Forms Data Controls :: Populating Dynamic Dropdownlists / Only One Call To Database For All Dropdowns Rendered

Mar 8, 2011

I have a page with a data repeater. Each row has a dropdownlist for the user to select a value and the values in every dropdown are the same. I also have an SqlDataSource which each dropdownlist gets its values from as its created. Everything is working as it should but for each dropdown that is rendered a seperate call is made to the database.

suggest a better way for me to do this that means only one call to the database for all dropdowns rendered?

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Data Controls :: Populating GridView With Two DropDownLists

Sep 11, 2013

I have two dropdown lists that I am using to filter a gridview.  I gridview is populating based on a query

select [AnnotationNumber],[AnnotationBy],[AnnotationType],[BusinessUnit] as Unit,[ErrorType],[ActualAgencyError],AnnotationComments,[sgkComments],[ActualAgencyError],Cust from vw_GridviewSource where Name = '"+@Name+"' and AnnotationDate = '"+@Stage+"'";
SqlCommand cmd = new SqlCommand(query);
gvSummary.DataSource = GetData(cmd);

The @Name and @Stage variables are the selected values of the dropdownlist. When I start I get the two drop down lists on my webform. When I select the values from the dropdownlists, nothing happens. I get no gridview. I added onselecedindexchange event both dropdownlists and even after both are selected nothing. I debugged the code and found that there is a point where the value is correct, but I still don't see the gridview. I have alsochecked the query associated with the databind and it works perfectly when I check it in SQL. I am enclosing all the code from the aspx.cs and aspx.

<%@ Page Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="Trakker.aspx.cs" Inherits="AnnoTracker.WebForm1" %>
<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="" >
<head runat="server">


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AJAX :: CasadingDropDown Not Populating DropDownLists?

Dec 25, 2010

I'm trying to make cascadingdropdownlists work on my web form. I was following this tutorial:


I followed that tutorial almost ot the T. But when I run my page, neither of my dropdownlists become populated. I don't know what I'm missing...

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Here's the code for my WebService:


And Here's the code for my Web.config file


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Forms Data Controls :: Populating Formview Fields Using Database?

Feb 1, 2010

I'm not sure if I can explain this properly, I just need some advise. I'm working with a formview and datasets to populate the information. However I have a table specifiying which fields to display. In my table If cell, work and home fields are selected then those fields must be populated in the formview if they not selected then it shouldn't be shown. These are 2 different datasets being pulled into the formview.

Right now I have a datasource populating the formview via the wizard, not sure what to do next.

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Dynamic Data - Field Not Rendered On List Page?

Mar 8, 2010

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I have 2 fields which are nvarchar(max) in the DB and they do not get rendered on the list view

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Javascript - Dynamic Gridview With Dropdownlists?

Mar 29, 2011

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Create Dynamic Related DropDownLists?

Jan 9, 2011

I have three drop down lists that are related to each other:


Obviously the options in the CityDDL are created when the CountryDDL's OnSelectedIndexChanged event is fired, and ZipcodeDDL is created when the CityDDL OnSelectedIndexChanged event is fired.

That's all good....but what I'm wanting to do is dynamically insert multiple instances of these related controls.

I need to be able to click a button and add as many instances of these three related drop downs as a user needs.

best way to accomplish this preserving state and having all events work as they should??

I'm using .Net 4.0 and the current Telerik release.

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Web Forms :: Error Populating Dynamic Navigation Menu

Oct 26, 2010

Error Populating Dynamic Navigation Menu


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Javascript - Multiple DropDownLists - Call Single Function With ID?

Aug 25, 2010

I have the following code which toggles the visibility of one of a pair of DropDownLists based on the selected radio button. This code works but my problem is that I have several sets of controls just like this on a single form. How can I use a single JavaScript Toggle() function, irrespective of the ID of the RadioButtonList that triggered it?

function Toggle()
var list = document.getElementById("produceDDL");
var inputs = list.getElementsByTagName("input");
var selected;
for (var i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++)
if (inputs[i].checked)
selected = inputs[i];
if (selected.value == 'Vegetables')
{ = 'none'; = 'block';
{ = 'block'; = 'none';
<asp:radiobuttonlist ID="produceDDL" OnClick="javascript:Toggle();"
RepeatDirection="Horizontal" runat="server">
<asp:ListItem Selected="True">Fruit</asp:ListItem>
<div id="div1">
<asp:DropDownList ID="fruitDDL" Width="120" runat="server">
<div id="div2" style="display:none;">
<asp:DropDownList ID="vegDDL" Width="120" runat="server">

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AJAX :: How To Avoid Cascading Dropdowns To Call Their Service Methods On Every Postback Of The Page

Feb 24, 2011

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Web Forms :: Changing Index On Dropdownlists Childs Donīt Cause Other Dropdownlists To Reload?

Jan 30, 2011

i have the following code:


3 nested dropdownlists SELECTing from DB. So i select the brand, then i select the model and then i select the product and click on SEARCH button.

But when i select thebrand, and then the model, and if i want to change the brand, it does not reset the second and third dropdownlists.

