Forms Data Controls :: Repeater Doesn't Work Correctly When It's Included In A Wizard Control?

Jul 22, 2010

when i am trying to use a repeater to display data in a wizard control, everything seems worked as expected before i change the value of wizard's DisplaySideBar, here is my demo code:Test.aspx:




guys who intrest on this you can copy this code and test it on your pc, when we click the link button in repeater's item will do nothing at the first time but it will work when we click it again.i have debug this and found that when the page is not in post back, the linkbutton's id will be "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl01 _lbEdit" in prerender method but after render it will change to "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl04 _lbEdit", but when page have been post back, the clientid will be correct as "MainWizard_rpMain_ctl01_lbEdit" and then event can be fired correctly.i thought this is a bug of .net framework, when i set the value of wizard's DisplaySideBar, it will ask to re-create controls but repeater haven't clean the item's count and then recreate item will use wrong item index, i hope this message can be post to .net framework team and they can find out what's the matter on it.

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Dec 20, 2010

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I want to display a warning message and then open a panel on my form in response to a button click in my gridview.

I have used this on another form with a delete command in a gridview column and it work perfectly.

Why isn't it working with my select command ?

Here is the code:

CommandName="Select "
"return confirm='Are you sure that you want to delete this record ?');">Select</asp:LinkButton>
</ItemTemplate> </asp:TemplateField>

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Web Forms :: Wizard Move - Doesn't Work

Apr 20, 2010

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In the above code, ValidateSelectModelStep() returns false, and so the block of code is entered. urchaseWizard.MoveTo(this.SelectModelStep) is called, and yet the Wizard just continues on to the YourDetailsStep. This however is not he case for the other steps. When the validation fails on the other steps, and purchaseWizard.MoveTo(currentStep) is called, the Wizard correctly goes to the current step and displays the errorText. What is really bizarre, is that if I change the step that we want to go to when ValidateSelectModelStep() fails, the Wizard will correctly go to the specified step. So it seems as though there is only the problem with when you are on the first step, trying to MoveTo the first step. Even more so, is the fact that if I try to call purchaseWizard.MoveTo(this.SelectModelStep) from some other step in the wizard, it correctly brings you to the first step. Note: In the first step I have a repeater, which for the validation I need to loop through all of the items and find if one is selected. My Validation function for that works fine, and the MoveTo function does get called. (I checked it through debugging) Does anyone have any ideas why this is happening and how to stop it so my validation restricts progression through the wizard correctly?

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Forms Data Controls :: Nested Repeater Control Does Not Work?

Sep 8, 2010

I have a presentation to the CFO in two hours. I can't get a nested repeater control to work right, something to do with teh placement of the <table> tags I think.The first repeater first section works fine, then the child repeater shows the first child section right, but the next section of the parent repeater loses all the formatting applied at the parent table. I've tried vaious permutations of where to place the closing table tag of the outer and the inner and get different results, but never the right results.

Here is my current code:



These are the results I get:

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P.S. I'm using IE 7 and the Telerik 2009 Q3 ASP.NET AJAX suite.

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Is the wizard control tailored for ASP.NET MVC2 ? If not can it be fixed and how ?

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For example


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Forms Data Controls :: Button Within Repeater Does Not Work?

Jan 19, 2010

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Invalid postback or callback argument. Event validation is enabled using <pages enableEventValidation="true"/> in configuration"

But I then disabled event validation...when I disabled it I didn't get the error anymore, but the button remained useless.

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Nov 16, 2010

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<asp:GridView ID="grdEvents" runat="server" EnableTheming="False"
Height="385px" Width="1175px" HeaderStyle-CssClass="GridTitle" RowStyle-CssClass="GridOddText"
AlternatingRowStyle-CssClass="GridEvenText" AllowSorting="true" autogeneratecolumns="false" datakeynames="SERIAL,JOURNAL" >
<AlternatingRowStyle CssClass="GridEvenText"></AlternatingRowStyle>
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "SERIAL" DataField="SERIAL" Visible="false" />
<asp:CommandField AccessibleHeaderText="LOG" CausesValidation="False"
HeaderText="LOG" SelectText="View" ShowSelectButton="True" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "FIRSTOCCURRENCE" DataField="FIRSTOCCURRENCE" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "HOSTNAME" DataField="HOSTNAME" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "SUMMARY" DataField="SUMMARY" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "HDC" DataField="HDC" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "CATEGORY" DataField="CATEGORY" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "TYPE" DataField="TYPE" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "ITEM" DataField="ITEM" />
<asp:BoundField HeaderText = "JOURNAL" DataField="JOURNAL" visible="false"/>
<HeaderStyle CssClass="GridTitle"></HeaderStyle>
<RowStyle CssClass="GridOddText"></RowStyle>

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Forms Data Controls :: Code Doesn't Work?

