into another application.
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Aug 27, 2010
on which all conditions we use dataset and datatable to bind data to a gridview?
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Nov 19, 2010
I have a Gridview and two link button in that GridView , one link button click is to add edit row ( Edit ), one link button click is to select row ( Select ). I have a dropdownlist inside row which selected when i click link button Select in the gridview edit template, as of my business logic i need to show the dropdownlist only when the user clicks Edit button and when the user clicks Select button . That mean when the user clicks Select button then they clicks Edit button on the gridvview i should allow him to edit the dropdownlist (showing the value to the user through a label).
[Code].... C#
When I click Select link button , then I click Edit link button . They have errors : Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection. Parameter name: index" I don't know what error?. How to fix it
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Jun 15, 2010
How can I load (copy) the data that is present in the GridView into the DataTable? I am planning on loading the DataTable from GridView and update a row from the datatable and load the newly formed data with the GridView.
Note : Here I am not using datasource.
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Nov 10, 2010
I have a gridview that does a select statement against a sql database, there is not editing, inserting or deleting just the select statement. What I want to do is have the data in the gridview refresh upon either hitting the back button or the forward button.
If the back button is pressed it should give me yesterdays data from the table. If I hit the forward button it should give me tomorrows data, at the same time i want the forward button to be limited to going forward only 5 days from todays date.
I figure that I have to do this in a Updatepanel however I am unsure as to how to do this.
View 5 Replies
Nov 1, 2010
I am trying to populate a gridview using two tables. I also have a strongly typed dataset and used the method on this page: [URL] the problem is that, when i try to use two table the gridview does show up (I checked through debugging that the datatable comes back as empty).
View 2 Replies
May 7, 2015
I am referring this article :
now when i type something in header Search cell , it shows the data of first page index only , it won't show me data from 2nd page index .. here's my code :
protected void PhasesTempGrid_OnDataBound(object sender, EventArgs e){
GridViewRow row = new GridViewRow(0, 0, DataControlRowType.Header, DataControlRowState.Normal);
for (int i = 0; i < PhasesTempGrid.Columns.Count - 1; i++) {
TableHeaderCell cell = new TableHeaderCell();
TextBox txtSearch = new TextBox();
[Code] .....
My gridview is in update panel therefore i did this in .js script :
var prm = Sys.WebForms.PageRequestManager.getInstance();
prm.add_endRequest(function () {
$(document).ready(function () {
$('.search_textbox').each(function (i) {
[Code] .....
Here's my code structure for gridview :
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="ConstructionActPhaseUpdatePanel" UpdateMode="Conditional" runat="server">
<asp:gridview ID="PhasesTempGrid" ClientIDMode="Static" OnDataBound="PhasesTempGrid_OnDataBound" allowpaging="True" OnPageIndexChanging="PhasesTempGrid_OnPageIndexChanging"
and the way i bind the data to gridview is from textboxes ....
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May 7, 2015
I have 3 textboxes , 1 dropdown , 1 Button and 1 gridview .
Textboxes ID are :ACode , ADesc , ASeq
DropDown ID is :CPhase
Button ID is :AddRowBTN
GridView ID is :PhasesTempGrid
Now whats the story is ?After adding some data into textboxes , when a user clicks ADDRow BTN , that data gets saved into datatable , then that datatable gets binded to gridview and it shows my textboxes data in it .
What i want to achieve ?In my gridview i am use templateField and inside that template field there are textboxes ( Let the users edit the row without clicking any button ) .
Take an example of dummy data and problem persisting in there :for e.g i put some data in textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"Then i click Add BTN , it saves the data in datatable and show in gridview , now if i do this in gridview :ACode = "Edited ABCD"ADesc = "Edited EFGH too"ASeq = "WoW There"Then i click Add BTN , it removes the edited record in gridview and shows original data which had came earlier from textboxes :ACode = "ABCD"ADesc = "EFGH"ASeq = "HIJK"I don't want that to be done ... Simple is that user can enter data from textboxes , click the btn to submit into grid then he can edit the data like he want ... data must not get flashed , here's my coding i have done so far :
public void AddNewData()
var dt = new DataTable();
if (ViewState["myDatatable"] != null)
dt = (DataTable) ViewState["myDatatable"];
here i havent added dropdown combo in gridview but you can do it so that it will save my time (Bind it just the way PhaseDropDown have bind)...
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Mar 26, 2010
I want to make sure I go about this in an efficient manner. I have a gridview. On the gridview, I have some columns that are read only values . These values go through calculations based on values in a database. The stored procedure takes information in the database, does some simply calculations (this value * that value / another value type of stuff) then returns a recordset as a datasource for the grid.
Other columns on the gridview have values the users can enter data. I want to be able to provide a recalculate button that will run calculations based on the entered values which will change the readonly values and then repopulate the gridview's read only values without going back to the database. This recalculate button is not the save to the database button. The save to the database button will take the values in the user entered columns and save them to the database. Then, the next time the grid is called, the page calls to the database and loads the grid.
So, what I'm looking to do is allows for recalculations on a gridview, a gridview with about 24 columns and about 1000 rows. My first thought is to create a class that reads the gridview and then applies the business rules, then updates the gridview some how. Or, maybe have a dataset table thats i read the value from the user inputs, then apply business rules and then bind the gridview to the dataset table. Do any of you have thoughts here, maybe have done something like this?
