Forms Data Controls :: Prevent Double Post Submit Where Page Is Refreshed?

Jan 25, 2011

Some say it is not a bug it is default in but for me it is a bug in logic. When you say refresh it should be reload the component that you are refreshing. But in i notice that they recalling all activity and viewstate like event and data that are triggered in the previous postback. My opinion it is a redo not refresh. this is only my observation on the issue dont hate me on this microsoft fan.

on aspx page:

static string __VIEWSTATE_FETCH;
protected void Page_Load(object sender,
EventArgs e){


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Web Forms :: How To Prevent Postback When Page Is Refreshed Or F5 Pressed

Mar 22, 2010

I need to display a popup dialog box when an Aspx page first loads. I do this inside of the page load method
with PageIsPostBack.

How can I prevent the popup from being displayed though when the user hits the refresh button or F5 button.
Or the back button?

// Dispaly popup here

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Page Has Not Refreshed And Hidden Control Contains Value From The Previous Submit?

Dec 23, 2010

I have a special requirement with regards to popping up a MsgBox in ASP.Net. There seems to be various solutions across the Internet using the Javascript confirm box, and passes the response to a hidden control, from which VB.Net can the read and further respond ...but the Javascript code is initialted by a button on the ASP.Net Form. I want to be able to pop-up a MsgBox in the middle of my VB code-behind using the Javascript trick, which passes the result to the hidden control, which can then be read by VB.Net .... the problem is that the page has not refreshed and the hidden control still contains the value from the previous Submit .... I'll attach my code. If anyone can come up with a solution, will you have achieved the impossible!

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Chart Control Is Refreshed On Page Post Back - How To Stop It

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The problem is that on a postback from some other control (Telerik RadGrid) the chart series contents disappear.

How can I secure the control from being destroyed in the postback?

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Forms Data Controls :: Page Deletes Records In Database When Refreshed?

Mar 10, 2010

I have created a page with a gridview in that displays the records of a database table and allows users to delete checked records by clicking on a delete button. After I delete a record and I try to refresh the page from the browser (I am using mozilla)I get the follow message:

"To display this page, Firefox must send information that will repeat any action (such as a search or order confirmation) that was performed earlier."

and if I click resend another record is deleted automatically. Even though I am reloading the gridview after the deletion the application executes again the onclick event of the delete button is executed and the gridview things that there is a checkedbox selected so the code executes my delete function again.

Is there any way to get rid of these behavior. I have been trying quit a few things but nothing works for me.

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Web Forms :: Submit Button / Post Back As Confirmatory Page

Jul 17, 2010

I use submit button to post to database which successfully show in gridview but i also want to use thesame button to show a post back as confirmatory page that you have successfully submited a post please, how can i go about the code to perform these function, i use property section of the submit button to do a post back to confirmatory page , the page show but message fail to show in grid view. a simple example of what i was trying to do is this, when u write a post in this forum now , u press a button to submit a post and a confrirmatory message is send to u. what is actually performing the two functions.

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Web Forms :: HiddenField To Post To External Website And Submit Data To Sql Database With Masterpage

May 12, 2010

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My source code is below:


What am I missing? The hidden fields are losing their value before posting to the external website. I've looked everywhere to see why this won't work.

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MVC Double Submit / Request Breaks SQL Connection

Jul 8, 2010

I am running into a strange problem I don't fully understand. The main symptom is that when I double click a link (that points to a controller action) in my MVC application, my database server connection gets blown, and I get the error :

Execution of the command requires an open and available connection. The connection's current state is broken.

If I step through starting at a breakpoint at the top of the controller action, it will step down a couple lines and then jump back up to the breakpoint. Somehow the first request isn't executing fully before the second one gets there, and somehow my database connection breaks when it gets to any query. Every time this happens, I have to restart the application server.

It was happening intermittently at first, but the double clicking of links seems to reproduce it everytime. Does this happen to anyone else? What am I missing here?

Update :

A.) I incorrectly tagged this as Linq-to-sql when we are actually using Linq-to-entities.
B.) The connection object is defined as a member variable of the controller :


I noticed in some of the tutorials they declare the variable in the same spot but have a separate constructor for the controller where the db object is initialized. Does this make any difference?

C.) The problem is not only with the double-clicking as described above. The connection breaks at other seemingly random times; I cannot seem to reproduce the error consistently (even double-clicking does not always break it). Restarting the web site usually fixes it, although sometimes I have to restart the host machine. After its back up, repeating the same sequence of actions usually does not reproduce the same error!

Maybe there's something I don't understand about setting up my linq-to-entities classes or the nature of the database connection. Does anyone have any thoughts? I really don't even know how to investigate this one!

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Prevent A LinkButton Double Click Inside An UpdatePanel

Nov 30, 2010

I have a LinkButton inside an UpdatePanel that I do not want the client to click more than once before the UpdatePanel refreshes its contents. Right now the link button initiates a partial postback for every client side click until the update panel has time to refresh. This particular link fires off a very expensive process which I'd rather not have run unnecessarily. Is there a .NET standard way of doing this? Whats a good solution for this?

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Web Forms :: Prevent Multiple Clicks On Submit?

Feb 16, 2011

prevent multiple clicks on Submit, I am using

//to prevent multiple clicks
this.imgGonder.Attributes.Add("onclick", "this.disabled = true;" + this.GetPostBackEventReference(this.imgGonder));
in PageLoad()...

this works fine while testing and %90 other users. But I still see some duplicates in database from other users.

