When page load it is invisible. I have a button1 onclick make it visible and people can input data the press insert. I set it invisible right in Formview Insert eventhandler code.
When people click that button1 again to add 2nd record the form appear again as desired. However, the data from 1st record is still there.
What code I can make in eventhandler to make sure when button1 is clicked the Formview does not contain any data from last entry ?
The formview clear the data from 1st record if I did not set visible/invisible.
I have create user wizard control and i put validation control for all field but when i close user control that validators dint clear in firefox or but clear in IE
I've read that you should write repeaterControl.DataSource = null to clear the items in the control, but it doesn't work. Does anyone have any tips or links to articles about this problem?
I have a detail view form consist of five fields my 1st field is jobnumber which is primary key i want to do that when user by mistake enter the duplicate jobnumber error occur that this is already used how can i do this ?
Iam using the Gridview control for inserting the records in Database i placed the controls in TemplateField tag like Textboxes and DropDownlist but when page executes nothing is displaying in the control Is there any way to get it work or i must have to define the datasource for the Gridview Control????
And more textboxes like the above way but there is no Bound Field because iam going to insert the record in DB while placing the controls in Gridview Control
I have a requirement, where-in once a file is upoaded using the AsyncFileUpload control, I want the name of the uploaded file to be removed from the AsyncFileUpload control and it should show blank (as it was when the page was first loaded). Also, the control should allow uploading the same file immediately after the first upload is complete(assuming that the user deciedes to update the file after the first upload and wants to immediately upload the updated version of the file).
Is it possible to dynamically (and generically) clear the state of all of a user control's child controls? (e.g., all of its TextBoxes, DropDrownLists, RadioButtons, DataGrids, Repeaters, etc -- basically anything that has ViewState)
I'm trying to avoid doing something like this:
foreach (Control c in myUserControl.Controls) { if (c is TextBox) { TextBox tb = (TextBox)c;
...but obviously that doesn't exist. Is there any easy way to accomplish this dynamically/generically?
I need from a ascx (control_A) load dynamically another user control (Control_B), for do that I use LoadControl passing parameters to the control_B's constructor, in this way:
I have a page that deploys a user control to display an article. The page will show a different article depending on the ID parameter fed in via querystring, and there are many thousands of articles in our db. Here is the problem: I need to cache the user control to improve performance. But editors constantly need to go in and make changes/corrections, which they want to appear instantly on the site. Is it possible to clear the cache for a specific article only once it has been edited? ie for the request article.aspx?id=123? If so how would I do this? Otherwise, if the cache is cleared for all our content every time a single piece of content is edited, it will defeat the object of caching in the first place. I have tried using a cache key as recommended here: [URL] However, this apporach suffers from the drawback mentioned above. have also seen that you can set caching up to be cleared by changes to the db. However, the particular table concerned holds content for a number of other sites and would also have the same disadvantage.
I am using CreateUserWizard control on my admin page.After successfully creating a user with the control, it displays "Complete Your account has been successfully created."After clicking on continue button it sets the ActiveStepIndex Correctly.The problem is, while it sets the ActiveStepIndex correctly, it retains the old user account credentials.
It keeps telling me that the ItemName field is NULL, and throws an error, even though I can plainly see the value is being set in the textbox. Why is this value being thrown as NULL? Do I need to manually create the INSERT statement before I call the Insert()? How would I go about doing that?
I have a formview and I opened it in Insert mode where the fields were all blank as I expected. I then entered some data into the fields but instead of clicking insert I clicked cancel. I then entered the formView in Insert mode again and the previous data was still present.
how to set it up so it will be cleared if cancel was pressed?
How do I dynamically insert a control before another control in asp.net. Lets say control1 is some control on the web page and I want to dynamically create and insert a table just before control1.
table1 = new Table(); table1.ID = "Table1";
but what comes next? To add a control as a child I would do: control1.Controls.Add(table1); but how on earth do I insert table1 as the previous sibling of control1 ?
I have a gridview that has a radiobuttonlist ( YES/NO ) selections. but since you cant uncheck once selected, they are asking to add a clear option so that if they make a mistake they can clear it..
How can i do that within a gridview so that they can clear any mistakes prior to submission?
I have a loop checking all my radiobuttons to perform an update, so if i would like to be able to clear the selection as soon as the click on "Clear" so when they submit, that row shows as if it was never selected.