View 9 Replies
Feb 10, 2010
I've got a GridView that's databound to a DataTable that I have stored in Session. I want to be able to add a LinkButton into this gridview so I can delete rows from the DataTable, however, I need to reference the rows in the datatable somehow.
I figured the simplest was
but the problem is, I need to somehow cross-reference the particular row I want deleted.
View 4 Replies
Jul 6, 2010
I'm trying to sort GridView but I have problem with converting DataSource to DataTable. Object of DataTable is empty. I don't know how to convert it.Do you have any ideas? Here is my code:
private void SortGridView(string sortExpression, string direction)
DataTable dt = GridViewDzialania.DataSource as DataTable;
DataView dv = new DataView(dt);
dv.Sort = sortExpression + direction;
GridViewDzialania.DataSource = dv;
View 4 Replies
Aug 19, 2010
iam insert data through gridview using datable, and i have 2button , insert and delete button , i wants to delete a row from the gridview using delete button below the code i constructed for insert, how to delete the row.
protected void Button2_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
//delete button
} [code].....
View 6 Replies
Dec 10, 2010
I am creating a data table dynamically which has 10 rows and binding that table to Gridview. In Gridview, I am having 4 dropdownlist, 5 textbox and 1 label controls .
here i want to give clientside validations using javascript for textbox but I am unable to find the textbox control of a gridview using javascript.
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Jul 21, 2010
I have a data table, in one of the column, I will have this data, I will bind the data table to a grid view. I was hoping that this column change to a hyperlink. But, it was display the entire text.
<A HREF="page_url">Remark(s)</A>
When I view the page source code, I saw this:
<A HREF="page_url;Remark(s)</A>
How to correct this?
View 7 Replies
Jan 13, 2011
This may seem simple to a seasoned coder, but I'm all wet-eared and new to MVC, and trying to wrap my head around it is driving me nuts. I have completed the Nerd Dinner and MVC Music Store tutorials, and seem to be grasping the basics... Well, sort of... It just seems that every new idea I have requires hours of searching with Google.
As it stands at the moment, I have a static DateTime field that is populated by using DateTime.Now. What I need to implement is a master TextBox (JQueryUI DatePicker) at the top of the View that will enable the user to overwrite said DateTime.Now if required.
Here is a hypothetical situation:
I thought of using a variable to override the default date if the user selects a master date, but can't figure out how to implement it.
I can get it to work if I use a static string, like so:
Is there any way to pass the value of the master datepicker (txtDateTime) from the View back to the Controller? I've heard mention of TempData, but can't seem to find a similar scenario.
I'm sure I'm just missing something really obvious, so if anyone could explain it to me really s-l-o-w-l-y, that would be cool.
I'm praying that this isn't another of those situations where "MVC doesn't work that way" or "It needs more cowbell", 'cause then I'll pack it all in and go play WoW D:
View 8 Replies
Apr 18, 2010
what it is i have a datagrid bound to a datatable.This datatable fills from a sql table. This datatable will have 2 columns which is 'part' and 'description'.What it is I want to have a couple of chk boxes next to the datagrid which will filter it by column 'part'.The issue is the datagrid will have about 1000 records so i dont want to do a for next loop searching for field part for a certain filter
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Mar 9, 2011
i try casting the gridview datasource to datatable using the following code but the datatable always nothing.
Dim DT As New DataTable
DT = DirectCast(gv.DataSource, DataTable)
the gridview is bound using dataset at code behind without using sqldatasource.
i m trying to filter the gridview without geting the data from database, is there is another way to do this?
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Mar 14, 2010
I have a dataset that has two datatables. In the first datatable I have EmpNo,EmpName and EmpAddress. In the second datatable I have Empno,EmpJoindate, EmpSalary. I want a result where I should show EmpName as the label and his/her details in the gridview. I populate a datalist with the first table, and have EmpNo as the datakeys. Then I populate the gridview inside the datatable which has EmpNo,EmpJoinDate and EmpAddress. My code is
My Design is
<asp:DataList ID="Datalist1" runat="server" DataKeyField="EmpNo">
<asp:GridView ID="Gridview1" runat="server">
I do not get results in the gridview, instead have errors. I tried then placing the bound field
<asp:GridView ID="Gridview1" AutoGenerateColumns="true" runat="server">
<asp:BoundField DataField="EmpNo" />
It throwed an error stating / A field or property with the name 'EmpNo' was not found on the selected data source.
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Jul 16, 2010
I am making shopping cart application.On Viewing Shopping Cart,when i try to update the quatity of product column it permit me to edit but wn i click update link.the gridview disappears wid all products.send me some code snippet in C# as i want only quantity column to be editable.I am using the following code:in Code behind File
protected void GridView1_RowEditing(object sender, GridViewEditEventArgs e)
GridView1.EditIndex = e.NewEditIndex;
View 4 Replies
Mar 12, 2010
Tried several different ways to do this but am just not seeing it. Proably a quick solution for someone more skilled than me.
I have a gridview generated from a datatable. One of the columns is "client name" whose data is generated from a class.
I added a link button for the column header that fires a sub that should sort the datagrid, but is not.
Here is the code I have so far that creates the gridview which works fine:
Private Sub PopulateCaseListGrid()
'Kill the existing DataSource, in case of a page reload
gvCaseList.DataSource = Nothing
'Create a datatable with whatever column you want to use
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