Forms Data Controls :: Populating Formview Fields Using Database?
Feb 1, 2010
I'm not sure if I can explain this properly, I just need some advise. I'm working with a formview and datasets to populate the information. However I have a table specifiying which fields to display. In my table If cell, work and home fields are selected then those fields must be populated in the formview if they not selected then it shouldn't be shown. These are 2 different datasets being pulled into the formview.
Right now I have a datasource populating the formview via the wizard, not sure what to do next.
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Oct 25, 2010
On my formview I have a drop down list that is populated with the names of the files in a certain directory. This works fine, but when the drop down list selected value is bound to the database field I get the following error :
'ImageFileDropDownList' has a SelectedValue which is invalid because it does not exist in the list of items. Parameter name: value
I have setup other drop down lists in the same formview populated from SqlDataSources and these all work fine. I can see perhaps why this is an issue because I have not specified a DataValueField or a DataTextField for this drop down that is populated in code (whereas I can for the SQL bound ones) because I'm not sure what these settings would be.
I need to have a "blank" option as well so that the field does not default to the first value in the list.
My code (I have stripped out some meaningless controls) :
My code behind populating the ddl :
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Jan 3, 2011
I am drawing a blank and need some direction.I am putting together a simple website that has a single DropDownList that is DataBound to table inside of a FormView Template.What I want to happen is when the page loads, it runs the SELECT statement and displays that result(which it does, so that part works).Where I am stuck is that if I Click the DropDownList and select another item, and display the results of that selected item in the associated Databound controls.My code is below;
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Feb 24, 2010
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The problem is, only the fields that appear on the form have data in them.
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Sep 2, 2010
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Feb 25, 2011
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Apr 8, 2010
I have a Formview control that has several lookup fields. The value is an int ID but the textfield is the name, e.g. value = StateID, displayed text = StateCode)
If the user leaves that field blank, I get a Server Error when attempting to Update: Failed to set one or more properties on type orgOrganization. is not a valid value for Int32.
In the table for the LinqDataSource which provides the data for the Formview, all fields except the text field OrganizationName allow Nulls.
Does anyone know why this might be happening? I tried a test which just has the numbers, no lookups, and get the same result.
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Mar 2, 2011
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Jan 12, 2010
In my table there is no record then I'm going to hide my formview fields on page_load event,
it gives an error "object reference not set to an instance of an object".
How can I hide fields in formview all mode?
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Jan 16, 2010
I have the following (abbreviated) code:
<asp:FormView ID="FormView1" runat="server" DataKeyNames="ItemID" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource1">
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCategory" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Category") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCategories() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
<asp:ListView ID="lvParticipants" runat="server" DataSource='<%# Eval("Participants") %>' >
<asp:DropDownList ID="ddlCountry" runat="server" SelectedValue='<%# Eval("Country") %>'
DataSource="<%# GetCountries() %>" DataTextField="Text" DataValueField="Value" />
When the FormView is in Edit mode, ddlCategory is populated as expected by calling GetCategories(), which returns a List of categories. However, when the ListView is in Insert mode, ddlCountry is empty. I put a break point in GetCountries(), but it never gets called. If I change the name of the method, I get an error. So it recognizes the method at compile time, but does not call it at run time. I'm guessing this is an embedded binding issue of some kind, but I'm hoping someone can save me a lot of time by pointing out the solution.
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Jun 15, 2010
I'm exploring I have created a FormView based on Linq Data Sources. There are several fields in my datasource that are either future or archaic.
1) Do all fields in the DataSource need to have a control in the FormView?
2) Does need to insert/update all fields in the DataSource?
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Apr 12, 2010
I am inserting 4 fields into a table trought an SqlDataSource and a FormView element. These fields are ID (autopopulated), date(selected from calendar and/or todays date as default), Company name(user input), and UserID (taken from LoginName?).
I am able to inser the data in to the table when typing it, but I would like to have the UserID fiel auto completed and the date as well, or filled with the selected calendar date.