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Forms Data Controls :: Adding Value To Dropdowns

Jun 8, 2010

I got a web app linked to a SQL Server 2005. The registration page for learners on this page require a lot of information and many of them are on dropdown controls linked each to their own table adapter. The table adapters are linked to tables within the Database. The dropdowns consist of info like designations, grades, categories, race, etc. The tables like designations changes from day to day as new types of designations are added and the other removed. What will the best way be to add data to the dropdowns? Another way I considered are to have one table and add a field like a type field that distinguish between the dropdown so that I only use one table adapter, or are there a better way. Some Code:


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Forms Data Controls :: Why Dropdowns On Page Are Not Displaying

Nov 22, 2010

I've been trying to figure out the issue and knowone seemd to know. I put a dropdown on my page and when I view it from my server, it works fine. When I tell it to go and get it's values from a DB I can no longer see it on the page when I view it from the server. Here's the code I have for it:

EmptyDataText="There are no data records to display."
SelectCommand="SELECT [ID], [Team] FROM [tblTeam]"></asp:AccessDataSource>

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Build Dynamic Sitemap From Database

Jan 25, 2011

i want to build dynamic sitemap from database..even my menu items are also dynamic...and i want do display sitemap having categories and related menu items from database..

so i dont know how to build dynamic site and create dymanic links of that menus and categories..

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Forms Data Controls :: Linking Two Dropdowns Menu In Detailsview?

Nov 26, 2010

I have two dropdowns menu in detailsview (Both one table) . I want to change items in the second dropdown when the user selects an item in the first dropdown.

What I did as following but it does not work :

Add an empty SelectedIndexChanged event on the first dropdown and then, bind the second to the first under Selectedvalue. Also, sat AutoPostBack="True" on first dropdown.

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Forms Data Controls :: Gridivew Refreshes When Dropdowns Selected?

Feb 24, 2010

I have three parameters to search and the record is being populated on the gridview.

Paremeters are dropdown lists:

lstDepartment, lstSection, lstLocation

I used AutoPostBack to true for above dropdowns but the problem I am facing is when I select value in lstDepartment to show values in lstSection then gridview data refreshes and after that when I select lstSection to show values in lstLocation then again gridview refreshes.

What I want to do is to when I'll select dropdown one by one then gridivew display data when a Search button pressed.

I don't want to refresh gridview everytime on the basis of dropdown selection.

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Forms Data Controls :: Use Local Gridview Data To Populate Filter Dropdowns?

Aug 5, 2010

Using ASP.NET 2.0

I have a gridview populated by a SQLDataSource that is fairly complicated on a dataset changing constantly. It takes a second or so to fetch the data.

I want to have external dropdownlists for filtering the data that appears in the gridview, either with a FilterExpression or with parameters.

The problem is that querying the database to populate the dropdownlists takes a long time, because of the complexity of the query. The values in the dropdowns can vary based on other filters.

Is there some simple way of querying the database only once, for the main gridview, and then somehow querying the local (to ASP.NET) copy of the data to extract distinct values for populating the filtering dropdowns? I am thinking this might speed things up a bit.

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Forms Data Controls :: Creating A Dynamic Textboxes According To Database Tables?

Oct 25, 2010

Example: we have different articles in a database like cars, jewelery, boats. The data related to these articles is different in the tables. I have to show that data in a textboxes and let the user change those data and update. I can do the update and reading the data from database. But the problems is for each item the no.of columns and rows will differ.

My task is I need to get the data according to the use selection in the table with textboxes. I dont know which container (gridview, formview or etc) will suites for my requirement. send me any sample code or any tutorial related to this.

Note: showing the data in a table should be a constraint. Because I should show data row wise (each row contains 3 textboxes and 3 labels (DB table column names))

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Forms Data Controls :: Unable To Create Dynamic Menu From Database?

Sep 27, 2010

I am unable to create dynamic menu from database. I have made two tables for this work.First table is Menu which stores menu id and its relevant name.

MId Text
1 File
2 Edit
3 View

Second table is subMenu which stores submenus which will be linked to the menu table with menu id.

SId Text MID
1 New 1
2 Open 1
3 Save 1
4 Cut 2
5 Copy 2

the menu should be created dynamically from the database, each menu should be displayed in single row

when we click on a menu the submenus are displayed in rows that in expand & contrast form

how to design & develope this page

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Forms Data Controls :: Repeater With Dynamic Controls From Database?

Oct 15, 2010

I am trying to find a good way of building out dynamic controls in a repeater from sql. Basically I have bunch of questions(male/female, where are you from) and question type(textbox, radio button) in sql. In the repeater I need to build the control object based on sql table and the answer. Does anyone have a good example or ideas who it can be done.

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Dropdownlist - Convert A Bunch Of Dropdowns Into An Array Of Dropdowns?

Mar 11, 2011

I have 45 dropdown lists in my asp page. There are some methods that I can apply to all of these dropdowns. Is it possible to convert them into an array of dropdowns for ease of use?

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Fill Databound Dropdowns Before Select The Updated Value

Jan 5, 2010

So I am using a formview that gets in Update mode with a bunch of values from a sqldatasource --- but I want to fill a couple dropdowns with data from the database --- but I cannot figure out how to bind the data to the dropdown box FIRST and then select the value in that dropdown box... but I keep getting an error that the Selected value is not a part of the dropdown (I assume because the sqldatasource is trying to bind BEFORE I can get the dropdown box bound).

IE -- when I load my values, lets say a 'Crop' comes back as 'Corn' ... I want to download the available crops from the database (ie. corn, beans, wheat, okra, etc.) and then set the selected value as CORN.... SO HOW do I get the dropdown filled BEFORE I try and bind the selected value?

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Forms Data Controls :: Dropdowns Automatically Filled Or Binded With The Same Content As First

Nov 11, 2010

i've 4 similar dropdowns in my form in four different categories, is there any way to bind one of them so that the remaining dropdowns can be automatically filled or binded with the same content as first dropdown

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