Jul 28, 2010

TXTARIZATIP.Text=DropDownList3.SelectedItem.ToString(); i think it should be worked but it does not.

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Forms Data Controls :: Selected Row Value Doesn't Work?

Mar 17, 2010

sss As
String = thread.SelectedRow.Cells(1).Text

it gives me null refrence when i calling it in gridview's rowdeleting.

i cant get the value!

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView1_ItemUpdating Doesn't Work?

Mar 9, 2011

I've got in a gridview with two EditItemTemplate, which are dropdownlist. for the fisrt one I need autopostback because it's used in the second.So to bind the second dropdownlist, I'm useing the GridView1_ItemUpdating, but it doesn't work. It never goes into this funktion and so on updating the column with the second dropdownlist has Null values.What's wrong?That's my code:


and the c# code behind:



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Forms Data Controls :: Work With Repeater Itemtemplate Coding?

Feb 7, 2010

I have the following code in an aspx form for an asp:Repeater

<tr class='<%#Container.ItemIndex % 2 == 0 ? "normalRow" : "alternateRow" %>' >
<asp:LinkButton ID="LinkButton1" runat="server">blabla
<%#DataBinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ListName")%>

Which produces a syntax error (and a sqiggle blue underline) on

<%#Databinder.Eval(Container.DataItem, "ListName")%>

the build tells me I have an invalid character in the position before the opening <%

This only happens after I add the conditional class for the <tr> tag

"<tr class='<%#Container.ItemIndex..."

before I add the above line (to replace the <AlternatingItemTemplate>) everythings ok.

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Forms Data Controls :: DataBind() Doesn't Work In IE8 But Works In FF

Mar 22, 2010

i have a gridview that binds data after changes were made (delete,update..) and it's all done with the c# method DataBind() and i don't know why FF shows the changes but in IE8 the grid remains the same and only if i navigate back and refresh, then i see the changes.

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Forms Data Controls :: CheckBox In DataGrid Doesn't Work

Feb 25, 2010

I am making checkbox in datagrid, no matter what I try, I cannot get the right result from checkbox. Even I check or not check the checkbox, the result is false. It is like somehow the result is always the default value of the checkbox.

Here is code:

private void OrderButton_Click(object sender, System.EventArgs e)
CheckBox x;
foreach ( DataGridItem dgItem in DataGrid1.Items)
x = (CheckBox)dgItem.FindControl("OrderCheckBox");

And here is my html:


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Forms Data Controls :: Delete Doesn't Work In Gridview?

Apr 14, 2010

I have a gridview connected to my objectdatasource, i wrote a class for the database queries.Now when i do an update of record i get the id form the grid, when i click on delete i don't get the id, its 0.Is there an option to set the id? i can't find it in the gridview.

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Forms Data Controls :: GridView Edit-update Doesn't Work

Nov 23, 2010

Can't tell what is wrong here . It worked fine and I didn't did anything special in code-behind

I don't see any error just the same data in gridview


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Forms Data Controls :: FormView Doesn't Work In InsertMode Or EditMode

Mar 29, 2011

by default, my formview loads up to Editmode and it looks like this:


My Page_load looks like this:


Problem is if binding is not ran during postback here, buttons on the ItemInsert mode DO work, but the button on the ItemEdit mode DON'T work. However, if I don't bind the fv1 here during postback, controls will not load on the formview ItemEdit mode and databinding will not occur.

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Forms Data Controls :: Why Doesn't The FormView PageIndexChanged Work Properly

Jan 7, 2011

I thought that the "PageIndexChanged" is fired after the index has changed?

In other words when I'm at page 1 with a labelnumber 11 and I click on page 2, where the labelnumber =
22 and I do

the event "PageIndexChanged" I got the number "22" if I do the following code:


But that is not what happens I still got the labelnumber from page 1.

Did I understand the "PageIndexChanged" event wrong or is this a bug?

Because this is not working does somebody know how to solve this problem?

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