This is my part of my code.-------------------------------------------
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Mar 8, 2011
I have a page with a data repeater. Each row has a dropdownlist for the user to select a value and the values in every dropdown are the same. I also have an SqlDataSource which each dropdownlist gets its values from as its created. Everything is working as it should but for each dropdown that is rendered a seperate call is made to the database.
suggest a better way for me to do this that means only one call to the database for all dropdowns rendered?
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Oct 20, 2010
This is the sqlDateTime overflow problem again. Background. As I'm sure you know dates must be between 1/1/1753 and 12/31/2999. If you have an empty date field, it throws and exception. So I created a function (below) that solve the problem when attempting to update or insert a record with a date field. Works great.
Public Shared Function MakeDateField(ByVal pasDate As String) As Nullable(Of DateTime)
If IsDate(pasDate) Then
If pasDate <= System.DateTime.MinValue Then
Return Nothing
Return CType(pasDate, DateTime)
End If
Catch ex As NullReferenceException
Return Nothing
End Try
Return Nothing
End If
End Function
So I thought about using a time field. I have the field, have the validator in place and then attempted to test the page. It resulted in my least favorite error message "sqlDateTime overflow".
I can think of several workarounds like adding a date or a fixed date to the time field, or converting it to a string. Each of these is problematic.
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Mar 3, 2010
I have a formview with various templates set up for a database that has 255 columns. I need the insertitemtemplate to pre-fill values based upon a specific selection by the user (just like the edit item template) but when the template is switched to insertitemtemplate every text box is cleared. The idea is that a new entry is usually made by making minor changes to an existing entry. With 255 fields I don't want to require the user to enter every field when only three or four need to change.
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Jul 14, 2010
I have a Grid view which is being populated from a database. Now I want to add a button that has its own html with some Hidden fields. I have introduced an Template Field and put the html in that field which works fine. But now I want to send the values in hidden field dynamically. i.e. the Id and value comming form the database.
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Feb 11, 2010
What is the best way to do the above? Basically i have a drop down list box with a list of names pulled from a database. When someone selects a name i would then like to populate two further boxes with the persons Login ID and Email address which are held on the same DB. I have currently been using Combox1_selected index change and then running a select query on the database to fill in the other fields - unfortuntly this is too slow. There must be a better way then this? I will also need to put the values in a DB in a later stage so will need to be able to retrieve these values.
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Sep 16, 2010
I want to add controls (or simply texts) to a ListView inside the ItemTemplate at run time.
The reason is that in my application I don't know in advance how many controls (or texts) I should insert.
For example I have to read the fields from a database table and insert in the ItemTemplate controls according to those fields:
<%# Eval("fieldname1")%> - <%# Eval("fieldname2")%> - <%# Eval("fieldname3")%> - .....
Afterwards I have to bind the ListView to the table content, so I need to preserve the <%# ... %> structure for the binding
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Feb 1, 2011
Using a class component, an Object data source and a formview I am successfully pulliing data from a SQL database. In some cases the rows contain one or more Null values and I would like them to be ignored completely. My simple code follows:-
<%# Eval("add_1") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_2") & ","%>
<%# Eval("Add_3") & ","%>
Rose Cottage, 123 New Road, Margate,
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Apr 19, 2010
I have a sql database and want to store the image format into the database. I want to then display the image in a gridview. For the database I have entered the location of the image and not sure if this is the right thing to do. I'm not very good at this stuff so could you make it as simple as possible.
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Oct 20, 2010
I have a GridView with a DropDownList in it bound to the [Applicants] table in SQL Server 2005.
The DropDownList Items Text and Value come from SqlDataSource3, "SELECT VoucherType, VoucherNumber FROM [Vouchers]"
I need to send the DDLs selected Text to [Applicants].[VoucherTypeIssued] and the Value to [Applicants]. VoucherNumber]
I already have a "dlVoucherTypeIssued_SelectedIndexChanged" event in the code behind to put "Voucher Issued" into [dbo].[Vouchers].[VoucherStatus]. I'm having trouble getting all three values written to the database at the same time.
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Feb 9, 2010
I'm trying make FormView insert a new row into a database table via a stored procedure.My code runs without error but nothing appears in the database table.
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