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Forms Data Controls :: How To Submit The Page After Processing

Mar 16, 2010

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Web Forms :: Prevent Event Execution When User Refresh Browser After Submit Form

Jul 1, 2013

I am build Web site using 4.0 c# ... There are a forum on my website where user can save his personal details. my problem is that when user submit his detail in database and again refresh URL (f5),  event again arise and request go to server, double entry saved in database. How I can handle it.

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DataSource Controls :: Binding Getting Refreshed At Page Half Refresh

Jun 1, 2010

yes i know half post ack occurs but it does occur right?so why doesnt the dropdownlist get refreshed when the timer ticks on?. for alternative i tried manually clicking a button to create postback but still no refresh of connection of th list

<asp:ScriptManager ID="ScriptManager1" runat="server">
<br />
<asp:UpdatePanel ID="UpdatePanel2" runat="server">
<asp:Label ID="Label1" runat="server" Text="Status"></asp:Label>
<asp:Timer ID="Timer1" runat="server" Interval="6000">
<asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server"
AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataKeyNames="Username"
<asp:BoundField DataField="Username"
HeaderText="Username" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="Username" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Password"
HeaderText="Password" SortExpression="Password" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Code" HeaderText="Code"
SortExpression="Code" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Validated"
HeaderText="Validated" SortExpression="Validated" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Silenced"
HeaderText="Silenced" SortExpression="Silenced" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Full_Name"
HeaderText="Full_Name" SortExpression="Full_Name" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Batch" HeaderText="Batch"
SortExpression="Batch" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Department"
HeaderText="Department" SortExpression="Department" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="abuse" HeaderText="abuse"
SortExpression="abuse" />
<asp:BoundField DataField="Status" HeaderText="Status"
SortExpression="Status" />
<asp:CommandField ShowDeleteButton="True"
ShowEditButton="True" ShowHeader="True" ShowInsertButton="True"
ShowSelectButton="True" />
<br />
<asp:DropDownList ID="DropDownList1" runat="server"
DataSourceID="SqlDataSource2" DataTextField="Username"
<br />

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Forms Data Controls :: Hiding ListView Until Submit / First Navigate To The Page, The EmptyDataTemplate Is Shown?

Apr 9, 2010

I often have some controls (like TextBoxes) for input parameters at the top of a page followed by a ListView to show the results.

When submit is hit, the LIstView shows the results using ControlParameters in the SqlDataSource.

My problem is when you first navigate to the page, the EmptyDataTemplate is shown. This can confuse users.

What is the Best Practice for not showing the ListView or EmptyDatatemplate until there has been a Submit button press?

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Web Forms :: Simulate Submit (Post) Of Form - WebClient Class?

Dec 20, 2010

Using .Net framework 4.0I have a .net search application that reads values from regular html webforms submitted via the Post method. So the code to process these forms uses Request.form and looks like


I am writing a new .net application that needs to call this same search application.

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Databinding - Prevent Page From Automatically Binding Data Controls On The Page?

Dec 6, 2010

How can I prevent ASP.NET page from automatically binding data controls on the page? I want to increase performance and I want to do binding of each data control based on my own order.

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Web Forms :: Website Page Getting Refreshed Automatically

Aug 18, 2010

I have deployed my application in the test server, and did the settings correctly, but my websites pages are getting refreshed automatically in less than 2 mins.

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Web Forms :: Webform Page Does'nt Get Refreshed On Some Machines?

Jul 23, 2010

I have tweaked some button colors on a webform after updating those pages on server where iis is.From my local machine i can see the updated colors of button.But in some of the other users machines they still see the old webform.even though they refresh there IE.but when they use firefox they can see the new changes.What is wrong with IE, even after deleting cache still it is showing old webform.

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How To Prevent A Password Input From Clearing After Submit

Jun 30, 2010

If you have a page with an <asp:TextBox TextMode="Password" ... />.How can you keep the value after a postback?

This is my problem:At the registration screen of my app you need to enter a password. Then you click submit, a postback occurs and the password fields are cleared, how can I prevent the password field from clearing?

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Forms Data Controls :: Post Repeater's LinkButton Argument To Another Page?

Jul 8, 2010

I have a repeater with a nested LinkButton that passes record's unique identifier (ADRTYPECODE) to the same page.I would like to change its behavior to pass the same argument to a different aspx page.How do I make that page respond to an event fired by this button?




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Web Forms :: ReportViewer: Drillthrough Caused Whole Page Refreshed

Feb 16, 2011

I have a Reportviewer control linked to Report1.rdlc with a matrix with Drillthrough activiated.When I click the "+" buttons to drill through, even I enclosed the control with Penal etc it still caused the whole page refreshed which is annoying. The same Panel code works well on other controls on page on running.

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Web Forms :: Website Page Refreshed When Uploading File

Sep 17, 2010

I am using Standard control FileUpload to upload a simple file to server. When I select a file and submit, the page is refreshed to the file is uploaded to server. Then I using a UpdatePanel to perevent the refresh. But in this way the file is not uploaded and FileUploaded.HasFile property return false. What can I do?

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Web Forms :: The Page Cannot Be Refreshed Without Resending The Information Refresh Button?

Mar 11, 2010

I have a .aspx page that has menu control and multiviews Each view has a Grid view control and drop down boxes.

Iam getting an error if i click the refresh button on the ie browser

"The Page cannot be refreshed without resending the information

Click Retry to send the information or click cancel to return to same page that you are trying to view"

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DataSource Controls :: Data In Sql Read Is Not Getting Refreshed?

Feb 1, 2011

I am running the code below to read a sql table and populate the values into a list. This works on the first run through, but after the data has been processed, and the process then re runs, if the sql table has been modified externally, the read of the records does not change. I imagine it is being cached somwhere but as I re dim the dData variable, shouldn't it all be dropped and run afresh?


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