Forms Data Controls :: Adjust Gridview Column Widths?
Apr 1, 2011
Earlier,I was having UltrawebGrid control in my aspx page.Due to performance issues, we have replaced it with asp:GridView control.We needall the functionalities implemented with the UltrawebGrid using the gridview.With UltrawebGrid , the user was allowed to adjust the column widthsby dragging and save it.Is there any possible way to achieve this using GridView?
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Text='<%# Eval("VCArea") %>'
I test the FormView by changing the width property and it doesn't affect the width of the column. The <th control in the layout template has a width="60" that appears to be working. If I remove the <asp:label from the <td in the Item and AlternateItem templates, the width is set to 60. When I paste the <asp:label back into the <td, the width of the column increases to about 200px even though the width is set to 10. I set the backcolor to Aqua to see the label and it is about 200 px widt.
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Sep 24, 2010
when i use datagrid its like this
column1 colum2 colum3
10000 50000 300
100 200 1000
i do not want to sum it in footer but like this
column1 colum2 column3
10100 50200 1300
and the other is i have 110 column its long long 2 meters on screen, how can i adjust it 10 colum and down to other 10 colum
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Aug 2, 2010
I have an asp:Table. Its with is 100%. This table has only one row but 6 columns. The width of first 5 column is fixed at 150px. The last one does not have its Width specified and so it takes up the rest. The whole row has a background. If any of the first 5 column is clicked, the background of that cell is changed to white.In my development computer, the last column has about 250px. Yet in user computer, as the monitor has a smaller resolution, the last column has only 30px or so. User complains it is ugly and wish to merge the last column with the previous one. How to do so?
Source code:
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You know how when you put your cursor over the line that seperates 2 columns of a grid, the cursor turns into a 2 headed arrow and allows you to adjust the width of the column? How do you allow this with a gridview?
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May 25, 2010
I wanted to ask what is the best practice to manage width of the radGrid.
For my application most users are running 1280 x 1024 so I would be happy to set my overall grid width to 1100. However, depending on the form in use, I sometimes have horizantal scroll bars. To solve this, I have been playing with the width of the grid, and also I have played with setting the itemstyle-width for one or two columns. Sometimes I accidentally get it right, and sometimes it is not quite right.
What is the best way to manage this? Do I set the grid, and then all columns, or just the grid, or just the columns? I guess there is a best practice, so just wondering how you handle it,
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Here is my code:
The problem is my third row is displayed as a row under first column. How do I make it a separate column in my girdview. Not sure what is going wrong.
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Jul 26, 2010
My current code to attempt to set widths for the rows on a gridview is:
protected void RowDataBound(Object sender, GridViewRowEventArgs e)
if (e.Row.RowType == DataControlRowType.Header)
foreach (DataControlFieldHeaderCell dcfhc in e.Row.Cells)
dcfhc.Width = 100;
foreach (DataControlFieldCell dcfc in e.Row.Cells)
dcfc.Width = 100;
But that just keep all of the widths default! What am I doing wrong?
EDIT: I have already tried thise code as well!
PoolToDBHeaders.DataSource = new DataView(headerTable);
foreach (DataControlField dcf in PoolToDBHeaders.Columns)
dcf.ItemStyle.Width = 100;
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